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Memo to the peace and comfort in a house

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Memo to the peace and comfort in a house

• Do not scold the house, do not use swear words.

• Every day, sweeping away the dust from all furniture, and a day wash your floors.

• How frequently wash the toilet, bathtub and sinks.

• Do not smoke in the house and do not leave cigarette butts.

• Do not annoy, do not cry - no adults, no children.

• If something is broken or broke, do not be angry at the perpetrator. Say: God gave, God took them.

• If the house hang pictures dead, we must be baptized every morning in front of them and say: "Give rest, O Lord, the soul of the departed servant (name of deceased)." Then these pictures will not do you any harm. On the contrary - in gratitude for the prayers of the dead people will patronize your house.

• There can not whistle

• Do not leave the night open books and open source products

• After sunset, do not carry rubbish out of the house.
But if I live in your home are not going right - sort of like the relationship with household good, all love each other, all of each other happy, but I still do not want to go home, and feeling some not so, and even children became ill, Animals can not take root, the flowers wither, then you need to clean house from possible alien evil influences. Maybe someone brought damage, or simply looked the bad eye? Anything can happen. "Sick" house and you do the sick and miserable.

I have already told how to do it, but that you are looking for, once again. Hover the house clean. Climb to the farthest corners and has removed all the dirt. Physical dirt always involves spiritual filth. Wash windows, mirrors, all the bathroom fixtures, sinks, radiators. All this should kick to shine, as in the farthest corners of the house usually every evil and accumulates.

Point the perfect purity in the bathroom and toilet. A dirty linen store in a sealed box cabinet that mud and daub is not flowed out.

Windows, mirrors and floors can be washed with the addition of svyachenoy water. Walls can also be wiped with a cloth dipped in holy water.

Go around clockwise, with a candle in his hand the whole house (apartment), going to the bathroom and toilet. Viewing at this time of the Lord's Prayer, "" Rejoice O Virgin Mother of God "who gives life to the cross, Jesus Christ. Simultaneously baptize a candle all the corners, doors, beds, resting places and three windows. Your faith in this case does not matter (in the sense - inchurched you or not does not matter, if the Orthodox, too, does not matter if the Old Believers' rank to arrange everything). Then melt in a spoon on a plate of incense and the smoke from this with a spoon as you go around the house, doing the same thing and with a candle. When the incense in the spoon cools and does not smoke, it should heat up again and continue the consecration of the house from the place where the smoke has been spoon. Spoon to hide - it's not just handy. Now get the holy water and, bypassing the house again in a clockwise direction, spray (you can take a brush for this) three times every corner, a bed, window, resting places, the doors, saying each time: "In the name of the Father" - the first sbryzgivanie, "And son "- the second sbryzgivanie," And the Holy Spirit. Amen "- the third sbryzgivanie.

After this procedure, usually a house (flat) is cleared completely.

After such a capital-cleaning time comes to use of amulets. Stick to the rules that must be handled with amulets, and your home will be truly warm and cozy.

Conspiracy to protect homes

Take the aspen twig and a sharp knife. Peel the bark from a twig and sharpen both ends. Then set fire to a stick with two parties, and while it burns, say the conspiracy. Twig should be held over the saucer so that the ashes were all gathered in one place. When the twig will burn down so that you can not hold it anymore, quickly extinguish the flames. The residue twigs hide in the house. It is desirable, so that no one could find, and the ashes Develop the wind. Conspiracy is as follows:

Stands the temple of, built not for me, God arranged, all the saints erected. St. Nicholas dig a pit, St. Athanasius floor bridge, St. Paraskevi roof wing, St. Michael the archangel windows hacked, St. Kirik threshold stelae, St. Simeon the door get along. My house is worth that God's temple, the holy secure, God otmolenny, God rest his support, the sky was his roof, Protection Mother of God protect him. Lord Jesus Christ came and help me, the temple of UIS from all evil defense. Queen of Heaven, to protect all who were in this house from every trouble and quarrels and malicious libel. Amen.

Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the city of Jerusalem, presvyaschennoy desert, Queen of Heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary was asleep, slept under the tree was resting. Little sleep, a lot of dreams she saw had a dream terrible. Though her son, the Lord Jesus Christ, should be crucified, rustsy, nostsy nail riveted, spear pierced his side, the holy vestment on the part of dog. Rastryasisya, sky, split the land, the disintegration of the stones, burst into tears, Mother. The Lord Jesus heard about her dream came to her and said: "Mother Mother of God, do not cry, do not weep, I will be on Friday, tear, raise the cross on Saturday to bury in bright Sunday I will rise again, I will ascend into heaven, to God Father will come with angels, with the archangels, with cherubs, with the seraphim, they are God's praise, glorify Christ, you, most pure, Mother of God called. " Who is the dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary knows three times a day reading, that servant of God will not ruin any of the days or at night or in the afternoon or at midnight. The Lord will deliver him from every accursed spirit, from the man supostatnogo from stray animals, from snakes creeping from flying birds, from the twelve daughters of Herod, in the fever of the converted. Lord, Lord, Thou glorious is thy name in all the land. Amen.

Leaf with a talisman store where you have an icon.

Conspiracy-Ward for homes

Tear off a sprig of willow and aspen twig, wrap them in a leaf with a talisman, tightly tie a silk thread, and keep in the kitchen, in a secret place.

Brownie hozyainushko, neighbor, you live in the house quiet, no mess, no mocking, people do not bother me, go into the dark forest in quicksand, there joking, mocking it, shake it, and in my home, live quietly, quietly sit, house defend, guard from evil unclean. In the dark forest on quicksand Ivushka grows, grows osinushka, then you toy zabavushki. Ivushka not grow without roots, it is not necessary osinushka without a leaf, and a servant of God (name) live without Scorchlings, pristrekov yes spoilage. With the Lord will, peace and quiet in the house of my pickings. Amen.

Doll Charm

You need your hands to make a little doll. Take a white handkerchief in the middle of the handkerchief put a little cotton wool cut to add a little lock of his hair and tied a silk thread to get the head. Then take a piece of natural colored fabric and fasten it under the doll's head, to get a sundress. On the doll's head you can put a little kerchief dress decorated with embroidery or an apron - this is your business. Can also draw a face. But most importantly - hide under the skirt Chrysalis piece with talisman. Doll guardian must be stored in a conspicuous place, it is desirable that it fell down the sun's rays.

The Lord is king, destroyed hell, Satan pogiboh. Amen. Schley holy saints: St. Joasaph, St. Nicholas, St. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. They went to Mount Athos to pray to God, pray for me, a sinner, unworthy servant of God (name). Holy saints, Christ proslaviteli! Pray to the Holy Spirit, sanctifying every creature that he has consecrated this creation is mine, a small doll on the great guardian of my house. Otmolite, cast, house keeper she tell them to. And not to proceed to the house of my foreign-chuzhenin, adversary and vrazhin. None at dawn or at night or in the midday haze, or a night the darkness, nor in the moonlight or the stars or in the sun or at oblatseh, on any hour of the dashing, no matter what hour of good, from now until century of centuries. Amen. Amen. Amen.
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