Male fern from the evil eye, damage
The root of the fern, worn on the body, protects from witchcraft.
• ground powder dry roots sprinkled various ulcers.
• Decoction of roots taken inside when the sciatic nerve disease, sexually transmitted diseases.
• Young runners take inside the prostate, but because they are rich in zinc, used in the treatment of diabetes.
• infusion of rhizomes to drink vodka with dry pleurisy.
50g roots pour 250ml of vodka. Week to insist in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally, strain, take a 10-15kapel 3 times a day.
• From the wounds of fresh fern leaves rubbed with butter and applied to the sore spot.
• Broth fern, sweetened with honey, kills worms and worms in the body. But before taking to eat a clove of garlic.
• Externally a decoction of rhizomes are used for baths, rubdowns and lotions, with leg cramps, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, festering wounds and ulcers. 50g dried or 100g fresh rhizomes simmer 1 hour in a 3-5litrah water use for the bath at a temperature of 28-30 ° C.
Decoction of the root kills the fetus in the womb, so it absolutely can not accept pregnant women.
Eliminates the harmful effect of fern tsitvarnaya wormwood, and substitute a dodder.