Favorable. Meeting love lightning, love at first sight, unexpected
circumstances, confronted with friendship, affection or love. Unexpected success; trip with an artistic purpose.
Connection. Makes it more conscious about what people say. A person can always
stand out, but without the bad taste. He always wants to be noticed, but did not want to like it.
Makes less platonic love, more than normal, and not being a factor in marriage, this trend may be noted the continuous union and love with the first glance. This is a period favorable for the mind, as well as physical condition. Nerves are strong, and the concept of harmony. Material unselfishness, liberality, attractive magnetism. Meeting with unexpected circumstances. Makes you sometimes break a marriage, if Uranus and Venus in the bad aspects of Radix, but gives an artistic success. Trigon. Increases personal merit, originality, and inventive talent. Gives a love of beauty, and in particular to the truth. In art, as in all things, a man hated convention and then, so ordinary. Conducive to all sorts of fun and excitement of the spirit. Gives a strong appreciation for the feelings. Makes an unexpected way to find love, brings spontaneous sympathy. Helping the parish of consciousness, the awakening of data and talent, an increase of funds for expenditure as due to personal merit and the mind, and thanks to the support and sympathy from an unexpected success, which could take advantage of protection against blows or reduce their scope. The boys are getting married young. Sextile. Makes companionable, society where all are looking for. Facilitates agreement with the environment and gives a nice advantage over those who attend. In accordance with the environment shall be elected "chief", listen to him, followed his love. Spirit more creative than realizatorsky. When there is common sense and perseverance, a man of genius concept. In financial terms favorable to the liberal professions and those who work at their own expense. Makes the agreement between spouses or lovers, prompts to be less selfish and more trusting. Balances the nervous equilibrium. Small friendly. Reduces the number or intensity of hostility. Helps to better understand ourselves. Allows you to gain the sympathy of supporters. Ability to work harmoniously grow. Unfavorable. The tendency to a sharp separation in love. This trend often leads to break the illicit love. Success through scandal or scandalous success. Opposition. Does not have to behave like everything to be inconspicuous. Man dreamer and carefree. His behavior is not always great, it is often of dubious taste, but it is never ordinary, a man never doing anything really, from what may follow the most improbable incidents, from which he comes out with the aid of original tricks. He pays his creditors kind words, and his infidelity offsets smile. In sexually complex man, insensible to the signs of sympathy, it causes suffering of those who loved him, and he a skeptic, and he does not believe in attachment to the day when love disaster, emergency force him to accept the fact that one can suffer painful and love . That is what leads this trend between 30 and 50 years. Quadrature. Declines to do what you like and when the like. Gives the original artists who try to stand out by any means. The person needs to make others talk about themselves, good or bad. Inclines to the jealousy and envy, contradiction and skepticism. Unnatural sexual needs. A man must resort to tricks in order to satisfy them. Is not conducive to the stability of the home, regular love. The man knows more dry and selfish intellectual satisfaction than joy to love and be loved. Minor adverse. The risk of not being understood, causes enmity of carelessness, contempt for the conventions or the established order. Prevents peace in love.