Man-philanderer: variety
Remember the famous novel by Ludmila Ulitskaya "Sincerely Shura? There, the protagonist, first took care of his mother, then married a pregnant odnogruppnitse, which broke up at that time with her boyfriend, the father of her child. Shurik understood that all women - being soft, weak, constantly needing attention, support and comfort. And because Shurik seeks to comfort as many as possible will give - caring for an attractive women with disabilities ... and in parallel to sleep with her - but she also wants it, buys medicines girl suicide ... remaining at her at night; feeds cats sculptor ... Well, of course, she herself does not ignore. And while Shura does not like any of those women who found him on the path of life, although any of them had there kind words, gentle gusts.
Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion - should stay away from these Don Juan's way. But how is this possible you ask? Because counsel is simple enough, but you try to resist when the horizon appears the Prince of your dreams and beckons you with gentle words and gentle smile.
Let's try to deal with them, decompose, Don Juan, so to speak "on the shelves."
Loving Arkady (the movie "Spread")
Every woman, which is found in its way, admirable, and the desire to make her happy. At first, Don Juan-type number 1 sincerely believes in the uniqueness of their chosen one. So Arcady, a man rather advanced in years, but it takes a positive approach to life, fascinating female right and left, making the whole. Arkady believes that there are no ugly women, and any zamuhryshka blooms under a barrage of compliments, which she lavishes Arkady. Such men, in some cases can substitute for a therapist, in any case, if you have problems with self-esteem is complex. Peculiar demand uses Arkady women, who for ...
Admit when you were young, in support of its beauty you do not need - many fans would not let you pass, speaks for itself. Today, the youth remained in the recent past, fans somewhere podevalis, but we all also need to someone we admired, adored, to pay compliments. And then comes into play Arcade, which any woman can feel like the most beautiful, most desirable. Incidentally, this compares favorably with Arkady his son Kolya, who recently returned to live in an apartment for my dad. Nick, just refers to the type of Don Juan - "womanizer-vulgaris, a kind of sex-athletes who believe the number of women who passed through his bed, while seeking to infinity.
Risk zone
Arkady - gentle and tender lover, a big romantic, able to transform your life into a fairy tale. But woe to the woman, who tries his ohomutat. Arkady will walk that way to 80 years. And coming home in the morning Arkady will overwhelm you with the words of love. And what is most interesting, his assurances are true - he really will love you, like all other women. In order to marry this kind and to live in peace, we should see nothing, hear no, do not ask, do not be jealous. I think there are few such women who are able to be happy with this set of constraints. Arkady - a great beau, beau, but do not even think about how to associate it with his life.
Handsome Charles (the movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral")
With it, you are not bored - either in bed or in the company. The mind and the charm of this guy can conquer any woman. Charles - a brilliant representative of the classic womanizer - the ocean of charm, a little shy smile, good manners - a set of such acts on the merits of women and girls are almost perfectly. Charles loves women, he adores them, but to drag him down the aisle - is unrealistic. As soon as the next girl of his dreams speaks about the white dress - good-bye, love. But even with such a guy is not so simple, as they say, and the old woman is proruha. As an example, in our history. Another passion of Charles - Carrie, seeing that the wedding here, and does not smell, and has married someone else, making it clear to his former boyfriend that the world is large it does not come. Philanderers perceive such developments as a challenge and begin to pursue his love object with redoubled force. And maybe even a love marriage was over, as in our case.
Risk zone
In spite of the imagination, the soul, Charles is very insecure person. The most effective way to get rid of it - to communicate their intentions to marry him. It seems that this conversation between you will last. With men like Charlie, you can have a good time - go to his friends, go on nature. But husbands, usually because of Don Juan is not very much.
Failsafe Buzykin (the movie "Autumn Marathon")
Intelligent and gentle, he awakens in us maternal instincts. Andrew Buzykin - an intellectual "to the bone", kind, reliable, generous man. And the long and well married. But here at the trouble to cross his pretty young typist ... Wife, of course, guesses about the appearance of her husband's mistress in his life. Cute typist waits Andrew goes to her. And Andrew himself wants to return to their work. The last thing in life he wanted to make some decisions, take responsibility. Now, if the situation itself is somehow resolved, if the ladies themselves have agreed ... The positive developments we have seen would be the case if Buzykin got a strong willed woman who would control his every action. Believe me, under surveillance, "interrogation", the control of all his conversations and movements, he will perceive as a manifestation of great love.
Risk zone
In principle, our hero - a victim of circumstances, and is by no means the worst example of a womanizer. He will support and help, and cheer. Just do not expect it to men's decisions - he just can not make decisions independently. If you're willing to put up with it, you can quite happily live with this type as Buzykin.
Fatal Volodya Smirnov (on the movie "The most charming and attractive")
Fatal glance, impeccable manners, the mystery shrouding his image. Once our hero appears in women, they immediately begin a stir - regardless of age, status, married (or unmarried lady), girls, women begin to straighten the back, draw your sides, correct hairstyle. Deadpan, self-confidence makes the lovely ladies willing to such a handsome drew attention to it - and there are fashionable clothes, cakes and cabbage, the book studying a foreign language. Any way good enough to attract the attention of desirable men.
Risk zone
Volodya - simply selfish, and often is not not such a valuable asset for a woman. The mere fact that he just loves to manipulate him in love with girls - makes him the best candidate for our heart and hand. If you still dare to think about the co-existence, think about what you will always need him fit, but it sure depression and complexes ...
Psychologists say that womanizer, Casanova Casanova - they all suffer psychological aberration, intimofobiey, which results in avoidance of close emotional contact with their partner. Famous ladies' man of today:
Colin Farrell. After marriage with actor Amelia Warner broke up, Colin has decided not to associate themselves marriage. He says he can not afford to tie themselves a serious relationship, because it pulls all the time for new adventures.
Maxim Dunaevskij . Only he could officially register their relationship seven times. Six times out of seven Dunaevskij've done their wives, and only one, Natalia Andreichenko, threw him first. Several years ago, the Maxima appeared another daughter, who gave him his last wife.
George Clooney. In different periods of his life, George has captured the hearts of Hollywood beauties like Kelly Preston, Renee Zellweger, Julia Roberts, Cindy Crawford and many others. After his marriage broke up, George said that marriage is no more.