Male and female facilities
Complexes - is what prevents us from living. This is not necessarily something real, rather our attitude to its qualities, exaggerating the value of some imaginary or even real its shortcomings. Here is the current complex - a woman shy of his body and is afraid of intimacy, afraid to seem not so perfect as the stars of screen and stage, which usually exhibit quite frankly its excellence in all the appropriate and inappropriate situations. A few examples of how those who have been wiser to hide the fact that not too attractive, completely without any complexes have laid it out. Nobody wants to look the same. Thus, the demonstration of a general openness is overly critical attitude, even at very attractive women. I know many examples of this. And then, the constant talk about sexuality ... Is this the same thing as beauty, so as to advertise? Many normal people is rejection of the concept of imposing sexuality, come what may.
I think a woman has a right to be sexual then and so, when and with whom it considers it necessary and possible. But the media! As they hammered all about the notorious sexuality! No, to even the attractiveness! Perhaps, our women and should be a little bit liberated, but that in the sense of being free, not to be compelled to look sexy! This kind of stupidity, throw it out of my head, woman, you do not have anything to anyone. Who wants to dress frivolously, who is not configured playfully - it shows their behavior and clothing. Boorish some sort of expression, especially when you hear it every time you turn on your television. This is especially nice when the kids watch it with you, and you have ten pounds of excess weight. And more. Your husband is quite satisfied with your figure, look at the elderly diva in a mini-skirt and makes the fastidious observations.

Next, you analiziruesh your weight, age, silently swallow it all, not to submit the form - it will only unnecessary talk, and God forbid, and sarcastic remarks. Ending is quite sad. In the evening, you shudder to think that you lie down in bed with my husband (whom you love), which has just demonstrated his attitude towards the ladies of your age, your body type and claiming to be sexy. And they tell us about our contrived complexes. The point is not that women have a lot of complexes about her appearance. The fact that its shortcomings are constantly reminded. What to do? Throw it all out of my head. Easy to say.
Try another option. Try to find yourself in what you like. Focus on this "something" that is taken into account when choosing clothes, hairstyles, manners. Make sure that those who are jealous of you, have a lot of shortcomings. One - of small stature, the other - does not know how nice walk, a third a nasty voice, and while they themselves enjoy. The best way to come up with a friend of mine. She hung near her desk pictures of Barbara Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg and a few of our Russian actresses. Looking at them, women who might wish to correct surgically everything that they nedodala nature, however, could be loved, popular, successful, and so that they do not lack for male attention and it is a happy - this is something that should be sought. Help!
In fact, all this talk that women are most pronounced complexes associated with the appearance, small breasts, big nose, and so on - almost entirely nonsense. These complexes are usually held by the age of twenty-five. Woman finds himself unable to cause love, unattractive, or unlucky - and looking for the cause - that's the real truth about this complex. And then his chest! She just looking for the answer to the question - why - and she slips this answer. That's why after the surgery and feel cheated. The attractiveness of the value of the chest is not born. It is born from the consciousness of itself worthy of love.
Deeper complexes - the fear of loneliness, fear of being abandoned, fear of losing reputation, fear for the child - this is serious. The origins of these fears and complexes to be found in childhood, are usually not very happy. What should I do? Forgive your parents what they have wronged you and forgive yourself for what you are dormant evil to them. It is difficult, but it helps. The same thing will tell you and the psychologist. In general, male and female facilities are directly related to how a person relates to himself. Try to love yourself, do not have samoedstvom constantly try to realize their individuality and the right to be themselves. But this does not mean that we should not follow the appearance of children and their good name. Try to act the way you think worthy, and do not be afraid.
The most important thing for a woman who complexes interfere live - is to repeat itself, that no one has the right to make you ashamed of yourself, be what you created and the nature of externally and internally. But at the same time strive for excellence in the version which imagined it to yourself. But seek or not - this is, after all, also your own business.
Because of what a complex man
Men complexes can be calculated from the fact that psychologists have written about women's complexes. As for the exterior, the strong half of them are not free. They mainly relate to growth of vegetation on the head, and sweating. Much has been written about it, but psychologists believe that complex - it is something that can be treated from the inside. That is, it's not growing, bald, or even in something, and that the failures attributed to these people as they consider a disadvantage. There is a fairly long list of men that these complexes do not interfere. Small growth was Pushkin, the famous womanizer, Napoleon, who liked women, not only for what was the emperor, many men today, which is recognized as interesting, for example, Oleg Gazmanov and even President Putin. Perhaps they are experiencing or have experienced some complexes regarding their growth, but they do not affect their attractiveness and self-realization, maybe even vice versa.
Men who feel that their vegetation in mind prevents them live, all hairdressers and designers are advised to hairstyles shave his head completely. It gives a man a charm, believe me. The Council is the same - find a decent positive examples. Wife or beloved, these secrets open, going for a long time, no need to - she knows them a long time, do not be fooled. But this does not prevent her from loving you! The next series of male complexes - is that in today's life, many men after thirty years are beginning to think that nothing has been done, the achievements of the special no money too, and generally, once it all goes for nothing, like a squirrel in a wheel ... Dear Russian men after thirty years! The fact that you survived all cataclysms that have occurred in your share, already a success, and even some.
If you do not have a career that we dream about, then you do more - keep the family, raise children, have not disappeared and will not be lost! You could, if it refused to close, but nobly pulling a strap for his family, refusing to unnecessary risk, for what your woman you immensely grateful! Nothing will grow up kids, and you become more free, will be able to take risks or do so dreamed about. Many people achieve success in adulthood. Intimate complexes men - a reality for them. Those who have it, you can find a lot of literature that can convince them of this. And what we want to say - women like smart, decent, strong and generous men. We are all sinners, and sometimes we get on a fishing rod like the one that is caught Natasha Rostov, but the true love of women feel towards those who may come to their unselfish friend, a devoted lover and father of their children.