Man Runaway
Psychological studies show that people "fugitive" often becomes such and finds its habits, fears and demeanor at a very early, infancy. Fathers of these men are often rejected children, abandon them, not wanting to have a son and not giving him the right to exist. Such people tend to distinguish lean physique. They may look very young even to have shrunken and frightened, haunted look.
Such people are pretty smart. Vysokoduhovnye and deny the wealth. Often torn between great love and perfect hatred. May see themselves as worthless, useless and have difficulties of a sexual nature. "Runaways" seek privacy and often want to be invisible. They believe that no one understands.
How did "catch" this kind of men? And whether it is worth spending time on them? If you encounter such a man, a fugitive , of course, you have a chance for mutual happiness. It should be noted that this is quite promising gentleman, for he is likely modest, unpretentious, enjoyable fellowship, and decent. To have your life together was harmonious, uncomplicated follow these instructions.
1.Tak as your lover hates being the center of attention and public interest in his personality is his stress, try to understand it and provide him an environment in which it can "get lost". Do not worry, that he feels abandoned at a crowded party. Conversely, if you will draw everyone's attention to him, asking, for example, say a toast, he stushuetsya, confused and feel uncomfortable. So I respect his right to anonymity and privacy.
2.Do not judge too harshly of his reluctance to pursue material wealth. "The Fugitive" could easily say something like: "Fewer things - less of a problem." Such people can avoid buying a country cottage or car because they believe that such acquisitions do not bring anything but a hassle.
3.Takie men are most afraid of panic. Therefore, try to keep calm and balanced. Ability to dissipate the fear and do not make a mountain out of a molehill really help you in dealing with the "fugitive".