Male for friendship
Smoothies, macho womanizer ... dubious gentlemen and totally useless husbands. Nevertheless, in the life of any girl can happen to a situation where society is macho to be most suitable for her, and his help invaluable. Thus, the smoothies are very necessary in our world. Why? This is the second question. Many girls think that windy, polygamous Cavaliers can not bring nothing but tears, resentment, mistrust, betrayal and heartbreak. But it is not so! If you have a chance, be sure to write down in his notebook the number of at least one friend's attractive macho. Useful! Ask, when? But in some cases.
1.Ty just broke up with the love of his life and is absolutely not ready for another serious relationship. You're smashed, broken and lost faith in their female attractiveness. Call a friend rather macho. Consider it a kind of intimate doctor. Casanova generous with compliments, and know how to seduce beautiful. You bring back the confidence in their sexuality and easy to prepare for a new relationship. By the way, you do not have to pay for such therapy sex. Can you just go on a date, and then innocently claim that has not yet moved away from a painful break, get up early for work, etc.
2.B your life have not been men. Suitable suitors on the horizon yet to be seen, but still want sex. In this case, the macho act as the boys on call, who do not have to pay for it.
3.U you have some crazy unrealized fantasy. For example, if you want to drive on the week-end in Paris. Or to have sex in an elevator. Or participate more in something crazy. That's the most macho adventurous and easy to move. They will support any initiative of your so that you can safely refer to them with the most unusual requests!
Zhenatiki far the most promising lovers, but they make great men for friendship and advisers! Communicate with a married man is very convenient and profitable! And here's why ... Remember Charlotte from "Sex and the City." She longed to marry. And in order to realize its long cherished desire, it first became hobnob with married men. At first glance - this is absolutely stupid and empty exercise. He's married! How can a family man can help an unmarried girl to arrange their personal lives?
First, married men are distinguished some experience. So, these men can give you good advice. That they know that may tempt a man to a marriage proposal, and that, in contrast, will cool his ardor. Thus, listening to the opinion of experienced people, you can easily master all the subtleties and wisdom "of the marriage of management, as well as hunting for potential husbands.
Secondly, the married men are always typed in stock a couple of idle friends. A get acquainted through a friend is always easier and more convenient than just on the street or in a pub. So it is possible that married friends can easily find you an excellent prospective boyfriend. Incidentally, the wife of thy friends zhenatikov will actively help you. After all, in their best interest that a) you finally found her own happiness and stopped constantly revolve around their husbands and b) all the friends of their husbands were added to secure the girls (friends of bachelors - it's just the trouble, they always strive to take away your man is on football, then to the sauna, then somewhere else).
So make friends with married useful and beneficial. At the same time you get an opportunity to observe someone else's family life and learn from others' mistakes. Once you find your true love, you'll be able to apply their valuable knowledge into practice.
Cool man its weight in gold!
It would seem that to do with a man who is absolutely indifferent to you and whom you love without reciprocity? Most girls just sad sigh, shrug their shoulders and say: "Nothing." Unless carefully hide the shameful fact of the existence of such a man, not interested in your charms ... In fact, this is a huge mistake! For indifferent to you man, you can use a variety of purposes and as a man for friendship , including!
1.Ravnodushny man - a great incentive. Stimulus prettier, develop careers, work on yourself and your appearance. If you have in your life was just one man who did not respond to you in return, it certainly has for you something like a challenge. Oh, we are so cold? Okay, let's see how you zapoesh when I repainted the hair, buy a foreign car sport, wear a mini and become vice-president of the largest firms. Would it then stand? Admit it, this is very interesting and useful experiment. Even if after all your metamorphosis he begins to descend on you crazy, you still will be pleasant to sit in his sports car, a coquettish shake shiny hair, and say to himself: "Life was a success." They say that love - the sea on the knee. But in fact, happy love very often relaxes the person. He does not want to think about anything except his beloved. Unrequited love, by contrast, often encourages career growth, Napoleon's plans and a bright future. Admit it, this is a sin not to use.
2.Ravnodushny man - a great barometer. Since his eyes are not clouded with love for you, he says you can trust one hundred percent. If a man says that today you look great, be confident - it really is. For indifferent men - the most dispassionate and objective judge.
3.Ravnodushny man - a great lesson. What did he teach you? Who knows ... Maybe for you it's a chance to learn not to take other people's opinion too much to heart. Or, conversely, a pointer to the fact that something in your behavior and appearance is not so. Try to understand what it is in life you have to teach it indifferent to you man, and uses this information.
Many of the girls over the years met and lived with the henpecked, while the gentlemen of them, as we have already managed to find out useless. Why so long do not rush this strange relationship? In other words, what is so good and the henpecked as his invaluable benefits on the farm that the girl willingly suffer faintness and weakness of character? In fact, despite the fact that henpecked - just nevazhnetskie husbands, and they are great helpers. Communication with the henpecked gives you a truly enchanting opportunity to receive the necessary assistance to you absolutely free.
You can calmly ask henpecked friend meet you at the airport, help with a dissertation on a computer or install new programs. Men of this type are always undermine fulfill your request, whatever it may cost them (except when the henpecked too busy with their own appreciation of the vagaries of the girls).
In addition, the henpecked great effect on women's self-esteem. Any other man may criticize your outfit or a new hairdo. But do not henpecked. If you need a favorable, encouraging calmness and confidence review, feel free to ask his opinion. Another important function of any henpecked - is to instill in her heart the hope and faith ... What must be confessed, often men have been disappointing. And a lot of women at different stages of their lives come to an involuntary conclusion that all men "goats and swine" and that "none of them is normal" and that "everything is hopeless, I will never marry."
Yeah, sometimes male behavior may inspire in us all these pessimistic thoughts. And here we have it appears that he did not offer his hand and heart, never give flowers for no reason and never give up football with friends in favor of the visits from his girlfriend. But it is necessary to monitor the behavior of the henpecked, and - lo and behold - we see something quite different, unusual for us to male behavior. A guy prepares his girlfriend dinner, carry out any of its moods, ignores calls to friends, when she is near. We understand that in general, all men are very different, but because every girl there is hope to find just a prince.