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Meditative Practice

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Meditative Practice

Auditory training, and meditation - techniques that have been successfully used for self-correction and monitoring of their condition. There are many techniques, and they all have the same goal - to work on his self-consciousness. Experts say that, and auditory training, and meditation can learn any person. The main thing - it is the desire and repeated training. And then everything depends on your patience and determination. It is clear that the person is interested in positive results of this study, and certainly nothing wrong with itself will not impress. Therefore, methods based on self-hypnosis, are fundamentally different from the treatment of various sorcerers and witches, even if the degree of risk.
As a rule, meditation practices allow a person to achieve desirable. Someone can improve your health, someone get rid of fears and concerns. But virtually all after a course of a psychological self feel more relaxed and confident in themselves and the world. So, if you're willing to spend from 7 to 10 minutes several times a day for the simplest of autogenic training, then your method - auditory training. It is structured so that the creation of positive emotional concepts directly affect the autonomic nervous system and helps to strengthen it. Consciousness in this process is not involved.

"Advanced users" manage to do auto-training, even while traveling in public transport, which is in itself very useful. During a workout you like "disconnected" from the outside world. And hence on the flow of negativity, which falls on us during a trip to a crowded bus. By the way, psychologists have found that virtually identical results can be achieved both by exercise and by meditating. Only need to do everything with pleasure. And to start to learn the proper technique of relaxation
One of the simplest exercises for relaxation is the relaxation in the Romberg position. Starting position - Stand up straight, feet and knees, connect, evenly distribute the center of gravity for the whole foot. The shoulders should be lowered down. Not rising to the toes, give your spine the correct upright position. Hands at the same time must hang freely along the body. Try to slowly relax all muscle groups. With the onset of physical relaxation, you will have a sense of ease and inner peace. This exercise can be performed once a day. It is in this state a person inspires your subconscious what he would like to gain confidence. This is the essence of almost all meditation practices. For those who want to learn auto-training and meditation, there are a lot of literature. But let me remind you that this hobby is like no other demands of regular use. Good luck to you samopogruzheniya!
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