March Mendelssohn
You have long been together and all the relatives are wondering when, finally, eat salads at your wedding. Nothing you can answer them, because as you and very very interesting, but when your beloved behave with dignity and like a true man of your dreams will offer his hand and heart? There are thousands of ways to get him to marry. Among them are a couple of hundred stupid and useless. For example, pregnant or trying to blackmail: "Either marriage, or I walk away from you." But there are several individual tricks.
We should start to establish the reason for your passport is still vacant in anticipation of the longed-stamp. Maybe he does not want to rush out and start going to know you better? In this case, on your part will be wise to give him that opportunity. If you're going to moan: "This is getting married, then discover how much you want", he immediately made the findings are not in your favor. The girl, obsessively demanding wedding looks hopeless old maid. Very unattractive!
Perhaps he still has not made you an offer because he wants to better prepare the material base (to buy an apartment to save money for the wedding ceremony itself, in short, to prepare everything to you, becoming his wife, nothing needed). You very lucky! Immediately evident near you caring, intelligent and reliable young man. For him thou shalt be like a stone wall. The best thing you can do to bring the long-awaited moment of betrothal - to help him make money. Make a career, saving for your future. In short, try to help him in everything, and very soon march by Mendelssohn and will deliver for you.
Well, if your man has simply not "walk up"? And in no hurry to part with a gay bachelor life. Well, then try to show him the benefits of family life. He must firmly grasp what is around you he will be comfortable, easy and comfortable, and without his bachelor apartment you instantly turn into ruins with the mountains of unwashed dishes and empty refrigerator. Become accustomed to good quickly. To begin to teach him that his house is always welcomed with hot delicious meal, cleanliness, comfort and kind word. After that, go away for a week "to stay with my mother."

Suppose that compares! The contrast between the comforts of life with you and the bachelor existence should strike his fancy. Sooner or later it will make you an offer, of course, if one really loves you. Well, if you are dealing with the eternal bachelor, or simply a man who refuses to take you seriously or even think about the joint future thinking, and whether you spend years on his re-education? In the end, the real man of your dreams will never be frightened at the thought of commitment ...