Men's and women's rights in the sexual game
Because men have created erotic control, according to his perception of the male, I've listed a few such laws to a reasonable man saw them nonconstructivity, but a sensible woman, knowing the man's laws failed to change the erotic life of the family. Thus, men's and women's rights in the sexual game :
1. Any man unconsciously trying to get a woman as quickly as possible and at minimum cost. Any man tries to make the period of courtship was as fast as possible to avoid prolonged phase of flowers, sighs under the moon and other romantic (unnecessary from his point of view) of the elements. Most modern women, going on about your partner, violating the so-called "pre-hunt for a female" - one of man's instincts. Because the instinct remains unmanifested, this sexy couple can quickly disintegrate.
2. If a man wants as quickly as possible to drag a woman into bed, so he wants as quickly as possible to get erotic pleasure, therefore, intimate contact with a pair soon becomes fast and rare. Many men find it "works zhitey-sky", but such unions are also short-lived.
3. After intimate intercourse of any man wants to be left alone. He absolutely does not want some time to pay attention to the woman who runs into his arms, looking to continue gentle caresses. A man wants to secede from the woman not to fall under its emotional control. Blessed are those women who understand this point, when the man recovers, and remains in a mild anticipation. If a woman does not
understand the exclusivity of seconds and begging for him to continue caressing, it can cause concealed aggression. Male or try to break away from this woman, or if it's family, sex will happen less and less.
4. The natural culmination of intimacy for men - is ejaculation, and everything else - foreplay, tenderness, next to orgasm, it seems unnecessary to them, without which you can do. Therefore, any man wants a woman was sensual and hot and very quickly ignited by his first caresses and touches. Male erectile response to the woman when she erotically attracts and seduces him. A man wants a woman to belong to him completely. He wants a woman, when it is with him, dressed as he pleases, and when the leaves or stays at home - modest and softly.
5. If a man believes that women should have these or other advantages, and their partner they do not exist and it does not seek to learn about these qualities, does not seek to conform to the image of male erotic desire, then after some time the man would be with a woman bored. If your husband does not want you to sleep, it's your fault. Ceasing to manipulate male sexual attention, we turn our lives into existence a disgrace.
6. Sex for men - is both a pleasure and work, which necessarily requires to succeed. To the fore in this case nominated quantitative indicators - or the number of women held a number of acts. In this case, men will need to confirm effectiveness. The most important confirmation of the consistency of the erotic male receives from women. After sexual intercourse every man wants to hear and feel feminine appreciation. Men do not want to hear that she was left cold after skillfully conducted erotic "flight".
Women's rights in the sexual game
1. Woman unknowingly or knowingly gives leadership a man, not being active principle in sexual games.
2. A woman's sexuality has high selectivity and vulnerability. A man who offended during the day a woman will likely remain without an intimate caresses, a woman finds various pretexts for sexual intercourse has not occurred. Many women say that erotic pleasure to be during the day psychological evidence of love and only after that night would be sex.
3. The main thrust of female sexuality - the desire for motherhood, which usually dominates in life. A woman does not want to ever have children, which often causes fear of unwanted pregnancy, in connection with what may appear sexual coldness and unwillingness to close with a partner. The woman will be grateful to the partner who understands the element of fear and will help her avoid conception. Only such a man the woman is ready to give a storm of erotic fantasies and emotions.
4. The perception of orgasm in women is very different from men as to the severity and the place of feelings. If you lust after a man while in a state of complete nonexcitability and relaxed, the woman waits gentle caresses as a continuation of sexual sensation after orgasm. If the man is relaxed and becomes irritable, and not gentle woman interprets this behavior as a love coldness. Further sexual contact of a pair will become rarer.
5. Orgasm causes a flow of tenderness in a woman to a man who is obliged to return the feeling. For those who do not do this, the woman will be unread book. Man after intimate caresses must pull over to the woman, to express joy and satisfaction that they were so good together, but better - tell a woman about his love. If he turns away in silence, a woman can feel like a prostitute, but it will perceive as sexual savage. Scandals of this pair would be severe and prolonged. Even if they do not end hysterical woman, the insult to the man anyway "settle" deep down a woman in connection with what may develop frigidity towards this man.
This is not the whole list of rules. I have tried to describe the main. In order for the sexual life has been durable in your pair, you adhere to this Code of Conduct, and you will begin to bear one another voluptuous pleasure, and not to cause excruciating pain.