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Men with whom you can leave without regret

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Men with whom you can leave without regret

Of course, not all men need to protect, store, and not all need to find a place in my life. Let's consider the category of the stronger sex, on which you can not get rid of pity. Certainly not bad, evil, despicable people. There are only those who suffer. Nevertheless, this is absolutely not mean that you should suffer from their presence in my life ... So, men with whom you can leave without regret.

1.Prohvosty. They should never be relied upon. You may say one thing and do another. Any of their promises is nothing like sotryasanie air. They may work two or three, and ten of fronts. If such communication does not suit you, you can get rid of balabola boldly. How? It is already at your discretion. But it is better to be peaceful. Because of such people would come out about you and then dismiss all sorts of gossip and rumor. So it is better to stay at a proper distance.

2.Sadisty. This widespread category of men, does not require advertising and explanations. At work, this is never too lazy to tell you crap about your new hairstyle. In his personal life such a pleasure to torment you with stories about his former girlfriends and a hurricane sex with them. No personal animosity he can for you and do not feed. He just likes to torment. And if your interests do not coincide, and you did not crave to suffer, then part with it easily. Sometimes, to sadist behind, is enough to scratch his pride indifference to all of its barbs. And in time you insert a joke, which it can not respond properly to wit, can once and forever to cool his ardor.
3. "Guys that have, or banal womanizer." This breed should be well known to you its not quite adequate self-esteem. Unlike the real macho womanizer are not interested in the process of seducing women and gambling do not even moments of sexual ecstasy, and the fact that the next name in the women with whom he had managed to sleep. He collects his mistresses. Just like that. To narcissism. In this case, it is not important or your feelings or desires. Is only important fact is another sexual conquest. These men love to repeat: "If a woman does not, then it's a bad woman." If you otvergnesh his advances, he likely will start watering your mud publicly and behind the eyes. Womanizer prefer available women, challenging the target of their scare. Try to get rid of him the world can use coarse flattery: "I would like to twirl with you a novel, but I'm afraid. You're such a fateful man. Everyone knows how much you already broke women's hearts, so that will remain friends. And then still in love with you, God forbid, then I will suffer. "

4. "Lecturer", also known as "nerd", he also "fuse cord". Knows everything about everything. And eager to share their knowledge. And the best - you impose his worldview and a way to solve problems. Of course, sometimes his advice to come to the site. But in most cases, this type of men sinning so that he considered himself smarter than others. Moreover, sometimes a man comes to the extremes. For example, learning about what treatment of gastritis you have appointed a doctor, he starts complaining: "Yes it is wrong! Yes, your doctor an idiot! Do as I say! I have something better to know what to do, and this despite the fact that he works as a mechanic, a milling machine. With these it is better not to argue. Just accept and then act differently. Sberezhesh lot of time and nerves!
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