Map of astrology easy life
Estimating someone's natal chart, astrologers must also look to see if her what makes a life of their client as easy. One day, one astrologer told me: "If you have Jupiter, you will have everything in abundance. If you have Venus, you will be living is easy and pleasant. " However, the flip side of this can be excesses and laziness. My hair bristle when I see a map on which
Venus is in trine to Jupiter. Such people are often driven, but they can make mistakes. Fortunately for them when they make mistakes All the same, they often come away with. Even Venus is in quadrature with Jupiter can be happy. People with this aspect will always stand firmly on their feet and do not get those life lessons that a person falls in quadrature with the Sun to Saturn. The same applies to the Big Trinite. Big trine (three planets in the harmony of elements) is clearly a karmic gift. It involves a lot of pleasure, but if a man will not restrain himself, he risks becoming a complete bummer. These people sit in the shade, relax and let life pass them.