Methods of training men
When training the men a very individual approach is important. To properly analyze the behavior of your vote, you must take into account the state of his health, age, his past (if the choice is young - his upbringing), the predominant reaction behavior, especially the type of nervous system, locomotor activity, natural habits, habits, and in accordance with this method to determine the training .
Amenable to training the men at a young age (30 years). They are very sensitive to stimuli, particularly emotional. Train them to be gradual, strictly observing the tactics well in order to use these imitative method (ie, illustrative examples). The men later age (30 years), new skills are developed is more difficult. They have already formed undesired behavior (habits), bad habits that impede training. In addition, in the case of improper upbringing of such representatives of the stronger sex negative traits in the behavior, which in this age harder to fix, can only take root.
Facilitates the training of the right under the prevailing reaction behavior. If the "path to a man's heart is through his stomach", which means that dominates food reaction, and in providing desirable for you to skills to be applied mostly to taste stimuli. In the presence of your "pet" passive-defensive reaction to cautious and skillful techniques to develop his courage to choose a peaceful or distracting environment for solving this problem (field trips, cottage, resort).
When training the excitable type of nervous system (choleric) must be carefully and gradually develop inhibitory skills (endurance, the ability to differentiate the concept), as overexertion can lead to neurosis. If the service life of the positive reflexes such men are often large capacity (ie, they are clay-chat). Males of movable type (sanguine), easily trained with conventional methods. In men, the inert type (phlegmatic), new habits, ie, changes in nature, are produced slowly.
Sedentary men (because of the circumstances) to train impractical. Partner with a weak type of nervous system should be tame and gently not to give him a big nervous stress. A man with a sharp sign of weakness of the nervous processes are not suitable for training. Therefore, the state of health of the nervous system of your ward need to know.
Errors of a general nature usually lead to the emergence of several unwanted reflections. For example, excessive "stretching the leash" may lead to a reflex of fear of the trainer ... reflex this - to change the direction of motion regardless of the direction on the trail. In other words, a man will lie, dodge, Cleanup. Another common mistake - the wrong interpretation of the motivation of actions by men. Many women are trying to analyze the behavior of their pets with their own point of view, in fact, the psychology of men is quite different.
Success in training the men can be achieved, provided systematic, persistent, pre-planned and creative activities. In general training practiced techniques to obey you man. Development of skills of the common training, based both on the processes of excitation of the nervous system and in the process of inhibition. Complex of all methods of general training sets in the nervous system "pet" the necessary relation between the processes of excitation and inhibition, which ensures reliability and clarity of his behavior toward you. Techniques in general and special training of men have practiced in a sequence that best ensures efficiency in achieving the ultimate goal.
Methods of training men based on a number of principles:
1) The first classes should be conducted so as to achieve rapid establishment of proper relations trainer with a "pet";
2) working out of techniques and exercises should be carried out from simple to complex, from the lung - to the difficult;
3) adherence to a strict sequence in the formulation desired, ie, appearance of basic skills as the basis for a follow-up;
4) testing of new method should be carried out at the beginning of your communication, while a man is obedient enough, or in the morning, when he was not tired;
5) the duration of training should be increased gradually;
6) the trainer must always take into account both external conditions (locality, nationality, weather) and internal (hunger, satiety, mood or health);
7) before proceeding to training, you must firmly decide what you want to achieve and by what means will achieve the set objectives. Before beginning work on whatever skill is necessary to clearly imagine all the elements and stages of its development in accordance with the scheme:
-Appointment of skill;
-Conditioned and unconditioned stimuli used in its formulation;
The technique and technology skills development in stages;
Norm-develop skills (which should carry out your companion);
-Errors in the process of "creation" of skill.
Of course, you can tell that you do not have enough rigor and perseverance. Well, you decide. But first need to weigh everything.
If you are lucky enough to have such qualities as perseverance and determination, and if your love for a spouse can count on success. But dressiruya man, a woman must work simultaneously and over itself, ie be calm and balanced. Patience and observation will allow you to insightfully explore the half. And only when we have understood all the features of his psychology, you can choose individual methods of exposure.
Achieving positive outcomes depend not only on you, but from dressiruemogo entity, such as his behavior and from certain congenital and acquired personal inclinations. At first, it is that men start to training can be used only if it is already accustomed to you (can not get used, but your own). At the initial stage of the relationship must adhere to the following principle: the right time, in the right place with the right person ... Right tamer and her mentee develop together trusting relationship and mutual affection. Without a firm contact on both sides of a successful training is impossible.
At the young age of all these activities are much easier. When you undertake training for unfamiliar males mature, the establishment of proper contact between you depends largely on the first meeting. So, try to pre-assemble the best possible information about this man. In the first approach to him to show determination, calm response to any actions of her partner, does not behave in extraordinary: it is too strict, or, conversely, tenderly. Better if the first meeting occurs when a man alone, ie he has no one on a leash.
At the beginning of dating partner especially attentive to all actions tamer, so in this period fully calculate "all their actions. Also need as much time to be together with the object. If the approach to it was correct, then eventually arise between you trust and affection. But in the process of establishing the right relationship between you and your man have the following basic mistakes in training:
1) mistakes when meeting related to the lack of data about men and especially its way of life;
2), harshness, irritability, simulated determination, masking the fear in the process of taming;
3) indecisive, timid, timid handling of the guinea;
4) excessive softness, tenderness and undemanding to man.