Men have to prove your love
That's what people think of us, the modern Russian men, the women themselves (the arguments are very typical for our lovely ladies): "To be honest, my husband is not needed. Anyway this what is so rich in Russia: spineless, weak, depressed, lazy, parasitic on the female flyweight. And at the same time with the conceit of the roof. What is behind our national consciousness, such that the most lousy morel feels a prize? The best gift which can only weigh the fate of a woman? .. And maybe the way it is? Half the male population shamelessly drink. Part is in jail. Part goes to the six hundredth "Mercedes" and sleeps with photo models. Most of them do not live up to fifty. What should we do? If you reject the disabled and gays, then the choice is not so great. At this point, and a goat go, just not talked in whispers after sympathetic: "Lonely." That fight aunt for men. And those sitting on the stove and chew rolls. Scratch the sides so pick your nose. Watching the duel, arising out of your own person. "
After these revelations want to go take a shower, to be honest. Although I am a man not too sensitive ... As you can see, meditation is very sensible, sober, far away from romance: ninety percent of men - monsters, but do nothing, have to take these ... You'd think they Centerfolds. So things are a global scale. Remembering the simple truth that women are not for us, and we women, we can avoid a heap of trouble. Another big trouble can be avoided if we take the fact that young women - people are very realistic and prudent. Constantly keeping in mind these two ideas can thrive and even love them. Love sincerely. Large, clean, not clouded by doubts and suspicions love.

They will answer the same or not, only God knows, that is so clumsy and, frankly, carelessly spent the historical operation of turning our edge in this whimsical creature. Focus failed. And what is most offensive, the creator of perfectly without the ladies next door. In general, all major religions deity trudge for eternity in the proud and peaceful solitude. Have you heard anything about when a married God the Creator? Imagine what would have happened if in a world of someone muttering under his hand: "You're a pathetic loser who screwed it up again now after all! Nothing really can not do it, and climbs ... All my youth I fuck up ", etc. it.p.
Women are constantly on us something to call ...
No ... They did not want to spoil his eternal life, and man - please. And with Apple this story ...
Favorite anecdote about this topic:
Adam is sitting in the garden of Eden, bored. Nothing to drink before the Champions League it is not already guessed, so do absolutely nothing. To him, sluggish and sad, sits the Creator.
"What - he says - Adam, miss?
-Do you want me make you a woman?
-What is it, Lord?
Well, imagine that next to you will always be someone who will love you, will take care of you, give you joy, cheer you, in every way obihazhivat, do a bunch of interesting things at night in your tent ... She always understand you, comfort will help, do whatever you want, on your first request ... And never in no reproach, do not be offended, do not get angry and will not hurt you. Want this?
"Yes!" - Adam exclaimed, rubbing his sweaty palms, and swallowed salivating .- Yes, Lord, of course I want! And what will it take?
To do this I need to take your one eye, one arm, one leg, a kidney, the liver, cerebral hemisphere and a pair of ventricles of your heart ...
Adam hesitated, posopel, scratched his head and says:
-Lord, and I can get for a rib? ..
The sad story actually. Greedy our distant ancestor, greedy ... Oh well, eventually, the world itself is imperfect. Thus, the most important thing a woman wants from a man - that he defended and nourished. Everything else is secondary. And the demands that arise in addition to these two - by and large, only women's whims. They want daily, hourly, to make sure that they are the center of the universe. Yes, here is a plain desire. Think about it: almost all the women's claims essentially boil down to one - show me that I was the one and only and you're ready for me at all. That is, once again we are confronted with the action inherent in these programs. Just before the requirements of the protection were literally, the time was so severe. Women every day to make sure time and time again that men fool not roll, and wander around the parking lot of the tribe with a baton and watchful stare into the distance. If fact, for short. In all Ivanovo perform their duties.
Now we do not have to drive away the fearsome saber-toothed tigers growl from the cave in which the missus snoring. We currently sit quietly in comfortable homes watching television and selflessly click remote control. Why? Otpahali my eight hours in the office, we now have the right to relax. But our behavior is not on your nelly not to say that we are mindful of our primary responsibilities. On the contrary, the impression formed is that we frankly do not care at all. Including it with the child. It's clear that somewhere in the spinal cord from her bad start wiggling. Subconsciously, she doubts that we will carry out its program as cheerfully as she is. And starts because of this deep down to experience. Itself, of course, in this report does not give. Truth behind this mental discomfort of it is hidden. But, as in the famous anecdote osadochek something left ...
And so it requires an immediate demonstration of the fact that we remember their service, know and love. Men must prove their love! How do we show? Not for the same club to grab! She understands that. And requests tricks are not so exotic. Apply a coat there, flowers gifts, a shelf pin, which is a hundred years in the lunch nobody needs ... In short, do something of such things, and chivalrous gentleman. They need, so we jumped around, pretending puppy devotion posuetilis would be presenting a sample of selfless service to duty ... Well, if at all rude and simple - they really want to feel again that the female in the cave, which sits vychesyvaya fleas, and hear the quiet elastic steps of his male guarding her mind.
We are not far removed from our furry ancestors. As we have too alive monkey, scream and throws his own excrement in a moment of danger. And plaque culture was too thin, so we abandoned the behavioral, who saved our lives many thousands of years. This must be remembered. In principle, for any deliberate action of a cultured man, If you look closely, you'll see an instinctive act of Pithecanthropus. Women - are no exception. Quite the contrary. The fact that all of our skills that we so painstakingly brings ever for thousands of years, now were not really needed. Strength, endurance, agility, reduced sensitivity to pain, courage, ability to navigate in space, and other gadgets that we prolong life, no longer are essential qualities. No, I'm not saying that they do not need ... but not depend on them, someone who will eat - you are the enemy or the enemy you. Eat in the truest sense of the word.
We try to maintain a male instinct to artificial methods such as MMA and racing over rough terrain. But life itself compels us daily bare fangs and strain muscles. The program remains the same, but its implementation has changed. And the women all that they have built up in caves and huts, and is now used for one hundred percent. How to give birth to a million years ago and gave birth to cook meals and prepare ... No, they, of course, also evolved. At least, we hear them articulate speech, and they changed the skins on the stunning dress. But the program, and ways of its implementation have not changed fundamentally.