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Metaphors to work with emotions states beliefs

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Metaphors to work with emotions, states, beliefs.

Metaphor is present in virtually all spheres of human activity. The most relevant areas of psychology have become metaphors, PR, marketing. According to the results of large-scale study of the phenomenon of genius calls the use of metaphors, one of the characteristics of genius. Metaphor in work with emotions, states, beliefs, simply brilliant discovery of mankind. Since ancient times people used allegory, transfer, for reproof temper, aggression and fear. In the culture of ancient China own emotions considered valor and an essential quality of a warrior, so the old metaphors survive to this day. We can say that the management of emotions is one of the main qualities of a modern manager. Bring useful metaphor for the negative emotional state, limiting beliefs, beliefs.  

To fit a student teacher and says: "teacher, I am very hard life, because I hurt people. And I long to offend people. What should I do? "Master gave him a bag of nails and said:" Every time you will be offended, you have to score another nail into the wall. "
  On the first day the wall was 26 strikes like nails. On another evening the boy has learned to restrain his anger, and every day the number is bound into a wall of nails began to decrease. The boy realized that it was easier to control his temper than to drive nails. At last the day came when the boy never lost his composure. He told this to his teacher and he said: "Every day when you manage to hold back, you can pull out one nail from the wall."
 As time went on, and came the day when a boy could tell teacher that a wall not a single nail. Then the teacher took his hand and led him to the wall: "You're not bad right, but you see how many holes in the wall? It will never be such as before. When talking about the man something evil, he remains as a scar, as well as those holes. And no matter how many times after that you're sorry - the scar remains. Verbal scar the same painful, as well as physically. "
     "And what do I do with the holes in the wall that remained after the nails?" - Asked a disciple. The master replied: "But with them you have to live life."

Five simple rules to be happy. 

    Once the donkey fell into a farmer's well. He was afraid he cried, calling for help. Farmer ran and threw up her hands: "How did it get there?"
 Then the owner of a donkey judged as follows: "my ass - old. He has not long left. I'm still going to buy a new colt. And well, anyway-almost dry. I have long wanted him to dig in and dig the new well in another place. So why would not do it now? "At the same time and burro bury, not to be heard smell decomposition. 
    He invited all his neighbors to help him dig a well. They all take up shovels and began to throw the earth into a well. Osel immediately knew what would follow, and began publishing a terrible scream. And suddenly, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. After a few shots of the earth farmer decided to see what's down there.

    He was amazed by what he saw there. Every piece of land, fell on his back, the donkey shook and trampled underfoot. Very soon, to everyone's amazement, the donkey show at the top - and jumped out of the pit!

    ... In life you will meet all sorts of dirt and every time life will send you all new and a new batch. Whenever a clod of earth fall, shake it, and upstairs is the only way you can get out of the well.

 Each of the emerging issues - is like a stone to go to the creek. If you do not stop and never give up, you can choose from any of the deep well.
  Shake and rise upward. To be happy remember five simple rules:

    1. Unchain my heart from hatred - Forgive.
    2. Unchain my heart from worries - most of them do not come true.
    3. Lead a simple life and appreciate what you have.
    4. Give more.
    5. Expect less.

Different tactics
    - I work from morning till night! 
    - And when do you think? 
    (Dialogue between a young physicist and genius Rutherford) 
    You could see it on television, hear it on radio or newspapers, but this time the annual world championship held in British Columbia. The finalists were a Canadian and a Norwegian.
 Their task was as follows. Each of them that a certain portion of the forest. The winner is the one who could knock down the largest number of trees between 8 am and four o'clock in the afternoon.
    At eight o'clock whistle blew and two woodcutters took their positions. They cut down a tree behind a tree, while the Canadian had not heard that the Norwegian stop. Realizing that this was his chance, Canadian redoubled his efforts.
    At nine o'clock in the Canadian heard that the Norwegian again went to work. Once again, they worked almost simultaneously, when ten to ten Canadians have heard that the Norwegian stopped again. And again, the Canadian went to work, wanting to take advantage of the weakness of the enemy.
    At ten in Norwegian again joined in the work. Until ten minutes to eleven, he briefly not interrupted. With ever-increasing sense of jubilation Canadian continued to work in the same rhythm, already feeling the smell of victory.
    It lasted all day. Every hour of the Norwegian stayed for ten minutes, and the Canadian continued to work. When there was a signal the end of the competition, exactly at four o'clock pm, the Canadian was quite sure that the prize in his pocket.
    You can imagine how he was surprised to learn that he lost. 
    - How did that happen? - He asked Norwegians. - Every hour, I heard you for ten minutes stops. Like, Damn you, you managed to cut more wood than I do? It is impossible.
  - Actually, everything is easy - right said the Norwegian. - Every hour, I stopped for ten minutes. And while you continue to chop wood, I was sharpening my ax.

A parable about a crow and a rabbit 

 Raven sits on a tree branch. Runs past the hare. Looked at the crow, and asked:
    - Crow, and can I have all day to sit and do nothing?
    - Is it possible - is responsible crow.
    The hare sat under a tree.
    After some time, runs past the wolf. I saw a hare sitting quietly under a tree, grabbed it and ate it.
Moral: to be able to sit and do nothing, you sit high.
Two little boys 
 Last summer, the teacher sat on the beach, relaxing after a long trip. She ate a sandwich and watched what was going on a beach. Two little boys, about 6 years, played together. They ran around laughing and now, a little weary of it, seated side by side, close to her and started talking.
 Maybe they just met (the children can easily learn on vacation),. Finally, one said to another:
   - Who do you want to become when you grow up? I want to be a neurosurgeon.
- I do not know. I never thought about it. You know, I'm not very smart.
   The wind blew their conversation. A teacher was wondering about where the second boy learned that faith in their own limited capabilities. Possibly from other teachers! Or from their parents. Him six years, and if it does not change his mind, or someone else will not help him change his point of view, it would have an adverse effect on his life, limiting his belief in own capabilities restricting your its potential.
Beliefs are not truth. They are constructed environment, which organizes our behavior. Each of us acts as if these beliefs were true. And for these reasons that all our beliefs are confirmed and become "true" on the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Taste the air 

Once the Master asked me: 
 - Do you feel the taste of air? 

I sniffed the forest air, and named a few odors. 
- Yes, you have a good sense of smell. But what about taste?
   I'm like a dog stuck his tongue a few times, but remained at a loss. 
- Well, - the Master smiled and jumped up from behind, grabbed me and covered his mouth and nose. 
 I realized that resistance was useless, but in a moment of self-preservation instinct forced me to jerk the limbs and writhing. Then the teacher let me go and I breathed in deeply life.
 - Taste of life - said I, a little breather. 

- Right. This taste you should always feel. This taste is also in the water in food, and many others. Do not eat what is not the main flavor. Not talk with those who are mentally dead. Drink from the cup of life with gusto, but not in a hurry, because you can empty it before time, and can and do spill. They restrict or open new opportunities

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