Men need variety in sex
Well, know about it all. Because of this we can not hide. Why hide it? To us it seems quite natural and very enjoyable. Oral and anal sex - it's great, yeah. Not everyone, of course, from this beginning in delight twist legs, but again, the overwhelming majority. Even write something about it somehow ashamed. What has been said a thousand times to repeat? Therefore, very briefly. Loved, loved and will love. If you do not get - we dream of. If we get - we appreciate it. Men need variety in sex. Why are we so love? Yes, because a very pleasant feeling. This is the first. And secondly, when this action occurs, we feel that a woman takes us completely. No, really. The emotional side of things for us, even more important than the difference in perceptions.
Once one of the forums on the Internet came to discuss the problems of anal sex. One girl asked, they say, what if the partner is encouraged to try this thing out. Saying different things. Including an opinion was expressed that a man so humble woman and gets a perverse pleasure from it. And then, accordingly, ceases to be respected. Said a woman. With it, willingly agreed to a few more ladies. I wonder where they got this information? No way, Grandma's upbringing.
With all responsibility I want to say that anyone so we Makarov did not degrade. And it is not going to. On the contrary, we want to make sure that the really expensive and are close to this woman. Hence warm gratitude, if it all happened (and hurt if they told us: "Fuck off, pervert"). For us it is - an expression of your confidence. No more, no less. This also applies to oral sex. (By the oral sex is not understood almost friendly Smack in the same place, and carried to its logical conclusion act.)
Of course, if women do not like it, do not force yourself. Well, no and no. Only once again, say "no" can be very different. Categorically not taken us words such as:
• muck;
• an abomination;
• I hate to even talk about it;
• how could you offer me this;
• I'm not a whore;
• And if you yourself go?
You can express things differently. This is exactly the case when emotions are best left to themselves. Why not say: "No, sorry, but I really hurt." (However, many men believe that with enough training you can easily get rid of the soreness. So this option can provide only temporary respite.) But still "hurt" - this is a legitimate reason. A "dirty trick" - disrespectful. "Gag reflex, or injury to the jaw" - with respect. "It's disgusting and an abomination" - no. Here, I think everything is clear. You, too, think football valid reason of our refusal to go to the store. Why do you think that by saying "crap" shoot all the questions? Conversely, only increases their number.
Very nice when these things offer the woman herself. After all, we often hesitate to ask. Mindful, in particular, its former, which is a bit of syncope did not fall, whenever the conversation turned. Shy, silent, but desperately want. So if you call the factory, we are ready to hand you wear it. Rarely, however, such things happen, unfortunately ... And again, we are spoiled by a woman shall not be considered. In any case. In short, it's warm relationship with us to the women who understand our desires and treat them with respect. If no agreement, then without a hunted look girls polonyanki, if a failure - that without squeamish grimaces. It's very simple. And no thought of the humiliation and similar nonsense.