Men do not confuse sex with love
Such is the cunning formulirovochka. (I would add: and have sex.) Come to mind could only woman. After all, it is clear that these things are completely different! Why talk about this? For example, love to have sex - not a bad option ... On the other hand, even very good sex without any love. But love without sex - it's only for the gifted. Well, now, no joke. Barbara De Angelis wrote: "There is a difference between sex and love. Sex - is a physiological act, in which both partners enjoy. Pursuing the same love, you first of all, plunge into the emotional atmosphere of love and adoration. " In the bull's eye! Only here, this is the "emotional atmosphere of love and adoration for us - very, very mysterious phenomenon.
Indeed, sex with love, we do not confuse. I would say more, we often do not mix personal life and family life. These are two big differences, as they say in Odessa. Perfect option when there is family life, someone to love and someone for sex. Such are the perverse fantasy. Why so? Explain. By itself, sex thing is a nice and healthy. And it is quite burdensome. One could say pure enjoyment. Love involves not only emotional and spiritual intimacy (which in general is not bad), but also imposes certain duties, requires dedication and so on. That is a hard work from a psychological standpoint. There is a saying that friendship is worse than work. So love is even worse friendship largest loads. And how can we confuse pleasure with work?
That's why we are happy just sex without love. It's nice and not annoying. Furthermore, love and other snot with sugar, as has been said, meaning for us is much less than, say, a career. It's something like a nice complement to life. But no sex in any way. In addition, sex is almost does not prevent the main pursuits - fishing mammoth and gambling. Made a deal - walking boldly! And with love a trick will not work. Here everything must be long, thoughtful and serious, taking his time on important matters.
There is another difference and advantage of sex before love. Loving every week a new woman can not. Physically impossible. But sexual partners can be changed daily (if you allow money and health). As you may recall, the man for quite objective reasons strives to diversify your sexual diet. So love, in some cases even harmful - we can not run the program, inherent in our nature. If you knew, with what anguish at times it is connected! For example, on a sunny day at the beach ... horror. Body requires an urgent start to fertilize all the female that comes into view. And you can not - next favorite ... hard.
I say all this not from the standpoint of science. From whimsical thoughts of psychologists who routinely explain our piggish male, you can easily meet in thick and clever books. I speak only what he thinks and feels normal man. Without any arcane explanations. Live somewhere you with us, rather than with scientific theories. As you can see, between sex and love are very important differences. Sex and pleasant, not so cumbersome, requires diversity, is vital. This is for men, naturally. And love - a difficult thing for such simple creatures like us. So our choice is clear.
Sex for men - is in many respects quite a mechanical act. Something like nailing stools, only much more interesting and enjoyable. And about the same thing - a set of specific technical activities, tangible benefits as a result, the joy of a job well done and so on. Sex, we can easily deal with a woman, to which disgusted as a man. Will it be only attractive in appearance. (I do not see anything wrong.) Accordingly, we attach more importance to the quality of sex. A simple feeling of closeness to us too little. Glad that you are currently completely given a loved one - it's great! But far better if given technically competent and committed manner. Do not be mistaken in saying that many men prefer to Better Sex without love is simple, have sex, decorated with amorous feelings.
So it is no wonder that men do not confuse sex with love and more or less willing to engage in a relationship with another woman, even if they love someone. And what's this? There's love, and here, just sex. No change ... no one gentle long kisses and hugs can not eat. We are ardent supporters of spontaneity, acrobatics, excesses and experiments in the bed. There is in this love or not - is not so important. Just long-term relationships require greater openness partners, which itself allows more of the same experiments. Well, no need to worry every time - it will or not. And so much does not matter, you're sleeping with his girlfriend or just a woman. Importantly - the quality of sexual life. Well, of course ...
Another quote from the book by Barbara: "Sometimes, being engaged with you love your man does not show much enthusiasm. This is because secretly he wants just to get sexual satisfaction, but is afraid to admit you do this. " Secretly, he was always seeking sexual gratification. But "sometimes" it just bothers to do a good face on a bad game. Therefore, he has shown little enthusiasm for making love. Whether it is our will, we have arranged a long, gentle, romantic sex once a month. And the rest of the time simply would receive is the most satisfaction by all available means. Too alive in us the monkey. Have you ever seen tenderly kissing monkeys? None. They are doing everything in quickly. And we both want. And if not quickly, the most perverse. Many kisses euthanized. And from such a sexual act, which is enthusiastically described by the author of numerous books about "delicious and healthy sex" can be a yawn, to dislocate his jaw. Feminism and are deprived us of the opportunity to live as you want. I urge you to somehow change their habits or the strength to do what we like. God forbid! I just tell what and how we see from our men's trench.
Why can not deny a man sex?
We gently kiss you in the neck, and you muttered, you have terrible headaches and generally you are "tired as a dog." Brutal disappointment for us. What we feel at the same time? De Angelis (and behind it, and many other writers), says: "When your partner makes you a sexual proposal, it offers you more than sex. He seems to say: "Please accept me '." Again, it is very difficult for us. Perhaps subconsciously we are and have in mind. But somewhere in very deeply. So deeply that they do not notice it. We think that we say: "Please give me as something very like." However, perhaps, women psychologists know better.
When men refuse sex, he feels:
• angry,
• dissatisfied
• cheated
• just plain stupid.
But the rejection? Well, if only a little. Men generally prefer not to be offended and angry, not upset, but svirepet. Psychologists call it a defensive reaction. Let. We know that when, in response to kissing neck heard: "Not now", I want that same neck of the thick rough to grasp more firmly with your fingers. Because what the hell? Could there be a headache cause? Nothing like that. We and a headache that can easily deal with. And then, we do not offer sex. We seek. And not because they want to make sure that you love us. And not because we want to prove their love. Because really want to get sexual satisfaction. That is the main man for money - primitive - and here the show.