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Man held

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Man held

Held a man - this is the true miracle of nature! Men - it's wonderful! In contrast to the militant feminists who accuse men of all mortal sins, I have the courage to say that our world without men would not be so unique and amazing. Because they are so unlike us, because they are completely different, often obscure, but are necessary to us, such loved and dear! How would today no triumphant style is unisex, no matter how fashion designers have tried to equalize the differences between the sexes, you will still be able to accurately know the man. How?

He was wearing any, the most shapeless clothes, will pull on pants themselves first, and then a sweater (a wonderful lady goes vice versa), and pull off the same sweater starts from the back. Ask the subject with long hair to look at their own heels - and the man will pose creations of Michelangelo - "the boy, taking out a splinter", while the woman shall lead leg back and look at yourself in the back. Waist coat man casually zavyazhetsya below the navel and air fairy will do the same so that the knot belt will be located far above ...

All of this is funny, but such small differences suggests that men and women are created completely different, and no new-fangled tricks will not make us forget their natural destiny. A man was originally given to be the embodiment of Jan - the energy of creation, creativity, constant movement and striving forward. Woman accumulates and retains the energy of Yin, and together they represent and create a harmony of the world ... So what is this man who is able to give us a feeling of fullness of life and with whom we feel happier than ever?
What motivates a man?

What strikes me as a man worthy to wear that title? We are with you, my dear, a man accustomed to thinking man of his word. In fact a real man - a master of his craft, a man of action. Work to create, augment - that's the main purpose of man. I am impressed by the constant male desire to succeed. This is what distinguishes a man who truly embodies the male principle. This man must strive to become the first is embedded in his genes. Or rather, do not even have to - he just can not live in a different way, he is eager to win, to succeed to the opportunity to realize all the vital power, which has awarded its nature.

A man seeks to prove himself a little differently than a woman. He realizes his potential outside the sphere of feelings and is yourself. Man acts in society, in society, creating and developing something new, to him no one open, not found, not development. His ebullient energy is directed not only to search, but the introduction of its opening, and the more successful it does, the more satisfaction getting. The women tied for first place emotions. Men need recognition. And, seeking recognition of a man willing to work, work and work. And the winner. Yes, I like just the winners, and I do not hide it! By the way, in my opinion, it is men who are very well mastered the basics of self love. They know that if they do not love yourself, you will not achieve any success. In men, the leaders have much to be learned.

Dear ones, as all the same wonderful that we live here and now! Today as never before actual motto: "Do you want to be happy - be happy!" Unlike in previous eras freedom of choice these days allows everyone to create their own successful business that will yield tangible results. New, held a man - is primarily a man with his own business, which he created himself and to whom he gave all his strength. Successful business that allows him to be proud of their accomplishments and receive well-deserved award. Because the thing that is the company must make money.

What is money? This is not just a means of maintaining trade, it is also freedom. And the new man understands it! And if I hear from the lips of men (believe me, it happens), the words that say, "money does not interest me, I understand that to me either a hypocrite or a hereditary billionaire (which is unlikely). Men are always interested in money as the measure of his success in life! How to write a well-known American John Miller: "Money does not matter as long as long as you have them." Remember the time when the supreme achievement of a citizen was considered a work for the public good, selfless work for wear in the name of ideas. What brought this ideology, we all know. My beloved, the truth is that we can make others happy only when necessary to provide all of ourselves and put things in order in their own affairs!

Thank God, today recognized the validity of this law almost everything. Therefore, few people today consider itself shameful to be rich, healthy and successful. Wealth is no longer a synonym for "unjust money" and was an indicator of how many people have worked to achieve prosperity. And this is wonderful! From the experience of life in America can see that there is always a very respectful person, possessing the means and influence. Because they understand what is there is a high position in society, any costs of mental and physical energy. I hope that in our country gradually learn to see in successful people not only disadvantages that if you want you can always find, but also dignity.
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