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Mens Toys

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Mens Toys
All a child had loved toys and games ... Masha doll, doll Dasha and Natasha, bear, rabbit, bicycles, and engines ... It turns out, not in vain you liked some toys, and others you broke quietly in the corner. Toys reflect the individuality of each person, and if he kept this toy (even in warm memories), it can tell a lot about him this, and about his character. How to know - so just go together in a "toy" department of a large store (under the pretext of buying a gift for a favorite nephew) and walk along the shelves, looking carefully at what he (or) "bite".

- Doll. No relation to its present orientation. If he loved playing with dolls in daughters and mothers, it is a gentle, easygoing man with exquisite taste and good manners. It is not excluded even aristocratic origins and / or elite education

- Machine. Even if it does not Schumacher, cars influenced the formation of his fighting spirit. He does not tolerate the slightest injustice, not physically tolerate sycophancy and hypocrisy. Since childhood he has always defended the weak, despite the growth and age against

- Soldiers. Again, no relation to the current profession. Nobody says that he grew up and became a warrant officer or a fireman. No, it most likely an engineer or manager middle managers. Soldiers formed his analytical thinking, pragmatism and the ability to plan every step. It is a tactic rather than a strategist (and if you do not claim to be a strategist, is quite satisfied with his life and his work). He was almost to the extreme and just basic, carefully watching his speech that even you do not accidentally offend someone, and most despised falsehood.

- Board Games. According to the banal logic would grow into a large head, and grew up ... romantic. A little disorganized and uncollected, living one day, amorous. His restless nature shall not all, many are taught to live, often on a self

- Design. No, a design engineer, he did not. This, apparently, an athlete, a geologist, perhaps, a salesman, in any case the profession is associated with movement, a large open space, and the constant search for self-assertion. He loves nature.
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