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Make your acquaintance unusual

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Make your acquaintance unusual

Sometimes the introduction of a rather ordinary event can be turned into an exciting holiday, this Broadway show. Remember the movie "Amelie." Main character has arranged an idea to get acquainted with the man of your dreams. She is forever intrigued him, sending him clues and puzzles. She made him look for it. And it worked perfectly.

In our daily life desperately needs a holiday. Not only men are able to make a romantic crazy things. Women, too, can awaken in the soul of man liked vivid emotions and feelings. Make your acquaintance unusual. Let this event memorable for you both. For example, I was once sent on Valentine's Day card complete stranger guy.

My ex odnogruppnitsa Angelica loved to use the journalistic crust for personal purposes. Generally it does not work in a profession, and was a sales manager. But the press card, deftly forged by another freshman, has always been with me. Barely caught sight of an attractive guy, Angelica rushes to him, waving his crust, and introducing the well-known correspondent for the newspaper, claimed that she urgently needed to interview him.

One of the most exciting yet casual acquaintances had happened to my friend Faith. Seeing in the park man of her dreams, thoughtfully smoking on the bench, Vera went to the nearest shop and bought a pack of cigarettes. Sitting down to a young man, she asked for a light. The young man obligingly took a lighter, but a light Vere failed. After all, she he has never smoked. However, Faith is not confused:

- Young man, can you show me how to do it, but I do not know how to smoke.

Chuckling, the guy nevertheless taught the Faith to smoke. Until she mastered a difficult skill, they could talk.
- Hey, why did you start smoking? What has happened? - Finally asked a new acquaintance.

- No, just wanted to find a reason to meet you - honestly girl.

This year, their son is five years old.

Girls, do not be afraid to be romantic, extravagant, crazy. Do not be afraid to make a funny and romantic madness. It's so wonderful when history dating turns bright and outstanding. Even if as a result of your effort you do not get a serious novel, an unforgettable experience for both of you are guaranteed.
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