Male - gigolo
One summer I traded in the market of bananas. Is coming in the evening, my "bosses", is seen to have forgotten about me, so I sat among boxes angry and hungry. Bananas already was sick, really wanted to leave everything and go home. Here comes the man ... I noticed it long ago, he strolled the market with a delicious pie in his hands. What if my hungry eyes so affected him, or whether the man was good by nature, but soon he came to me with a steaming pie plates and sat down beside him.
- "Here, eat" - said my savior, and he lit a cigarette. I was uncomfortable in my stomach revolting zaurchalo. In parting, a man handed me a business card with phone number - "Call tomorrow, I'll find you a better job." Eugene was an extremely nice guy. From the first meeting, he surprised me with a confession - "You just do not be offended, but as a woman you are interested in me." Thus began our friendship. Anxious part Genis to my life and help, which I was surrounded, made these societies. A week later, followed by another confession - "You know, a woman in one night, I always find, and you are dear to me as a friend."

If I had problems, my dear friend resorted to the first call, and demanded nothing in return. He brought food, gave my children gifts, came in just to lie down on his favorite couch with the newspaper in his hands. Sometimes, he said with another passion, and arranged a small party. I realize how much is won, not adding to his list, because to be another enjoyable. By the way, Jack had a wonderful scent for women and was the usual Alfonso. He did not conceal the fact that he lives at the expense of the rich "chickens", using their money, and instead of giving them something that can not give a woman or a man.
Eugene does not fill his price. All the ladies with whom he had ever met, even after the break continued to treat Genia with trepidation. Neither one of them Jack is not throwing good, he would often ring up all their "lapushek-zaek, someone took out permits in a camp for children, someone wrote to a friend the doctor. He spent huge amounts of money, but once a year on March 8 all gave gifts. Often I tried to understand: how he manages ohmurit rich lady, put on shoes - dress for her money and remain in her eyes the best man in the world? Likely, Genia on the nature of ladies' man, even as a gigolo, he is natural and very welcomed. And yet, I'm glad I stayed just a friend.
Thorns and Roses
When I first saw this man, I'm five minutes covered tetanus. Its appearance it resembled a tramp, an artist or a bum. It turned out that the ragged jeans, shoulder-length hair and soiled sweaters - not a sign of poverty and lifestyle. In my house Paul has led some of the guests, he seemed sullen and reclusive: a whole evening sitting in the corner, looking at me with those black eyes. Close to midnight, he went into the corridor, a long time with someone talking on the phone, and an hour on my door bell rang. On the threshold stood a young guy with a huge bag in his hands, from which protruded proudly red roses. The guests gasped, and only Paul was not surprised at anything. Out of the bag, I got a bottle of expensive wine, fruit and cake - all this gave the stranger with the words "this is for you." My strange visitor quietly vanished, but not disappeared completely. Silent siege lasted six months and, when that same guy handed me the flowers, I know - they are from Paul. Then, suddenly, Paul said ...
His love for bogey, and that he was married three times - alarming, and yet I agreed to live together. My apartment filled imported equipment was started repairing and rearranging furniture. Somehow unnoticed Paul settled down and started impudent: I went to work, it is - lying on the couch; yagotovila and wash it - went to his friends. A month later, I see! Paul came to me with one package, all Vidic - not his business stalled, however, as Paul's love for me. This man has a good a job! So I thought, and brought together in a bundle of his few worldly possessions. As naive as I was, thinking that gigolo on the good will abandon the feeder! Another three months a "favorite" cried under my windows, what I am ungrateful trash. He called me up at night and begged forgiveness in the name of his great love. But I was adamant, and Paul was silent.
I wonder who now ohmuryaet Pavel? Of course, he found himself a rich fool, and lives in clover. It's so hard to resist when you care for gallant, when your feet throw red roses! Would not get hurt on the spikes ... I do not know whether or not to join this thread to the coin box of female wisdom, but I'm sure of one thing: a lot of male gigolos, and therefore women must somehow defend themselves against these "cute friends." The main thing - do not lose self-esteem and not to waste time, or turn into a cash cow without a murmur. Throw in the neck gigolos, in our century of good men is enough!
Incidentally, the cunning ploy to unravel the gigolos are not complex enough to know a couple of tricks. Several of these secrets told to me "dear friend" Eugene and I, in turn, will reveal them to you. Man - Alfonso is by nature not only ladies man, he is a shrewd psychologist. Sitting in front of you and looking into your eyes, he starts a intimate conversation, while he himself, as if by accident, stroking the leg side or gently compresses the arm lighter. He does it in a complex system: you say - his hand is idle, so as not to distract you, "he says - starts subtle manipulation, the effect of the woman inadvertently takes over.
Asking you to simply, at first glance, questions about what you like and what you like, the man looks at you and smiles benevolently. Once you begin to answer: "I love ..." "I prefer ..." - his eyes moved slightly to the left of your shoulder and arm quietly performs the same action (for example, adjusts his tie, or stroking his chin). You have produced a conditioned reflex to the gesture, and in the future, should the man rubbed his chin or touch the tie, as in your head breaks out - "I love ..." "I like ...." But now the phrase is associated not with a favorite movie or spirits, but with a particular man.
Of course, not all Alphonsa strong in psychology, but they are all extremely clever - no doubt. Once told me about the two ladies' conqueror of hearts, who acted in concert. We first became acquainted with the women "Number One" and his task was to: determine addiction ladies, its weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Then Knight was serving in an unknown direction, and the stage went "number two". It was he who became a truly "ideal" to which all life dreamed of a woman. Poor thing even had no idea that romantic appearance passionate Brahms or Tyutchev - just rehearsed mask. Well, I scared you, ladies? Now in every smoothie you will chuditsya gigolo, and from any signs of attention from men you will begin to shy as the devil from holy water. It is appropriate to remember not saying "better safe than sorry", and eternal wisdom: "forewarned - that is armed."