Manipulation of men by the senses
Manipulation with sexuality - a trick commonly known. And often on the surface. So to say something about this impossibly dull. There are women in the arsenal of gizmos and interesting. Get at least their games with our sense of guilt. If sexuality can be compared with heavy artillery, the imposition of guilt in a man - a mortar battery. Lupit accurately and at close range. That is a stranger in such a peasant influence makarom impossible. But with her - a good thing.
Awaken in him a sense of guilt - the remarkable manipulation of men by the senses . And the women in this case the master. It's their favorite statement: "You've ruined my whole life!". Men so seldom speak, although they are ruining lives even more. Can you imagine what this phrase multi-ton weight! The whole life ruined, no joke ... and blame it. Particular person. It is clear that few who are serious about such statements. But osadochek something left ...
And this is the most primitive version. But in most cases, women are much thinner. Eg, debriefing. The man just will express their grievances openly and directly, may be a little rough. And everything will quietly wait for the results. The woman will not rest until they get men to repent of his deed. At least in words. She thinks the conversation is not finished when the man took note of her wishes, but only when he felt guilty about it and said out loud. Hour can say: "Well, honey, I understood everything" - and not make any effect - the start, not stop it. And once you can say: "Sorry, I'm very guilty in front of you" - and it will soften as scalded. Only say with feeling, with pain in his eyes. So that it looks for real.

Man because how? Told him: "Well, sorry, mate" - he made an apology. And will not build itself out of outraged innocence. The woman is not enough. Yes there is not enough! This generally means nothing. Slezmi must radiate, on his shirt ripping, head anything sprinkle! But to be seen - you realize how you have treated her badly. Draw a terrible pangs of conscience, and you will not even apologize. It is simple and true. The goal is achieved - you have a sense of guilt, and she had to realize that now you can take nicely. It's so convenient to manage a person who feels wronged you, and wants at any price this wine to make amends. He's manual at all!
And not necessarily that you're actually somewhat wronged her. A woman can not afford to wait for favors from nature. She takes them herself. If you were a good boy, she finds that incriminate you. You need not worry. At least the same lack of attention. When the compliments, flowers and gifts is a lot? Yes, never. Is not it an occasion to say: "You do not pay attention to me. Because of you I feel useless ... ". That's all. Again, you can enjoy guiltily of his chosen. Delov something!
Unfulfilled promises
I do not want to say that women - those sly shrew who sincere pleasure to observe the mental anguish of men. No, of course ... But to miss this great opportunity to manipulate us women do not intend to. From here you can move smoothly to the promises made. Yes, the simple promises. It's also a way to impress a man a sense of guilt. Promised and did not. Scoundrel, villain, and general scoundrel. No, I agree, given my word - hold. The fact you're the man. This is without question. The man who does not comply with its promises, worthy of contempt as a minimum.
But women are very cleverly and subtly perverted idea. What we call a promise? When you tell a man: "All agreed, in a week will restore the money. I promise. " Loud and clear. What they called the promise? Anything. If you lose a moment vigilance and being in a state of moral satisfaction, after a hearty dinner, bryaknete: "Come as anything you and I go to a restaurant" - it will be perceived as a promise. Moreover, as an oath, the violation of which will brand you with indelible disgrace.
Or suppose you are after sex in a state close to the bewilderment. She gently shkryabaya finger on your chest and asked: "Will you buy me a new fur coat?". If you have mumbled: "Well, dear, somehow always think about it" - is also a priori be considered a promise. Generally, when you are about something say in the future tense, this is a promise, no matter what you yourself think about it. And because there is nothing here! Now it is quite understandable for women wailing about the fact that there is no longer a real man. Everything they say, yap. Just promise mountains, but do nothing themselves.
And go and prove to them that those same promises are promises only from their point of view. But they care little. Blurted out - be nice to do. Not done - is guilty and deserves punishment sawing blunt bamboo saw. Win-win situation for them. Or coat poimeyut or extra trump card in his sleeve - now even easier to manipulate. From those who feel guilty, it is very easy to operate. He myagonky this becomes vlazhnenky ... Take it with his bare hands and do what you want.
He will not fight because of the irrepressible desire to atone for their guilt. Beauty. So, talking with a woman, you must always remember that the word not a sparrow. Anything you say could be used against you. But then do not say anything is impossible, here's the thing! She's begging, whining, sulking, carnies, blackmail, demands ... Do not say anything here? But how to get out - a private matter. Seriously, I agree. But no one promised the brothers on the floor that the road will be fed ...