Marriage horoscope
Union, signed in January, promises to be fairly quiet, without unnecessary disruption and painful separations. However, a routine marital relationship can cause psychological and physical dissatisfaction with the pair.
FEBRUARY. Stormy relations, frequent betrayals - all the possible consequences of the February wedding. Not without reason in the post were not married! The first year is usually a married kind of test. If they do survive, then the marriage can be tough.
Married in March stars promise an interesting alliance. True, in part, he will remind the skin of the zebra: a calm and delightful period will change the days of refrigeration and quarrels.
APR. Love, love, and love again. Only this can keep feeling spouses. Also, this pair from the first days after the wedding should live separately from their relatives.
"Who got married in May, that life will languish." Not true! That's pretty strong and happy marriage. By the way, married in May is usually faster than other couples achieve material prosperity.
June. For couples, an alliance this month, it is important to remember one thing: everything is good in moderation. The bends in any direction are fraught with serious consequences.
JULY. Oddly, but June and July marriages in something similar. The main thing for both spouses - once and for all establish the priorities for themselves: either the most important family or career or personal well-being and freedom.
AUGUST. The solid strength tests senses, so that in the first decade of the spouses will not be bored.
SEPT. Very nice thing to get married in September! This assertion is based on a set of examples of the ideal of marital happiness. However, there are little "but" ... in the shelter of happiness does not come out.
OCT. First need to think twice: "Is it worth it?" - And only then sent to the registrar. Too many constraints may fall on your head.
NOVEMBER. Stormy passion, recriminations, partings and new live together - and as a result of a happy ending. If such a formula you're happy and you have nerves of steel and patience pound marry in November.
DECEMBER. The December Union, with rare exception, will be at all uneasy. There is a chance to withstand any test, and maintain the tender feelings for each other.
Note. Selected in advance for the month of marriage is not an absolute guarantee to create the perfect family. Everyone, sorry for the banal, is the creator of his own happiness.