Men's misconceptions about women
Some husbands feel that their wives specially arrange a tantrum, to annoy them to cleverly exploit the situation to the public - that their female ends. However, the hysteria of order does not happen in the scandal, which erupted to blame both. Naturally, men genuinely feel themselves more secure, hence the conclusion: all women are hysterical! Some men think that women like ears. However, the love of sweet speeches have not all women. For example, only 15% of Spanish women said that they like to hear compliments, 25% admitted that they are absolutely indifferent to them, while 60% of them just hate. We are not Spaniards, and compliments, of course, we love, only to receive gifts as something pleasant. And if the husband goes to the store or will wash the dishes ... Here and compliments do not have any, and so clear - love!
Men's misconceptions about women that we love to twirl in the mirror. Is this true? In one department store in Stockholm, conducted an experiment: a hidden camera filmed people who stopped in front of a mirror. Women were 412 people, and they just corrected hairstyles, powdered noses. But the men turned out to be-a-amnogo more - 778! And the purpose of them was the most that neither is incriminating - admire her appearance. So do not be surprised if the spouse "has surpassed" you in a purely female, at first glance, the lesson. Nature! ..

Many men believe that stupid woman in bed, better than those who are different "intelligence and wit." There is no connection between the intellect and sensibility, it is different: too smart ladies are easier on persuasion and not so demanding. That peasants and feel "Eagles"! Some men find that the more a woman's breasts, so it is temperamental. In fact, this myth was born through the efforts of sex workers, through which a woman with large breasts has become a symbol of sex appeal. Oh, man, they knew they would, that there is no woman in the world quite happy with my bust!
All men think that any woman would prefer good sex romantic dinner. As they are wrong! Of course there are among us, such statistics tell only this: every second woman still chooses a nice candlelight dinner, one in three - will prefer to sleep, and one in five - chat with her friends. Only men about it - molchok! Let him, err ...