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Marriage in astrology

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Marriage in astrology
The sun will show what role will play a man in a woman's life, and the Moon tells the role of women in the life of men. One of the hallmarks of many marital situations in Sagittarius cusp of the seventh house, or Jupiter in the seventh house. Part of the reason that such people often marry is their optimism, ardor and enthusiasm in matters of alliances, but they lack intelligibility. The opposite happens when a cusp of the seventh house is Capricorn or Saturn. Since these people are at their warehouse careful in selecting partners, they can reduce their chances for the conclusion of the marriage union. I have two client who are astral twins, meaning they were born in the same day, a difference of just a few minutes. However, these few minutes might be enough to become a map and identified a way of life. One of the twins Jupiter is in the seventh house, the other in the eighth.

The two cardinal Taukvadrat with Jupiter in quadrature with the Sun / Uranus and Neptune in the compound. None of the clients can not reach the quiet, normal partnership relations. At the beginning of a love affair, both have an excess of optimism, but after a while the marriage or relationship to them stale. By the time she was thirty-five years, the client with Jupiter in the seventh house has visited five times married. Woman with Jupiter in the eighth house married only once, but she and her husband were completely separate lives. Since Jupiter is in eighth house of joint funding, their relations are based primarily on considerations of financial well-being.

Because they are astral twins, much in their lives are parallel. However, their life examples of the different influence of Jupiter in the seventh and eighth houses. If the customer asks, is destined to whether she or he remarry, astrologer in almost all cases can be answered in the affirmative, if Jupiter is in the seventh house or manages the seventh house. The astrologer must also not forget that the client with a similar arrangement of Jupiter's less legible, high hopes, more impulsive and more seeks to create partnerships. It is also important to note that if Jupiter is in retrograde motion, the prospects of marriage are much weaker, since moving retrograde Jupiter promises often do not come true.
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