Men Controllers how to oppose them?
Perfect appearance - a good way of manipulation. The man, dressed with taste and all the rules of contemporary fashion, inspires confidence, does not it? Is it because that is not often you meet a man, corresponding to all the rules flawless appearance. This method is based on the manipulation of female attention to the neat, well-dressed men. Impeccable appearance of men automatically raises the level of confidence in women to him.
Women try to judge men on their own: if he decently and neatly dressed, so worthy of respect. Though, in practice pattern "means a tidy appearance decency" does not always work. If a man is dressed according to the rules and canons, it may say more about his pedantry. It is likely that a perfect appearance - is a way to manipulate the female mind.
Of course, experienced controllers use the ability to dress well as part of the manipulation as a whole, adding to this gallant demeanor, the art of persuasion and other manipulative techniques. Manipulator who knows how to dress well, half close to victory. He still said nothing, did not do while you're at a subconscious level, starting to trust him. In dealing with men flawless appearance it useful to check: his good taste in clothes - is part of the expression or the first successful attack on a gain your trust.

Men Controllers - how to oppose them? Of course, we should not impeach the men having good taste. But at a fraction of skepticism toward it, you are entitled. Be vigilant in dealing with the prim and perfect men. Make sure that tries to whether this magnificently dressed cavalier use produced the impression on you or did he simply flattering to your attention. Even if in the future this person is you have only sympathy, not in a hurry to agree to comply with its request or indication. Keep alert failure. Perhaps your liking caused by a complex of manipulative techniques and you are under the influence of false and charm of your contact.
How to resist the manipulator with good manners?
The man, who is familiar with the rules of etiquette, conquers at once. Opened the door and let you forward, shook hands at the exit from public transport, ahead of you, gallantly opened the door to your own car. Do not rush to exclaim: "It is not extinct yet gentlemen in this world!" It is possible that your gallant uses his tact in manipulative purposes.
Of course, it's silly to accuse each any gallant man in an attempt to manipulate you. Such signs of attention - is a normal manifestation of respect for the man to a woman. But if your companion is too helpful and polite, if he shows signs of attention to the obsessive persistence and desire to please you, then most likely, his gallantry - a way to manipulate you. Clearly, what is the basis of this method of manipulation. The fair sex get enormous pleasure from the rendered attention from others.
In fact, the rules of etiquette - an opportunity to express my respect for his companion. But it happens in another way: some men use knowledge of the rules of good form to get your location to yourself. The second option, unfortunately, is much more common. Manipulator relies on the fact that under his spell you will lose vigilance and readiness to fulfill any request. How to resist such manipulation? If you believe that your companion is manipulating you, you may not notice his attention: to enter the building without waiting until you open the door.
Pretend that you did not notice the offered hand of you, refuse the offer to help you carry your bag, unless of course it's not too heavy. Thus, rejecting courting your mate, you disarm him, he loses the opportunity to impress you and take advantage of this. To use such tactics to counter only when you really want to know what his gallantry - not that other, as a way of manipulation. Otherwise, ignore your tokens will be seen as disrespectful to the other party. Be careful.