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Marriageone way of knowing love

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Marriage - one way of knowing love

Marriage ceremony among all the nations associated with religious rituals. The so-called civil marriage almost anywhere and has never existed. The inhabitants of Tahiti and the Fiji Islands, "pagans", known for their raskompleksovannostyu, send a priest to pray to the gods during the marriage. In the Yakut and Kalmyk presence shaman weddings necessarily. The ancient Egyptians marriage was accompanied by a certain religious ceremonies. Achilles says to Orestes: "In marriage, the gods join man and woman." Plato emphasized the need for a religious ceremony in marriage. Prayers to the gods play a very important role in the ritual of marriage among the Hindus. Even in Communist countries are trying to add shine and solemnity of the pseudo-civil marriage ceremony. The local civilian institutions avoids transformation of marriage in the signing of the marital contract.
In most human cultures, any activity, whether eating, hunting, sailing ship, etc., accompanied by certain ceremonies. But the wedding ceremony gives way to a funeral ceremony of pomp and baptism. However, opponents have always been a religious ceremony for marriage. Since each is happy in his own way, the relationship of life with certain sacred ceremonies certainly runs into opposition. Some Buddhists perceive a religious ceremony for marriage only as a concession to human weakness. Strictly speaking, they believe that marriage - no more than a civil contract. In the Roman Empire with the passage of time the marriage was freed from religious values and becomes a purely contractual ... In the Talmud, there are lines, emphasizing that marriage is not a religious agreement. Luther explained that the marriage - the case of lawyers, not the church.

But at the same time, the Buddhist marriage is accompanied by many religious ceremonies, and Jews throughout its long history, marriage has always been associated with religious rites. Same Luther said: "God blessed the marriage of a cross." Even the reformation under the leadership of Zwingli tried to make marriage a civil form. However, under the pressure of public opinion marrying again become a religious ceremony.

Emphasized the civilian nature of marriage was of a Puritan Scotland. Until 1856 in Scotland for marriage needed only the will of both partners, and any ceremonies were abolished.

Union men and women, existing until death, may be interpreted as a special way of individuation. One of the essential features of the way of happiness is impossible to avoid each other. Just as the hermit can not evade the inquiries of his soul, and spouses will not be able to ignore their partner. This is partly elevated, partly painful reality and specificity of this enclosed path. In the Christian view of happiness important role played by love. Until now, we almost never mentioned this feeling.

The word "love" covers a variety of phenomena, but they probably have the same source, though different from each other. Marriage - one way of knowing love , which, however, not always identical to what gets up a windy baby Cupid. From it we can expect any surprises, it is capricious, rampant. Love in marriage is also characterized by its "unnatural" longevity. There are elderly couples in which one partner is healthy and vigorous, and the other is sick and stays in dejection. Nevertheless, both love each other and, mind you, not out of compassion or protection needs. In such cases, manifests itself all unnatural, and all the greatness of this kind of love that goes beyond the "personal relationship" becomes something more than just a relationship.

Marriage - Path to Happiness?

Any person seeking his own path of happiness. Artist finds it in paintings, monk - in monastic concerns, an engineer - in the construction of power stations, etc. But often people go to them for an improper way of happiness. Many people want to be artists, and then discover that their vocation in another. But is marriage a public way of happiness? Is not there are people whose mental development is not contributed to the marriage? We do not require everyone to he found happiness in, say, music. Why do we believe that every person will find themselves in marriage?

It goes without saying that a normal person, having reached a certain age to get married. Otherwise, people think his life is not quite normal. Older single men perceive infantile-perverse development, they are suspected of homosexuality, women considered not sufficiently attractive "Go thou, poor thing, could not find myself at least some man." In a society dominated by a kind of terror: everyone should get married. In this, perhaps, lies one of the major problems of modern marriage.

The question of achieving happiness in marriage today takes more and more important, making marital bond from the institution in a joint search for salvation in a vocation. The dominance of this approach, a detrimental effect on relationships. In marriage, a member of countless people who have come to nothing sought, concluding that union. Despite the fact that there are voices against marriage, in a social context, it still ranked higher than that of the bachelor. It was not always. In the middle ages celibacy is valued very highly. Vocation of a nun or monk deeply revered as one of the many possibilities of happiness, but, unfortunately, a lot of women was due mainly to the lack of sexuality. In relation to men more tolerant society; bachelors rarely complain about the lack of sex life.

Our Time encourages existence outside of marriage, which only strengthens the credibility of marriage. Social status and material security bachelors improves, they are able to educate their children. In this case, marriage is a conscious choice of the person seeking to find happiness in this way. Many women want to have children, but not to bind their lives with a man who lives with whom turns to them for this reason that tragedy.

Modern marriage is possible only if there is a guarantee of achieving happiness. But public opinion is still pushing many people to make marriage an effort to achieve good. Many young girls are married in order to ensure their life and not worry about the hardships of professional work, and men marry because they are looking for someone who could take care of them. Therefore, very few marriages could last "until death".

Currently, the movement gained momentum, some who are opposed to marriage, women want to get rid of the press of public opinion, forcing them to marry or simply "who express strong desire" that they got married. "Women do not need a man" - proclaimed member of such unions, which, unfortunately, are often biased against men in general. According to latest statistics, now in western countries, people marry at an older age and less than before. Probably, on this foundation and will be erected a building of a new marriage, which will be of some vocation and not a general obligation. It is in this context, many young people live together without giving each other conjugal obligations. But is it a truly new understanding of marriage, with complete certainty is impossible. After all, it can also be an expression of collective pessimism, lack of belief in the existence of any kind was the way to happiness.
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