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Mens and womens parallel

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Men's and women's parallel

You can reach the heights, having overcome their complexes, and attune themselves to the best, but we can not force cross female and male logic "plus" sign. The parallels do not intersect! And man and a woman, even put them in one bed, will remain a mystery to each other. It seems that might be easier - take a textbook on psychology, and learned about the opposite sex all the "inside story", has studied the "object" and down to see him through. Flutes! We prefer to hope that it will begin to think like a woman, but he stubbornly expects that she will talk like a man. I'd like to see what happens.
Of course, in books written many clever and useful, but how to practice these tips, like to know: what is on your mind out of the paws at the next table ... or in this verzily who stare at me half an hour already? In real life, alas, there are stories where two people wholeheartedly seek to understand, but stumbled on this most "logical parallel" ... Irina (this admittedly beautiful) head over heels in love with Vadim, and he naturally replied reciprocate. But they are both damn no point in psychology, so their affair nearly ended in the beginning. The fact that Vadim was eager to show off to friends, awesome beautiful girl, so all their meetings turned into a rowdy crowd. And Irina wanted to stay with a nice private, enjoy the kisses and all that ... She too had hinted lover and tickets to the movie took in the last series, and invited Vadim to his dacha ... but muzhchinka caught unready. One word - oak!

In the end, the girl got tired eternal presence of cheerful friends, and she stopped responding to phone calls. Vadim, of course, did not understand such a drastic shift from the love of his disgrace and demanded an explanation. As a result, had to explain himself ... The story was "a happy-end, although the nerves are patting each other a couple fairly. Svetlana and Igor introduced a girlfriend, at first glance like a man Svetochka. She was a woman, it's not that old, but not the first freshness, so I decided to just "take the bull by the horns." Reasoned it like this: interest in me, Igor showed, telefonchik picked up on a date called. So I am not indifferent to him, and nothing to "pull the rubber, if the case still having sex end ... couple of days break and then stay with him at night, staring, and forever prizhivus.

At first all went by without a hitch: Igor on the third day, invited himself to the Light. And then the woman acted like something was wrong. Rather, she took the right thing in terms of female logic, but from the perspective of the male .. The scenario was this: "Tea-Coffee Shall We Dance" with breaks for kisses, then the light looked at the clock and zasobiralsya home. Not very fast, by the way, to give her sweet time to figure: they say, she does not want to leave, but most remain somehow unseemly to behold, if Igor Igor took the initiative ... waiting for that light will remain, and began to lead a very good reason: too late already dark, the rain comes and stuff like that. The light seemed unwise to give up because of some rain, seduces her and promises such as "will lay you in the hall," "I swear I will not touch you." She waited for the other words, but whether the man was afraid to speak openly about his intentions, or any sleep, nor spirit did not claim her body, these words have not heard the Light.

Final - poshagala she home alone, using unprintable epithets addressed to the gentleman. A gentleman was in full confidence that the woman did not like it, otherwise it certainly would have stayed, perhaps, forever ... "Alas, two parallels are not crossed. Natalya and Sergei was a similar situation, but the woman still remained for the night at the hospitable host. Nobody is scared of the rain, however, before this and did not make it: the familiar scenario of "tea-coffee ..." smoothly moved to the bed stage. Here are the final chord of understanding was a strange male. And it was like this ...

Natalie woke up early in the morning and quietly disappeared "in the blue haze." She felt that the mysterious disappearance of (well, just like her favorite film) - is an extremely romantic. If the woman knew what a cruel joke to play with her man's logic!

In a scenario that "anticipated" the woman, the favorite had to rush to find her, unable to live without it. Sergei morning woke up, found an empty pillow and dumb. Girlfriend was not there, as though the note from her or any other sign of her stay here tonight. Well, at least a trace of lipstick on the mirror, even if panties forgotten - nothing! The man was upset to the soul, and the logic took him to a standstill, or rather to the conclusion that the woman did not like it, disappointed her, so she slipped away secretly. Sergei decided to forget about it. And then they met ... in a year when it was too late. That's when it all turned out, much to the chagrin of both. These are the stories that could be the beginning of a great and long love. Men's and women parallels what - somewhat reminiscent of the rails that converge somewhere over the horizon. But the rails are permanently connected sleepers and turn into the road on which the trains are going different directions. And what we build with you? Here's a riddle, which you can find the answer only two.
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