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Mens polygamy

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Men's polygamy

Word that characterizes a woman showing sexual interest to all men, foul language, and why do men have the right to be so and yet so charmingly called just a womanizer. Very few women want to get yourself a reputation for using foul and even less sane men would be glad of such a reputation of his girlfriend. In this case, all the men are proud to introduce each other and even themselves sebyakak big fans of female, like a womanizer - baton of success. I think a similar sexual intemperance banal physical illness akin to scabies. (If someone does not know what the most pleasant disease - it just does scabies: the more it itches, the more you want. So, gentlemen, ladies' man - that you itch.)

A fault in the whole story in a series of myths about male polygamy. It's not even a fairy tale, but true story, historical anecdote, which is fond of telling sexopathologists, because male patients come from this tales of delight and joy as children. However, anyone who decides to look through the tedium of the medical literature on the problem of male impotence, was surprised to discover that no article is complete without this anecdote. Tenderness and frugality, with which scientists have passed from mouth to mouth this unpretentious story suggests that the myth of male polygamy without heavy advertising may crumble to pieces. Any literate man can to impress his girlfriend, that the propensity watched the women forced upon him by instinct, male polygamy is laid in his nature. Billions of sperm that produces his body, the demand together with Sir Charles Darwin's birth and for the preservation of the species make it to transmit genes to the maximum number of offspring. If a man does not provide on their genes to the right and left, but is limited to an innocent flirtation, is a feat of mind over nature, for which he owed to the monument and a bit of sexual freedom.
Even more literate man explain to his girlfriend that her flirting with other men is not just meanness, and a flagrant violation of the laws of nature. A small amount of egg-cells, which can make for their lives reproductive system of the female body, long periods of gestation and lactation - biological conditions that result in females during the evolution of monogamy is formed - an instinct which obliges a woman to be faithful to a single male. Sexual interest in other men - neither more nor less than promiscuity. Fortunately, a normal woman spat from a high tower on the evolution of species, not a single moment did she want to spend on understanding these inhumane laws. If evolution would disturb the sleeping woman and ruin her appetite, she perchance might be interested in biology, in this case, the partner soon learns from her a lot of trouble, to whom he is like and what branched horns on his head grew.

Polygamy males in the animal world takes place only in those species, female sexuality is dependent on the reproductive cycle. Such female allows him to come to her male only during ovulation, that is, when the ability to conceive, in the remaining period of the females while attempting intercourse with them behave very aggressively. Among the primates closest to us only in the gibbon females willing to copulate, regardless of ovulation, and gibbons - the only ape couples who are monogamous, and under favorable conditions persist throughout life. In polygamous species females are not only stay faithful to one male, but also use the slightest possibility of intercourse with others. This is justified by the fact that the female tends to collect genetic material from as many males. In the female reproductive organs of the sperm of different individuals come together in the fight for fertilization, in which only the fittest wins.

In the animal world there is no form in which the male would seek to polygamy, and female - to monogamy. The fact that the female ovulation period exclusively polygamous set up, flirts with all my strength and stick to the males, it stimulates intraspecific struggle. Idealistic picture of life of animals, in which sexually active males spend their lives in the hunt for alien females, and their own true wives waiting for them in the marital nest, - a phantasmagoria. When females are polygamous males behave modestly, they just do not want sex, and therefore would not let a single male. In those rare days when the females are sexually active, they hunt for males is not less than males for the females. Following the logic of the myth of male polygamy, men are obsessed with instincts. Instincts overshadow reason, and neither of which love can not even go to speech. It is love that creates a sense of what distinguishes us from animals and gives humanity.

While males in the whole animal world are concerned about the struggle for survival of the species, females are responsible for intraspecific selection. The greater the sperm enters the female reproductive organs, the greater biological benefit and, leaving his egg to the maximum number of applicants. Competition may be over the cycle, since the sperm in the uterus remain viable for several days, and in time of ovulation varies. Moreover, modern laboratory tests have proven that under conditions of sperm competition, getting into the uterus and provoke ovulation in women at any point in the cycle. In this regard, gynecologists recommend the use of calculation method for the prevention of dangerous days just with a regular partner. In addition, the sperm has lost activity for several weeks, retain the ability to identify the sperm of other men and prevent their invasion of the cervix. The more different male gamete enters the bodies of women throughout the cycle, the fierce war unfolds over the egg.

Thus, it seems that women, like men, damn natural selection leads to debauchery. And if the sexual possibilities of men can not be compared with the cock, even if he will live in a chicken coop, a woman is able to copulate with a herd on a daily basis, collecting material for intraspecific screening and selecting, by the way, the best males than can boast of a man. To a great consolation for all the ladies' men, the human species is not polygamy. The struggle for the survival of the species by humans than by breeding. Intraspecific selection is made not by controlling the sperm in the evolution of people working other laws. Darwin, who came on the morning husbands cite no less than women on the aliens abducted them, unfortunately, almost no one read it. Otherwise I would just drew attention to his conclusion that in the animal world, sexual behavior of male control of female.
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