Martyrs Adrian and Natalia
Adrian was cast into prison, where he was tortured and killed. Holy Natalie, his wife, died at her husband's grave. They pray for good relations in the family.
About Sacred Dyad, the holy martyr of Christ Adrian and Natalia, happy supruzi and Doble sufferers! Hear us praying to you with tears, and nizposlite upon us all blagopotrebnaya souls and bodies to ours, and pray to Christ God to have mercy on us and deal with us in His mercy, let us not perish in our greseh. She, the holy martyrs! Take the voice of our prayers, and deliver your prayers Ny from smooth, gubitelstva, coward, flood, fire, hail, the sword, the invasion of foreigners and mezhdousobnyya battle, vnezapnyya from death and from all the troubles, sorrows and illnesses, but ever, your prayers, and strengthened by predstatelstvom , glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. He is due all glory, honor and worship, with His Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.