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Man love and romance

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Man love and romance

At first glance, man, love and romance - things are absolutely incompatible. But one fact must indicate the stage of relations, which begins after the first night together, and continues to march by Mendelssohn. Here I am so marked. One might call it, and capacious word "novel". In general, as you prefer ... in a relationship, unfortunately, just a lot of contradictions between male and female, "want", as in sex. You wonder how we ever manage to communicate. So, it was familiar, was the first night, and both have the desire to make the night was the last. In other words, it ties up the novel.
And of course, the problem starts. We have with you, and you - with us. True, in fairness it should be noted that more claims express your just you. And not because you have more grounds. Yes, yes. Just so we're not picky and more tolerant. Therefore, the stand with protests and accusatory speeches are much rarer. And then more often than for self-defense. Oh well, blame and defend - senseless occupation. So it is better Let us thing: let's see what happens at the man in the head when he is betrayed again ensuing rapture novel.

What is novel for men

And this is primarily a pastime. Somewhere between football and beer. Almost ideal relationship with a woman: and sex is, and responsibilities until it so much. Yes, and you can talk. I mean - it's time to talk about yourself, dear. Dinners, flowers and gifts perceived as forced expenses - like paying phone bills. A long intimate conversations at night - as a necessary evil (unless very large). Few strains need to be polite, well-mannered, attentive and considerate, but this, too, until you can handle. By the way, here there is the first paradox.

Men are not very interested in marriage. But they more women interested in maintaining just such "romantic" relationship. Not accidentally initiated a break-up in 80% of the cases is a woman ... a very quarrelsome and fastidious creatures ... And about the divorce often start saying it was you. All the time that you are not satisfied ... and blame in the end we. (Incidentally, I once again begin to digress from the topic, sorry.) So, a novel ... The first sexual curiosity and sexual hunger satisfied, and the man begins to notice in his chosen something more than the legs.

That for men the most important thing in a woman after the appearance? The extent to which she shares his interests. Mind, the ability to cook and keep house - all things secondary. Commonality of views and interests belonging to the same circle - that's what starts to care about the man at this stage of relations. If a man is quite satisfied with his feet, and its women's interests more or less shared (or at least treat them with respect), he will easily communicate with her indefinitely. With minor faults such as the inability to cook or aversion to oral sex, we may well tolerated. Generally, a woman tries to remake a man under their ideal man is trying to revise their ideals and forge them under their current partner. And if not quite successfully cope with it, it just finds another, more. Which will have the same qualities which have no major liabilities. Thus it tends to harmony.

We do not demand much from a woman. Least because in inventing any nonsense like "it should be" we do not have time. Even on the most wonderful and loving woman, we can think only in fits and starts. From time to time. Mainly - when they want sex. Thanks to its features of this we do not bother with any nonsense. Not satisfied with the checks scenes explanation of the relationship and things ... I think that if women were slightly more busy and less than relationships with men, these relationships have improved markedly. This is understandable: if a half-day conduct in contemplation on the topic: "Why is it so strange today spoke to me on the phone?" - Can be figured out anything. But rarely to anything good.

Men are such questions never occurred. Was the question that worried - can sleep or not. Answer to this question was obtained. Exhaustive answer. Everything else is not a problem, but a pleasant pastime. This woman believed relations problem that must be constantly addressed. Men are just talking. And try to get maximum pleasure. No, no, do not say that, well, just because this is a problem for women that a man gets pleasure from it. Nothing like that. The pleasure we get is not what you at all. And what a restaurant at a table with us sits a charming woman, lying in bed next to a charming woman, flowers, takes a charming woman ... In short, just rejoice that you are with us. And do not analyze your every glance, sigh and gesture. Head is not so busy.

What she's busy? Yeah so than usual - work, urgent business, sports, news and other important things. About the woman with whom we communicate, we prefer to think when she is near. Well, or when they want sex (as I have, it seems, he said). Soon as we close the door behind you, as we immediately switch to other thoughts. This does not mean that we disregard for you. Just in the lives of so many interesting things, and besides you! For example, that brunette with high breasts on the TV screen ... or the annual report.

Man, love and romance .... A man can not love all the time. He can do it from time to time. And if he did not call when you are agreed, it is nothing said. With equal success, he can at this point:

• drink beer with friends;

• conduct important negotiations;

• lie in bed with another;

• machine repair;

• read an interesting book;

• Select your wedding ring.

And while genuinely love you. We do not think that their love must constantly prove. We believe that, once we meet with you, are leading in the cafe and cinema, rings and sleep with you, it speaks for itself. "Well, what with the fact that I did not call yesterday? Was busy. But I am calling today ... "That's it, man's logic. And if we dared, and uttered the most cherished words: "I love you" - is generally should remove all questions. Even if I meet another with someone ... I like something I just you. And why should I prove anything? We're not in court!

I repeat: a novel for men - it's fun. Not an intermediate step on the path to marriage, does not meet the requirements to be necessary to someone, do not attempt to escape from loneliness. Just fun. Therefore, any attempt to complicate his life he perceives as a personal insult. The fewer problems creates a woman, the more we will appreciate and love her. It is an axiom. Conversely, if a woman is a source of constant trouble, we will try to quickly get rid of it. Whatever it was a wonderful lover or mistress. This is not because we are selfish or lazy. Just have enough cases. Why should we bring something to the victim? Just because you sleep with us? We do not seem very fair. In the end, the pleasure you get from it too ...
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