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Master the techniques of autogenic training

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Master the techniques of autogenic training

Autogenic training (autos - himself) has been proposed Iogannensom Schulz in the 30 years. This method has incorporated elements of many systems (yoga, self-hypnosis, hypnosis, etc.) and quickly gained popularity around the world. People entering the autotreningovoe state tends to focus inward. For consciousness at this moment the internal environment becomes the "external" objects, that is so, what the mind can influence. In the AT condition, disconnecting from the outside world, people subtly and sensitively perceives the work of the organs and the whole organism. Mental team, self-hypnosis have a profound and powerful effect. Active nature of autogenic training distinguishes it from hypnotherapy, since it does not create dependency on external influences.

In the AT condition a person retains the initiative and self-control, self-included in the psychotherapeutic work. Skills of AT, with a good exploration of this remarkable method psychoprophylaxis and self-regulation are preserved throughout life, even if there were significant interruptions in the classroom. Technology autogenous immersion and use in this state can be mastered by MRI systematic work, however, a simple self-hypnosis on a background of muscle relaxation can give good results.

Introduction to the course and relaxing exercises, breathing exercises, self-massage speeds up the development course of AT. Let us listen to the sensations of his body after exercise, save the state of muscular relaxation, loss of "clips", try to mentally reproduce these states realize at last that our "self" - is a complex world that can be consciously modified by "programming" improve.

Let's begin!

You are determined to learn the method AT. Then, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and direct your attention to the inner right hand. Within four minutes, slowly squeeze the same time, all five fingers into a fist, and do it evenly, calculating the time so that at the end of the fourth minute of fingers completely closed. Best of all, if someone every thirty seconds to mark the passing time. If this is not possible, please create an alarm clock that should ring in four minutes.

The effect of this simple exercise is very interesting. Pay attention to the sense of time (its acceleration or deceleration during those four minutes), to how you were able to calculate the speed of finger movement (during the experience is not necessary to accelerate or decelerate their motion), the state of the brush, when you opened your eyes . You suddenly feel that for four minutes in the world was nothing more important than your fingers and movement. Maybe you feel like "grind" joints, like the slow shocks the traffic. All somewhere distant prospect, no longer interfere with the sounds and thoughts. You are focusing on a specific area of the body. You control the motion, which usually occur spontaneously! Lock in those feelings. This simple exercise has three major elements of the AT: concentration, disconnection from the external environment and transfer attention "to himself," control involuntary bodily functions *. Now add the deep muscle relaxation, autosuggestion formula and connect the figurative representations. Get a set of elements allowing to enter the AT dive and remain in it, realizing all the wonderful features of this condition.

Deal with autogenic training conveniently lying down or in a pose "driver".

If you decide to engage in lying, it should be placed on a solid surface is enough, my head is better to put on a high pillow, put your hands at your sides, slightly bending at the elbows, legs slightly bent at the knees and toes to breed. Pose "driver" is convenient for group lessons or at work, and even transportation - wherever there is opportunity to work out a few minutes. Sit on a chair, a shallow, put his feet shoulder-width apart, knees in this free apart, hands on her knees are not touching each other. Need to find a point of stable equilibrium, relax your skeletal muscles, lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Are you ready for AT training, where do you start?

SESSION active relaxation
Try to relieve the tension in the major skeletal muscles of the body, remove the "clips" in the shoulders, neck, relax your face. How do you determine changes occurred or not, maybe we only think that this relaxation happened, but in fact we are very far from this? Need to "catch" the feeling of muscle relaxation (relaxation), remember the effects that accompany him, and then call them at the right time from the memory. The more you create a chain: "feeling - memorization, the easier it will then recover the feedback" memory - the mental order - a feeling. " Very well help in this session of active relaxation. Alternately tensing certain muscle groups and then dropping the voltage, you can easily feel that the set.

We start with exercises for the legs "Sitting on a chair and resting your toes on the floor, lift your heels as high as possible. Hold them in this position and relax. Lift the toes. Higher, higher still, relax. Fix the attention on the soles and muscles leg for thirty seconds. Raise the legs and pull them forward, straining his hip and abdomen (calf muscles are relaxed), hold your legs, relax. Now let's dig in your heels into the sand. "rest against his heels and try to get up from his chair, even more relaxing. Fix attention to the hips and abdomen for thirty seconds.

l'll Work with your hands. Squeeze tight fists, so that you shook hands more tightly, relax. Rastopyrte fingers as widely as possible, hold them and release. Close your eyes and focus on the sensations in hands, try to remember them. And now perturb slightly shoulders and try to get them to the ears. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, even higher, relax, do it again, lower the shoulders, close your eyes and completely obmyaknite. Let your shoulders becomes severe, "settle down". Lock this account within thirty seconds.

Proceed to the facial muscles. In AT immersion is often not possible to relax the person, we get used to the constant tension of facial muscles. A relaxation of maintaining a high tone of the central nervous system. Smile. Wider, more broadly, firmly squeeze the mouth, zazhmurte eyes more tightly, now open them widely. Relax your face. Raise your eyebrows. You are very surprised nahmurtes, relax your eye muscles. Do all sorts of antics, relieve stress, "shoot" the muscles of the whole face, focus your attention on your face, remember the feeling. All exercise is repeated two or three.

The session is active relaxation can be carried out before each of autogenic training. You may feel warmth, heaviness or lightness, tingling or burning, pulsating, sometimes there is a feeling of increasing, blurring the contours of the body. All this characterizes the actual physical changes associated with relaxation.


Now we can proceed to the basic formulas of autogenous dive. When you refer to yourself and say the autosuggestion formula mentally, do not forget that you - the benevolent master of his body and its states. Do not have to wills pressures and harsh orders. Try to choose a tone that will suit you personally. Try working with a tape recorder or utter the formula of auto-suggestion out loud. You'll find his version - sure, or persuade a dispassionate or soothing. Listen to how affects you this or that tone. Pts Yan important rhythm of reciting formulas. Rhythms permeated the whole world, and we - part of the world. The combination of rhythms heartbeat, breathing rhythms pronouncing formulas increases the effect of AT lessons. Especially important to consider the respiratory cycle and the pause between pronouncing formulas.

Sit in a comfortable position, just sit back, close your eyes, breathe calmly and rhythmically. Note that when you exhale is an involuntary relaxation. We use this and will pronounce sentence on the exhale, supporting an involuntary relaxation of auto-suggestion.

You sit in a pose "driver" or lying on the couch (the floor, grass), thoughtfully contemplating a mind's eye. Spotlight your attention slowly glides across the face, body. Ask yourself questions: what the shoulder heavier - right or left, and that warmer - brush right or left hand? What is your language big or small? Understand your feelings. Then, as you exhale, say slowly: "I am completely calm." Take the time "the wave of attention and relaxation" from shoulders to feet. Make a pause of four respiratory cycle, and again in the affirmative and kindly consider this: "I am calm." If you have come disconnected condition of light ™ - Stay in it a bit if a state does not come - do not worry. From the first time it is difficult to expect any serious results.

Session AT desirable to carry out daily, gradually increasing the time classes. When developing the course duration of employment will depend on your mood, health, availability of free time. This may be a short pause handling five to ten minutes, or long-term studies carried out with a purpose. Mastering each of the new formula being desirable to begin in a few lessons after the undomesticated and fixed the previous formula.


Thus, in a few days after you have started the development of the course, you can navigate to the following formula, which reads: "My hands are heavy." Feeling of heaviness due to muscle relaxation and in the future will be gradually extended to all the shoulder. But to start with the best hand, since the hands can easily concentrate. It should also be noted that hands have extensive connections with the brain, and are easier to influence the mental order. In order to understand the feeling of heaviness, you can perform some simple exercises: Lean slightly forward and sideways, let your arm hang freely. Movement of the body swing arm, visualizing that, at its end hanging weight. You feel that your brush is heavy. Remember the feeling. Ask someone you know is you put your hand on your shoulder. Let the arm will fall freely, with all the weight. That is the natural relaxation of the body weight that you want to feel at elaboration of the formula weight. I must say that the feeling of heaviness are not binding. Some people are much easier to feel "easy." Here we must proceed from our own feelings, which must be pleasing and calming effect. Later, at a deep relaxation, there are sensations of lightness, man, "dissolution" of the body, which can appear without an intervening development of the formula weight. But let us return to the hands. Once you mentally say to yourself: "My hands are heavy and feel this weight, fasten effect fivefold repetition of the formula. Do not forget the rhythm! In the future you will focus and consistently cause heaviness in the chest, abdomen, back, and gradually the formula takes the form: "My whole body relaxed and heavy (or light)," A sense of gravity should be enjoyable - it is very important. Once you've mastered the formula for gravity, you can spend a few lessons on how a consistent focus on relaxing all the muscle groups. Mentally move the top down, pronouncing the following formula:

1. Forehead muscles relax (there is a feeling smooth the forehead, as if the muscles "are leaving aside").

2. Eye muscles relax (your eyes are opened slightly, eyebrows disagree on the side).

3. Relax muscles of the mouth (lower jaw "droops", a language rests on the lower teeth).

4. Neck muscles relaxed (head lowered).

5. Shoulders relaxed (shoulders settle down).

6. Hands relax (there is a feeling of "blow", pleasing flow of relaxation).

7. Back muscles relax and the chest (breathing becomes less frequent and smoother).

8. Leg muscles relax (feel the same as in the hands).

9. All the muscles completely relaxed.

After this immersion may be a pleasant drowsiness, from which we can go to sleep or active wakefulness. If you chose the latter, then continuing in a state of pleasant relaxation, but gradually mobilizing themselves, mentally say the following:

I rested.

Consciousness is clear.

Condition cheerful "

Feeling the tide of energy.

Takes a deep breath ...

When pronouncing the last sentence of a deep breath and making an energetic gesture of hands (throw your hands in front of him sharply rastopyrivaya fingers), open your eyes and exhale (you can even fashion karate do it with the sound "ha")

Pay attention to the job with the facial muscles, therapeutic massage person . During the session, active relaxation (see above), we relax the face after muscle strain. This helped us a good relaxation of the formula used in the session, consistent concentration on all the muscles of the body from top to bottom. With good muscle relaxation to be flowing "to the chin, there is a feeling that your face - this is a smooth mask. Before the beginning of immersion in a low voice or mentally say: "s-s-t" on the exhale. Jaw slightly droops down, tongue moves to the lower teeth. In addition, there is an effect of defocusing: a view on anything not fixed, the surrounding objects become blurred outlines. If you can not get rid of extraneous thoughts, try to "open the floodgates" of your mind and allow the free flow of thoughts go through. Let them swim without any connection, like clouds and sky. Do not harp on them.

You can try, and this exercise: to outline the eyes on the wall of a circle with a diameter of one meter and slowly slide gaze from point to point within this circle, without stopping at each of them more than two seconds. After this, close your eyes and refocus on the formulas.


Once we have mastered the formula weight, relaxation and tranquility, you can proceed to the formula, in,, there is a sensation of heat. This formula is related to the tone of blood vessels. Typically, after a few sessions relaxations feeling of warmth, tingling, there involuntarily. Secure it can be mentally stating: "My hands are warm." When will the steady assimilation of the effects of heat in your hands, you can proceed to the legs, and then extend the formula to the whole body: "A pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body." Try to work with imaginative ideas. You lower your hands and feet in warm water. Lay on the beach, the sun caresses you with its rays. Wonderful feeling!

AT sessions are extended, and we turn to formula, which regulates breathing. The main conditions - a rhythm and freedom. Do not hesitate to breath especially - it should happen naturally. Relaxation gives solace. Breathing becomes less frequent. You feel the lightness, coolness or warmth. Imagine a picture related to the feeling of space, freshness. Tell yourself: "My breath is smooth and quiet." Try to pronounce this phrase, when you walk down the street, on the move keeping it synchronized with the inhalation and exhalation, feel the joy, the ease of your movement and breathing! The next few sessions will be devoted to the formula, aimed at the regulation of cardiac activity. Heart is very sensitive to all physiological and emotional and mental changes. Refer to the heart to be polite and calm. No volitional pressure, orders! If you feel that the recitation of your mental guidance does not match the expected response, and - stop working for some time. Go back to the formula of breath, calm, and then try again. The formula goes like this: "My heart is calm, quietly." Do not modify or enhance the formula. The development of this formula is related to ideas of pulsation. Put one foot to another and watch the foot, which is on the weight. It is clearly seen as up and down a sock to the beat heartbeat. Find the pulse on the hand and try to feel the anticipation of impact pulse in the hand compared with pulse motion of the foot. This difference in fractions of seconds, but it is quite palpable. Imagine a pulse wave that carries blood and warmth throughout the body from the heart. This pulse, we can feel at different points in the body (fingers, temples, neck, behind the knees, etc.), we are working with him when we say the formula of the heart.

Now back to feeling the heat, poured over his body. This is the natural heat of our body can feel when rubbed vigorously hands together and eyes closed, slowly bring together the palms. At some point, when your hands are not yet touched, you will feel the heat. The closer will be the palm, the more heat. Imagine that you have in your hands a little warm ball, which you can go, compress, stretch. "Put" the warm, yellow ball, a little sun in the solar plexus and mentally say to yourself: "My solar plexus radiating heat." Wave, ripple, heat flow - all of these feelings can cause formula solar plexus, which affects the abdominal organs.

When elaboration of this formula should focus on the effects of a pleasant, soothing heat radiated from the solar plexus.

The latter formula, "My forehead is cool" effect on the vessels of the head. This formula improves the control of the waking state, makes it easier to withdraw from the AT-dive. Feel the light, cool breeze in the hair roots, recall any pleasurable sensations associated with the coolness in the forehead.

The whole cycle consisting of the key formulas, will be as follows:

1. I am completely calm.

2. The entire body is relaxed.

3. My hands are warm and heavy (light). Muscles are heavy, the heat spreads throughout the body.

4. My breathing is smooth and quiet.

5. My heart is calm.

6. My solar plexus radiates heat.

7. My forehead is cool.

All formulas are desirable to pronounce on the expiration of five to six times with pauses between sentences of three to four breaths.

Before you start a new autogenous training, work with your muscles a bit, do some exercises joint exercises. Mash

vigorously fingers and feet. Squeeze your hands into fists, rastopyrte fingers, rub them vigorously, do wash their movement. Rotate and make flexion-extensor movement in all joints: wrist,

elbow, shoulder, knee.

Bend forward, backward, left, right. Tilt your head forward, backward, sideways. Mash the shoulders and neck until you feel the heat. Feel strained neck muscles during rotational head movements. Gently massage your face. You will feel the rush of muscular joy. Remove some "clips". And now - a session of active relaxation and AT - dive.

DO NOT stop there!

As the development of basic formulas of AT there is a gradual replacement of the detailed formulas for the mental images of the signals that cause the appropriate reaction of AT-dive.

After some time, suffice it to say: "Calm - heat - gravity - the breath - the heart - the sun - his brow, and you are immersed in the AP-state.

At this point may appear characteristic sensations which Schultz called "autogenic discharges. This may be feeling vibrations, jerks, outbreaks in closed eyes, dry mouth, etc. Usually these effects disappear after seven or eight regular sessions.

Entering the AT - the state is sometimes accompanied by visual images, which can take a pleasant emotion. These can be pictures of nature, color combinations, causing certain mental state. Look at the blue sky with soft pink clouds, "scattered" by a bright green meadow orange oranges, "like" the warm brown earth with his bare feet.

You can prepare in advance a few formulas that affect the promotion of mental functions ("I am balanced. I control myself. I better remember names," etc.), and pronounce them mentally in a state of AT-dive. It is advisable not to use these formulas, the negative and ambiguities "Try not to make the intellectual effort when working with formulas during AT.

We have mastered the first step of AT.

Each person who begins to engage in AT, goes its way, accumulating their feelings and images. AT - it works, but not reckless, and based on knowledge, practice skills, ability to understand the complex world of psycho-emotional sphere of man. Be persistent in this way!

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