Methods of recovery of sexual reflexes
The widespread belief about a certain number of erections and ejaculations, the alleged "position" a man is wrong. This conviction makes some men strictly to plan their sexual relationships. Particularly harmful, such planning for young couples in need of frequent sexual acts. The woman affects the frequency of sexual intercourse is very strong. If sex are rare and tend to become even more scarce, then after a while sexual desire of women can be fully awake. In such cases, women are beginning to convince themselves: "Well, this age," it's my time to forget about love. " It is fundamentally wrong, to restore sexual desire can be both women and men. The conclusion suggests itself: the more the better. If the frequency of sexual intercourse is low, then restore the desired effect is possible, using the daily rhythms. Thus, the method of restoring sexual reflexes :
Method number 1
Scientists have found that humans, like all life on this planet depend on the sunrises and the moon. In the body of a so-called high and low tides, in this case we are talking about hormones. It is known that the rising and setting of the moon on the planet begins the ebb, and at sunrise and sunset occur tides, the similar pattern observed in our body. One can understand that the rising and setting of the moon should not attempt sexual advances. At this time in our body low levels of sex hormones. At sunrise and sunset, when the planet begins tide, the body begins the process of production of sex hormones. This is due to millennia of human development, it would be foolish not to use the evolutionary mechanism for increasing sexual power.

Since all the hormonal changes linked to the tidal phenomena of the planet, enough to follow these regimes in the calendar, scheduling sex at the time of sunrise and sunset. It is not always possible, at sunset you are already at home, and at sunrise, we often go to work. But when you're on vacation or you have days off, use the hour of our extremely active libido to restore his sexual function. Erotic fondling himself and directly orgasm will be more sensual and spicy. If thoughtlessly, not watching the circadian rhythm, sexual contact on the rising and setting of the moon, we can purposefully destroy their sex life. In addition to increased fatigue after sexual contact, there is nothing left.
Method number 2
In order to increase their sexual activity and increase libido asleep, * can be recommended to use two pairs of sexual contact during an evening or night. What is the meaning of this technique? Duration of sexual intercourse to a greater extent need a woman. A man can reach the highest pleasures and shortened intercourse, but any man knows that perfection in a pair must be mutual satisfaction. So, the duration of intercourse is associated with the rhythm of sexual life, or rather, its frequency and the frequency of ejaculation. This relationship is called - the law of power relations, which is most evident in the fact that in repeated sexual acts during the day time for each subsequent increases in comparison with the previous one and a half or two times.
When sexual abstinence duration of intercourse is declining dramatically. Often, after her husband's return from a trip his wife suspects him of infidelity just because he comes significant shortening of the sexual act, is just indicative of his sinlessness. Meanwhile, finding that shortened the sexual act came into their lives, some men come to the conclusion that they are overworked and need a rest, you need a break from sexual activity, which absolutely should not do. It is clear that after such a rest period of sexual activity decreased even more, the man panics. As my teacher, Anatoly Ivanov, a dead body dies, so all that nature has given us, should work perfectly with the rhythm, and this evolution itself.
Methods № 3
(Voodoo method)
Love divination often carried out on behalf of men. Surprising, because in Russia girls are hardly in a commodity, and as the main choice of couples came for a walk in the sacred groves in the festivities in honor of the gods of fertility, men have tried to match the situation. Hence - the abundance and diversity of male love techniques. For this technique should be an engagement ring, dried wild rosemary and right time. Time: before bedtime and immediately upon awakening. Actions: urinate through the opening engagement ring, then ring opolosnuv clean water, put on your finger. Ledum smokes penis with the plot:
Fanatical force came to mine,
Silushka-zhilushka eternal poserdechnaya.
Yar, Yar Yar ische,
Yar, Yar Yar ische,
Yar, Yar Yar ische.
Ledum previously ground into powder. For fumigation to take two pinch. Conspiracy to recite, yet smolders grind grass (about 3-5 minutes). This action is repeated about 3 lunar phases starting with the new moon, ie approximately 21 days.