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Map flying stars

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Map flying stars

My friends, of course, the theme of flying stars is very, very serious. This aerobatics feng shui, almost like rocket science. Flying stars can devote a separate hefty book, but here I can give you just some advice. Many skeptics argue that "if something is not visible, then it does not exist, but we are with you and I know that, although the time factor and changing the energy of stars are invisible and intangible, they have a huge impact on energy at home, so for all its residents. As a more sensitive and delicate creation, our children are particularly exposed to the flying stars.

I do not want you to download complex computations, and bore the listed values of all stars. I'll tell you about the main four affliktsiyah (restrictions), whose directions must be avoided for your children. Because disease prevention is better than cure. Really? Moreover, I "warn" you for three years in advance. In calculating the number of Gua necessarily take into account four affliktsii flying stars. Thus, the map of the flying stars .

First affliktsiya. Star with number 5 (Y Wang, Y, or Juan)
A total of nine. It is also called the yellow "five" or a hungry tigress, jumps on people. What is it harmful? And in that it harms the health, activates and multiplies accidents brings failure in all undertakings, provoking business problems. Although the business to our children away, but nevertheless agree - it is impossible not to draw attention to such a mass of destructive power! Calculating the location of the unfavorable annual star, we must change the location of the crib, if the "five" flew into a nursery - take an antidote to protect the front door and secure the desk.

What can we neutralize, pacify the "five"? Based on the fact that an element of the Five "- Earth, we resort to using the theory of generation of the five elements of U-Sin. When a woman gives birth to a child, it drains your energy. Is that right? Do you think I am going on the topic? Not at all, my friends. I am bringing you to the fact that if we want to drain the energy of a hungry mother tigress, we have to show her cub, that is Metal. After all, the Earth generates Metal. A huge metal "music of wind" with six tubes, bronze bells, metal weights, a singing bowl, singing bell metal pagoda, 6 Chinese coins - it is our camouflaged artillery used against an uninvited guest - a hungry tigress.

Second affliktsiya. Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui)

Cosmic influence of Jupiter is so large that it is from ancient times into account many of the emperors in the planning of military operations. So, what can help the ancient imperial knowledge to our future millionaire? The most important rule - it does not sit facing him at his desk. What does this mean? Your child should not during homework or playing games on the computer to look directly at the compass directions, which is located in the Tai Sui this year, even if it's the best of his direction.

But your child can use a truly powerful forces Tai Sui and good for yourself. How? Turning their backs on him, the child gets the power of the great patron of Tai Sui. Consequently, the success of tuition increases. If the Tai Sui this year is just a child's room, then advise your child not particularly bother the Grand Duke for 365 days. It is not necessary to include loud music, drive nails. In addition, the master of feng shui recommend to place a child protective figure of the mythical animal Pi Yao. By the way, Tai Sui occupies only 15 degrees on a compass.

Third affliktsiya. "The breakdown by year (Sui Po)

Just opposite the Grand Duke is another sector affected by the adverse effects - a "breakdown of the year" (Sui Po). Consequently, it also takes only 15 degrees on a compass. What does this mean? First, the Sui By bringing temporary setbacks astrological signs. For example, this year should be especially careful, children born in the Year of the Horse. Secondly, again in this sector should not drive a nail, in general, to make some repairs.

Fourth affliktsiya. Tree Murderer (San Sha)

The fact that there is safety in numbers, and knows the Grand Duke. So he has three guards (three killers), holding each calendar year, all 45 degrees of the compass. Rule against the San Sha - in any case does not place the child's desk so that he sat with his back to the Three murderers. Knowledge of the main sources of problems and failures will help you keep children out of trouble this year. Dear parents, we should not ignore the knowledge and practices of the millennium. Really? Indeed, any information is not accidental. Hence, in this moment of the universe through my book sends you these valuable skills. Yes, the way it is. I know it. To make things easier to navigate in these four affliktsiyah, I quote below the plate which shows the compass direction of the affecting factors, and as much as 3 years in advance.

Well, I reveal to you the great mysteries of the influential masters of feng shui. And I'm happy for you, my dear children and adults! This knowledge, accumulated over millennia, and helping parents. Because children can only help those parents who themselves are happy and enjoy life. Not otherwise. Think for yourself. How, for example, Dad can ban smoking and drinking alcohol to his son, a teenager, if he smokes like a chimney every hour and abusing strong drinks? Please, dear parents, remember that your children grow up, will repeat the pattern of behavior and relationships is mom and dad. Therefore, only in a state of bliss and happiness, we parents can teach children to be successful and rich. I wish you happiness, my dear!
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