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Meditation Taste of Life

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Meditation "Taste of Life"

The system of "Taste the fruit of the Tree of Life" - a teaching and training system, developed by followers of Shaw-Tao, in particular, designed to ensure that people can easily adapt to any situation, feeling happy and satisfied even in cases when it seems that the whole world against him. Meditation "Taste of Life" is designed to develop positive and life-affirming programs perception of reality that is stored in the model world are engaged.

An exercise begins with the scattered, unstressed, superficial contemplation chosen a beautiful object, which gradually gives way to thinking about this subject and the gradual merger of mind, even identification with him, and then suspended the conversion itself contemplated the subject at an intuitive, wordless, figurative level of consciousness. The most frequently should be used for the first phase of this meditation, getting dosed pleasure from the contemplation of the life around him. In the next step is to bring the emotional intensity of pleasure from plunging into contemplated object to more intense and the peak of its form, while at the same time, clearly feeling the limit beyond which meditation begins to drain your nervous system, and at this point to move to a background feeling of soft, quiet joy.

Bridge the gap between fine and common very small, because for most people a great time bored, and even the magical sunsets and the first flowers of early spring are not presenting them with specific emotions. When contemplating the ordinary sense of need to connect the quiet joy of knowing life in general, by its presence in you, to see life through you created by the rose-colored glasses, turning the ordinary into the beautiful. The ability of such a vision, in addition to your mind, educates and develops in you a sense of beauty, is gradually wiping out of the way your environment imposed restrictive setting and programs that prevent you to fully enjoy the world around you and see it with my own eyes, but not as He appears in stories and allegations of your relatives, friends, writers and personalities who are authorities for you.
The joy of life, is accepted in all its manifestations, and the constant awareness of the miracle of the world not only expands the ability to perceive, but also form the identity of a man deeply penetrating into the essence of the idea of objects and phenomena, form a special feeling of true love to the world and the people give ability to understand and intuitive foresight. Hard to find beauty in the ugly, but at a certain stage of development of mental abilities of a follower of calm comes a time when, apart from personal feelings and biases to the events, he begins to understand the commonality of ugliness and beauty, their unity and interpenetration, and find the beauty in ugly or Conversely, open, ugly into beautiful. Such specific understanding is born in the process of reflection and meditation on this theme. The category is ugly and horrible. Gradually overcoming, or rather, transforming the negative feelings that arise in various situations into positive ones, you learn how to manage and himself, and the situation.

Having fun - meditation "Taste of Life

Meditation "having fun" are aimed at increasing the total number of positive emotions, obtained by a person. Like all meditation "Taste of Life", they run after exercise "inner smile", supplemented by a pleasant flow of orgasmic sensations, and increasing its intensity to a level slightly lower than average feelings of joy of being. "Getting the pleasure of touch" - a huge group of exercises to open the world of sensations through touch, filled with different meaning and content, ranging from fondling a child or sexual fondling and finishing blows to the body of the enemy.

Developing an increased sensitivity at the touch of various objects, environments or living objects, and using different methodologies, Quiet opened the way to a series of super-powers, the ability to manage their own and other energy. About sophisticated techniques will be discussed in the following books, but in the meantime try, referring to various subjects, fully concentrate on the sensations, enjoying the touch of a smooth or silky, warm or cool surfaces.

Gradually you will develop a sensitivity, and you in everyday life, not doing exercise, purely reflexively begin to experience additional pleasure from tactile information that you will pass on your hands and body. The highest point in its development, "the pleasure of touch 'gets a Taoist sexual techniques. On them will be discussed in the book "Happiness, love and sex." Meditation "the pleasure of hearing" is familiar to many music lovers. Modern science has discovered, even some of the biochemical processes taking place under the influence of music, which resulted in the body are allocated narkopodobnye substances that produce a feeling of pleasure.

 Working with the hearing as complex and diverse, as with other senses. Constantly developing and exercises the organs of hearing, quiet over the years not only feel a deterioration of their functions, but also significantly increase their capacity and efficiency. To exercise "the pleasure of inhaling" include breathing and respiratory and meditative exercises. "Taste the air" - a kind of contemplation of air inhaled and respiratory energy complexes associated with the accumulation of energy in the body and control this energy. At subsequent stages of training exercises of this type are accompanied by a gradual increase in emotional intensity meditations to expand capacity of perception.

"Getting the pleasure of eating in this case refers to all forms of enjoyment of the process of absorption of food in the usual utilitarian sense. "Get pleasure from the memories" - a meditative process of self-awareness over time and repeated re-experiencing the pleasant moments of his life. "Getting the pleasure of learning" - a set of meditations to help you more successfully develop any area of knowledge or skills. When the learning process brings joy, people more easily and quickly learn that the amount of knowledge, which under other circumstances it would take several times longer.

Technique "the pleasure of learning" about the same as in other meditations. If you study something you are not very nice, you must first complete the exercise to transfer negative feelings into positive ones, to separate the individual components of the learning process, which may be you are pleasant and helpful, and associative with the help of imagination to associate them with moments when the process of learning something any (not necessarily the same) gives you pleasure, adding to the positive emotions quiet inner joy and smiles flow of orgasmic sensations.

At the level of logic you can increase their motivation to learn the knowledge that any assimilated the information you make your knowledge more complete and may well be valuable to you in life. Think about that every intellectual and physical activities, performed with attention and interest, further develop your personal potential. As you can see, apart from assistance in learning experiences, meditation, "the taste of life" and perform several other functions, in this case, helping to absorb more and eat smart. There are many other meditations "taste life," such as getting pleasure from the movement "," gratification of knowing, "the pleasure of traveling," the pleasure of communication, command and control ", etc.
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