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Male and female facilities in bed

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Male and female facilities in bed
How many of us do not have complexes? I think that people without complexes simply does not exist, just so-called people "without complexes" are removed from their fears and weaknesses of the benefit they perceive and love themselves for what they are. We often hear that the time masculine women and feminine men, pomelchal now man. I would say - a man wised up and became more cunning. If a woman wants to make herself or to be the main one, why not? Many men of this approach to life seem easier, but what man does not love a carefree life? So that pretty women do not believe in fairy tales about weak men who are not, they become weaker, we are stronger, because men really convenient. Yet similar weakness is present in every representative of the stronger sex.

Even the most passionate Casanova to tremble at the knees fears drop a clanger at the next interview, but the most sexy macho man in the depths of my subconscious often criticizes his manhood. If women can be a bit of humor to recall their first sexual failures, then simply strangle the man than to tell you how he suffered a crushing fiasco, getting lessons of love from her the first woman. Men somehow believe that we women are savoring the details of their "misfires" in bed, mock and laugh at them - nothing like this! We can laugh except that men fixated on their sexual complexes, which from a single mention of proximity is faint, not to mention the fact to move from theory to practice.

Men's fears

Typically, the complexes appear at the beginning of a relationship. When partners are long lived together most of the complexes eroding, however, only if the woman does not pin up a man and can not go against his masculine power and sexuality of ironic jokes. The most common range of most men - it's worries about the size of manhood. The next horror story - and suddenly snaps! Generally all bed experiences of men are reduced to their "friend" may fail at any moment, and they do not meet the expectations of women. According to them, shoot better than to hear the sighs of frustration from a woman or something like "I expected more from you."

What's not to say a naked man

If you really want a memorable sex and you are absolutely not interested to see next to a fixation on the sexual problems of men - Heed to what you're talking to him in bed. Sometimes a seemingly harmless joke on masculinity, a man can do almost impotent. No need to giggle and call it a penis: "Tayeb", "Pupsik", "sosisochkoy", "boy-spalchikom" etc. Not worth talking about the dignity of man, using diminutive words, only if the man himself wants it. Also, do not intentionally exaggerate the sexuality of men, calling him a "Sex giant", and the penis "giant" - an open hypocrisy will have the same effect as a joke. Avoid the following phrases: "Is it in you today some vyalenky ....", "May be simply lie down?", "Poor thing, and then he wrinkled?", "No, today is clearly not your day ...." In this case, the adage is true - "In a word could kill"

Female complexes

But not only men complex in bed, we women sometimes they do not give in to his obsession for their shortcomings. Well, tell me what woman does not survive in the first place about their breasts and in general shape as a whole? Many women have a complex about their genitals, they feel uncomfortable when a man tries to caress them. The most common horror story - what would happen if I did not experience orgasm? He'll think I'm frigid! Women are afraid to seem clumsy and not sexy.

What not to say a naked woman

In order not to exacerbate women's fears and complexes are not worth talking about naked women following phrases: "The clothes you look much thinner," that you break, as a virgin, "" I'm in a hurry, so come on in a hurry "," well, you're straight, like my ex ... "

Scatter myths

Now let us look at the validity of our fears and begin, of course, with the men. The most common range of men - a set of smaller members. Why do some men think that all women dream about a huge penis. This is the most common misconception. The average length of a woman's vagina - 8 cm, at least 10-11cm, sometimes longer, but this is rare. There are also short vagina - 4 cm We will build on average, the vagina may still 3-4 cm stretch, we end up with 11-12 cm, as distinguished from what you have decided that a woman needs a dildo 30 cm long?

Moreover, a long penis for women with an average length of vagina, and a short vagina, can become not a source of pleasure, and cause genital diseases. Big penis hurt woman's genitals. The next important point - the cervix does not take such an active part in the climax, as the clitoris! In most cases the discrepancy between the parameters of reproductive organs, can be corrected by certain postures and techniques of sexual intercourse!

Now let's talk about women's complexes. Most women worry about the size of their breasts. I want to assure you that men who like small breasts too much. And then the men appreciate a woman figure as a whole. If the lady has a 5-second breast size and thus it has no waist, big butt and coarse facial features, a man unlikely to come from her enthusiasm only because of her 5-th size! You can have a large and ugly sagging breasts and a small but beautiful and resilient. So do not worry about their volume!

Get rid of complexes!

Men must understand that failure in sex are all the most important thing to do from this tragedy. Typically, a loving woman draws attention to "misfire" men, and if sharpens and makes fun of you, so think maybe it is not in you and your partner? If the problem began to wear a permanent nature, and in this case there is a way - go to the doctor, more importantly, that all fixable! Advise women not to be ashamed of their breasts, and allows a man to love yourself completely full, not excluding the most intimate corners of your body. Men and women must first and foremost to love your body with the centimeters and the volume of what they have. Only when this happens, you will be able to get rid of all their "bed" complex!
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