Methods of getting rid of negative emotions
Of course, help yourself can you alone, all my tips and be wasted if you revel in your pain and enjoy their own misfortune. Such an attitude towards life in general and myself in particular are not uncommon: many women who deprive their ability to suffer and survive for any reason, would regard its existence meaningless. Still - much easier to fill our lives with misery, than look for some purpose, for something aspire, to achieve something! True, we have already talked about masochism and the need for it in many people; ivse I repeat - can not be considered a full life, entirely built on negative emotions. It's just a case of cons, layering each other, never and under no circumstances will a plus! So you do not win if you are going to suffer - just live a life of despondency and despair. But could live free, fun, interesting and easy! ..
And to help you understand yourself, I suggest to your attention a simple but surprisingly effective method of getting rid of negative emotions and states. Any of them are very easy to apply in practice, moreover, they do not require you a lot of time, energy and power; enough if I may say so, just to have a barrel organ and the music will play by itself. That is important to start "treatment", to embark on this path, want to be happy and look at themselves and their problems from the side, and everything else - business equipment. Choose any method, because it does not matter how it is through you will come to his happiness; main thing - that you've achieved your goal, and I believe that you can do it!
The technique first (Kashpirovsky)
Successful, this technique is that if you are a stranger can be easily influenced or know someone who could help you "recover from adversity and that is for you to unquestioned authority. Of course, there is a certain difficulty: you can not, in fact, come to that person and ask him to "teach you to be happy." It is hard to imagine such a situation, is not it? After all, fortunately, did not teach every man seeks happiness itself! But the output is still there: you should look for a specialist in your issue - the healer, for example, or traditional healer. You can refer to a psychic, medium, astrologer. In general, to the man who can give you a couple of good recommendations, first talking with the stars or spirits whispered in the grass or looking into a crystal ball. If you believe in miracles, the afterlife, and the stars, this method is free from the burden of problems and troubles is perfect for you.
True, do not forget about caution: Unfortunately, sometimes such a fascination with psychics and wizards to no good does not. There are a lot of scoundrels and adventurers who are willing to draw from you all your money and leave you with nothing. Do not go to dubious institutions, whatever they may be advertised in the newspapers, the best advertisement for a psychic - gossip. Listen to what people are saying around you; ohoroshem healer or witch doctor you need from someone else will know the glory of this man will certainly reach your ears. And of course, you do not have to come to your chosen psychic again and again - you have to decide how you behave and what to do and a real expert you will never be forced to anything. Watch for this man, listen to your feelings, and only then give to (or conversely, do not give!) Himself in his hands. Please observe all these precautions, of course, if you do not want to be trapped.
Method Two (karnegianskaya)
I called this technique "karnegianskoy" - on behalf of famous Americans who gave the world a few treasures, books, literally turning over the human conception of happiness, of themselves, their role in the community of people of the surrounding people and their ambitions and hopes. Surprising effect occurs when you read the books of Dale Carnegie yahorosho remember myself at thirteen, when I first read them - I was seized by a wild enthusiasm that I flew a week, but did not go. My condition was obviously euphoric, and all because the simple and clear words of the Carnegie filled me with incredible certainty that everything will be okay, that tomorrow will certainly be better than yesterday. I beamed with happiness, because life is suddenly struck me as surprisingly bright and beautiful, all my problems retreated (and do not tell me that in thirteen years a person has and the problems of a no no, this is not so - their troubles and worries have at any age!). In general, thanks to Dale Carnegie, I suddenly realized that being happy is much easier than it sounds, you just have to firmly decide exactly what you want, and not to overload their brains trivia. Golden Rules!
This technique is ideal strongest people are not inclined to fatalism who consider themselves masters of their destiny. Knowing that your fate is in your hands, you'll send it to you in the right direction, you will not rely on luck and wait for mercy from the sky. And rightly so, a sober approach to life: after all it is a question of your happiness, not about someone else, then you, and should take care of him!
Methods of the third (the amplitude of a pendulum)
This technique is great impact on impressionable people, with a thin nervous system, vulnerable and emotional. And it is in direct (and preferably - a visual!) Contrast of your misery and misfortune misfortunes of others. Naturally, the comparison should be bright and in your favor, that is, as a good example to use a much more obvious and acute misery of another person. For instance, if you feel unhappy because of what had to stay home, because a broken leg, and you think, worse than this simply can not be nothing, then I would advise you to look at the House of Orthopedic Clinics (come for a visit or radiograph - do not be lazy, go to two or three chambers!). And you immediately realize that your broken leg - it's just a nuisance, and no more, and take your personal injury misfortune in any case should not be! Because misery - it is something irreversible ... I think you'll see in the wards of Orthopedic Clinics truly unhappy people. Your broken leg srastetsya a month, and these people may have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair or even complete immobility. Think about it-ka!
Methods fourth (a clear sequence of actions)
If you are not haunted by a sense of meaninglessness, emptiness of their lives, then this method of attaining happiness is quite right for you. You think that you hang about in one place, grab it all at once and therefore get nothing in the end? Most likely, you're right - such a spread of action does not give you any results. But this evil is reparable, and improve the situation only you can. I'm just a little bit will help you bring out the right way. So, you first have to decide that this life is for you the greatest value, that is, determine priorities, it is very important. After all, can not you, in the end, break, trying to succeed and there, and there, - it is impossible to prove himself at once in all areas of life ... Is that in turn: first, you'll get one, then another. The main thing - to comply strictly with the steps! Well, this just below. Now we're talking about your priorities. What do you most want? Write a good, strong family, to establish itself in the role of wife and mother? Or maybe you dream to make a career, to supplement their education and become a good specialist? All this is quite possible if you just define for yourself a specific goal and will gradually go to her. Slowly, but steadily.