Mercury in a solar house horoscope
Many thoughts and conversations about the most private affairs of man, that he is most worried about. As with any planet in the 1-meter house, Mercury points to immersion in the problems of its own, so the focus is mainly to be paid to the aspects of Mercury. For example, if he burned the sun or in conjunction with Saturn, it says the unusual silent and reticent man, intense pondering his life. May indicate a limitation in the contacts, internal and external isolation. Characteristic of diaries, personal annotations and notes. In the negative aspects of the difficulty in expressing their thoughts in a positive ease, increased mental activity and intelligence. Inclines to monetary manipulation, a variety of acquaintances and contacts. A set of intelligent conversations. People seek to derive maximum benefit from all that is happening around them. Unaffected, the position is favorable for learning, trade, literary work.
Mercury in the 2 home solar horoscope
Many "cash" and "rag" conversation, thinking aims to reflect and discuss ways of earning, as well as expenses, purchases. When the positive aspects of obtaining favorable trading profits. Possible revenues from intellectual activity, literary work, thanks to the mediation, fraud, concluded lucrative deals. If it affects the points to the loss of the same articles. In addressing the financial problems of individuals in this year play an important role as his brothers and sisters, other relatives, neighbors, friends, schoolmates, as well as mediators, journalists, writers, people involved in intellectual work. Sometimes, when important aspects of Mercury and its relationship to the 3 rd and 8 th houses points to receive news of the profits earned some money from writing, by telephone, from the conversation.
Mercury in 3 home solar horoscope
A lot of talk about education rights, as well as his friends and close relatives. Also often indicate a change in terms of communication rights, in close contact with friends, joint walks, close to travel, and other events. Interesting and useful contacts, brotherly relations with one of your new friends. Usually indicates a new cycle of training, employment problems of learning, discussion of educational material. Travel and travel related to their studies. Stresses the importance of literary works, reading and correspondence, negotiations, agreements. Year favorable for gaining useful links.
Mercury in 4 home solar horoscope
Often points to a temporary residence in another place, house, moving from one residence to another. A lot of talk about family problems or correspondence, telephone conversations with family members. Generally a lot of communication on the house phone. Intellectual activity at home, in silence, in familiar surroundings. With the defeat of the negative aspects of a quarrel in the family, differences of opinion, discussion of family issues and traditions. May temporarily suspend communication with the family and home. Some changes in the family.
Mercury is a 5-house solar horoscope
A lot of talk about love, discuss their experiences, intimate relationship. Love letters, telephone contact with a loved one. Also indicates that people tend to think about their feelings, analyze them. Reading sexual literature. Position conducive to teaching, contact with children, began their teaching, educational conversations with them, discuss their problems. Favorable for the training of the man himself. For men may mean relationship with a much younger woman. Many pleasures associated with the use of his intelligence, mental abilities and erudition. In the most trivial version of it, such as solving a crossword. Negative aspects make it difficult to communicate with a loved one, making the results of mental effort mediocre. There are differences of opinion and disputes with the children.
Mercury in the 6 home solar horoscope
Many service calls and business correspondence. Any correspondence with a man holding a subordinate position in the service. Discussion of its obligations and debts. Circle of friends a person are his subordinates, staff or fellow students, mostly younger in age and rank. Appeal to a younger audience. Numerous contacts at work, official business. Making your business papers related to the work. Mediation in trade, medicine, and the service sector. Travel related to the performance of his duties. Negative aspects of Mercury predispose to numerous experiences and concerns, to nervous fatigue, particularly associated with the service. Complicate the application of intelligent human effort and express their thoughts.
Mercury in 7 home solar horoscope
A lot of talk about partnerships. Discussion of cases of a spouse or business partners. Many mental human effort is aimed at understanding human relationships, ways of influence on mass audiences. Generally means deep thinking, honing their parlance. Man become clear interests and aspects of the behavior of others. May indicate an active correspondence, sharing thoughts and opinions with friends, companions, spouses. Intellectual abilities of man can be appreciated, they are interested. Year favorable for literary collaboration, co-author. Negative aspects of Mercury predispose to disagreements, disputes with a spouse or business partners, to reckless Relations.
Mercury in 8 home solar horoscope
May indicate a change in the nature or style of teaching man (was it good or bad depending on the learning aspect). Start learning a new discipline. Person's thoughts and conversations can be directed to carry out surgery, especially in aspect to Pluto (the natal house in which the solar Pluto at this point to the operable organ or body part). Talk to sexual and intimate relationships. Significant rethinking of life processes, as well as his communication style. Contacts with financial and administrative authorities. Agree on the allocation of profits and their investments, and other issues relating to other people's money. Negative aspects of Mercury are doing all of these issues difficult, sometimes dangerous to humans. There are trips and concerns associated with another death. Confirmation of the Radix may indicate the death of a brother or sister.
Mercury in the 9 house solar horoscope
Most of the thoughts and conversations rights associated with foreign affairs. Discuss their trade interests abroad, correspondence with foreigners, telephone conversations. In the circle of communication from time to time, many foreign nationals. May indicate a short trip abroad, in another city business nature. Intellectual contacts with foreign countries, such as: education, training, lectures, research papers, participation in joint projects and discussions. Year is favorable for the study of foreign languages. A very fruitful year for scientists, researchers, teachers, educators, philosophers, literary scholars, religious leaders. Discuss their perspectives, including those related to foreign countries. Negative aspects point to the obstacles in these areas, significantly reduce the prospects of development.
Mercury in 10 home solar horoscope
Thoughts and conversations related to a person of his professional, career, and current goals as a person understands them and in the manner in which they describe a solar horoscope. There may be changes in the workplace, position, and therefore the need to sign important papers. In severe cases of Mercury from the signature should be abandoned. A person can get the proposal to raise, on the implementation of special orders, giving it special status. He will take this offer or not depends on other indicators of the 10 th house. The man thinks well of his position in society, public activities, as well as politics, governance, nation-wide problems, if Mercury has aspects of the 9 th house or superplanetami. Negative aspects of Mercury predispose to hasty action, thoughtless words that can hurt your career and the human condition.
Mercury in 11 home solar horoscope
Is favorable for communication in a friendly circle, to discuss their hopes and aspirations. The man thinks about the ideological platform of his life, actively make plans and projects. May indicate a change in the friendly circle, if anything, it is important for a person to establish friendly relations with our brothers and sisters. Social circle may be mostly the younger the age a person. Friendly correspondence, finding friendship through correspondence. Joint business interests with a person who sympathizes with the man. Useful links. Intellectual contacts with the public (interviews, lectures, etc.). Negative aspects indicate vain hopes on the help of friends, to support the deprivation, loss of sympathy, disagreements with friends. With the opposition in the 5 th house indicates disagreement with the children and the loss of their arrangement, numerous efforts for children.
Mercury in 12 home solar horoscope
In some cases, may indicate a secret communication, correspondence with those in the underground, far away, in prison or who have used violence. Experiences because of letters, calls, visits, an unsuccessful communication style. Secret thoughts and doubts, mental anguish, heated logical calculations, intelligent man. Difficulties in expressing their thoughts or their inability to express and make the final decision. Positive aspectation Mercury favors latent intellectual activity by writing in solitude, research, religious propaganda. Unfavorable year for journalists, teachers, and all those who need contact with the public intellectual or verbal nature. Perhaps a secret literary works, hidden mediation, fraud in the trade. Negative aspects of Mercury are making confusion in the thoughts of a man, give hypochondria, melancholia, a dichotomy of mind, strange mental progress, backstage intrigue, blackmail.