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Man and woman live in different worlds

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Man and woman live in different worlds

Women and men, of course, differ greatly from each other. But do not think that one of them is better or worse, just that they are completely different. Perhaps the only thing is they have in common - is that they are members of the same species. Men and women live in different worlds. They have different life values and priorities, and follow them in the life of different rules and principles. These provisions are known to virtually all members of both sexes, but few of them (especially men) are aware of it. But the truth is precisely the point.

Take such evidence: Approximately 50% of all prisoners in Western countries, sooner or later marriages end in divorce, and quite often just to enter into relations broken off prematurely. Women and men, regardless of their race, their upbringing in different cultures and diverse environment all the time, tirelessly trying to challenge the behavior, opinions, beliefs and attitudes of their partners. I would like to tell you some of the obvious. A man goes to the toilet, pursuing one goal. The woman also uses this room not only for its intended purpose, but also as a dressing room, combined with the boudoir and drawing room.

The woman in the toilet can purchase a new friend for life, although earlier it had never met. But he who hears the phrase from the man: "Hey, friend, to join me in the toilet, immediately suspects that something was wrong. Typically, during a commercial break when watching TV men take up the remote and switch from channel to channel, the women, in turn, prefer to patiently wait until a commercial break. To get out of stress or depressive state, men are applied to alcohol or attack their neighbors.

Women overlie chocolate or go shopping. Women often accuse men of carelessness, callousness, that they absolutely can not listen to them, not enough to express their love and warmth. Men criticize women for being the last really bad drive a car, unable to understand the road map and, worse yet, try reading it upside down for talking excessively, because they so rarely are asked to have sex and can not be separated main points in the story of the minor.
Men believe that they are representatives of the sane sex, and women just know that, of course, they are the most sensible. Men and women, probably never learn to fully understand the actions and thoughts of each other. And despite the fact that men and women live in different worlds , we must seek to understand. After all, approaching and opening the secret veil of the soul of your partner, you will learn how to charm him and make happy.

Show interest in his hobbies

Men and women - different. Everyone has their own interests and hobbies. Importantly - to show interest in his hobbies, and then peace and harmony in your relationship are provided. There are lots of things, without which many men can not imagine their life and which can never be used by women. This kind of misunderstanding often leads to conflicts in relationships. In a man can settle any doubt that next to him is not the one he wants next to him all his life. It is ideally you realize that divides their interests. And so the flame of passion can go out. But again it is possible to ignite - all in our fragile hands, dear woman.

If you can not accept and love some of the habits of your beloved, then try to learn how to profit by it for himself, his beloved. For example, your man likes to watch football, which is always broadcast at a time when they go to your favorite series or, say, educational programs. No need to play on his nerves, to be harmful and bitchiness, while switching to the desired channel (in fact but in reality you do not like that!).

Leave him alone - let him watch his football. Pretend that you are also a pleasure to watch and console myself with the thought that your beloved will be a good mood after viewing. And then the next time you will be entitled to remind him that you allowed to watch football, but now his turn to give you. The relationship between man and woman have always been based on the agreement of the two lovers, and most importantly, respect each other people, so you will need to be mutually try to go to meet each other, to find a compromise suitable to both of you decide and finally come to an agreement, truly a mutually beneficial agreement that will make you and your man happy. Simply put, if you do not get in the queue to watch TV, then your husband will likely buy another one, and even then you both will be satisfied.
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