At its core mantra - it's concentrated energy. Salagrama Das in his book "Mantra yoga and meditation," wrote about it this way: "The mantra can be compared with the gates that connect the individual consciousness with cosmic superconscious." If you do not understand, what does yoga to success in life, then let me tell you about the keen and searching for that, according to UNESCO, in the main world-renowned business schools in the basic course includes the practice of yoga and meditation! In the American army, whose leadership is difficult to be suspected in isolation from land and dreaminess, soldiers are taught the basics of visualization and yoga. At that invested millions of dollars. And it's a fact!
Mantras may use any person, regardless of religion or nationality. Do not be fooled by the fact that they played in the ancient language of Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, founded the energy code that displays a person to a higher level of consciousness, thinking. From my own experience I can tell that mantra really change lives for the better. Moreover, if you practice a mantra, it becomes clearer, your soul rejects the basest of fun and enjoyment, as the body tries not to use brute meat food and strong drinks. If you are interested in mantras, keep in mind that this love for a long time! The main thing with the practice of mantra - is the faith and constancy. If you do not have faith, then do not worry, a constant need to secure a positive outcome. It would be naive to think that by reading one or more times the mantra will attain all the things to aspire to. Practice requires persistence.
The practice of "Reading the mantra"
All the mantras should be read or sing the hundred and eight times. If there is no time, the number of repetitions must be divisible by nine: nine, eighteen, twenty-seven, etc.
The mantra for prosperity and well-being:
☼ OM KLIM Hrim SHRIM Namah.
The mantra for attaining success in all endeavors:
☼ Om Namo DHANADAYE matchmaker.
The mantra for achieving social success:
This mantra works great, but it must be read exactly one hundred eight times. This is the only mantra that is enough to repeat only two days. To succeed in business projects, you can work with it about once a month. If you faithfully do these exercises, it is already standing on a straight road leading to success and happiness! You know your wishes by heart, like the multiplication table! In addition, you are constantly working on their implementation.
Add to this the iron assurance that your wishes must be fulfilled, and you have this magic wand! And finally, some words about how much time that desire fulfilled. Desires are fulfilled at least one month, after a maximum of three years. Everything depends on your karma, natrenirovannosti consciousness and the ability to let their desires. Just that we will learn in the next stage!