Memo to the peace and comfort in the house
• Do not his mother at home.
• Choose a convenient day and on this day every week there is a house-cleaning.
• After a day wash your plumbing.
• If you smoke, every night before bed, empty the ashtray.
• Do not store more than a week laundry.
• Do not raise your voice at home.
• Never yell at the kids.
• Do not be angry because of broken crockery and broken things - it luckily.
• Wipe the dust from the daily photographs of the deceased loved ones, if you have them posted or stand in a prominent place.
• Do not whistle in the house.
• Do not leave for the night on a table knife and blatant product.
• Do not take out the garbage after sunset.
• Do not store in a house broken, cracked dishes, even more so - the mirror.
• The house can not keep any "dead bodies": dried flowers, dried crabs or sea stars, shells, stuffed animals, feathers, horns, skins of dead animals.
• Do not store the photos of the dead, along with photos of the living. Hide them away.