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Military amulets

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Military amulets 1

Military guarding Maria Semyonovna attaches utmost importance.

-You're it, Irina, be sure to rewrite our book - she said - and then the boys quite young, and the bullet-something - she's a fool not to know. Let Mom Cut Charm neatly, and give to his son when it comes time for him to serve, to clothes podoshet, but put into a bag. Our amulets working from the sixteenth century, more than one life they saved.

Maria Semyonovna, but because the army is not only a war happens. There are in fact generally a lot of things - bullying, for example.

-And here you must immediately correct the story itself, and not offend anyone. Suffer from some guys from inexperience so out of weakness. You write them memo, let them take her with him so reread. Memo tells them how to avoid trouble.


Sleep in his home last night you certainly will not succeed. True, take a nap for an hour or two it would be pretty good, because you sure are coming tedious travel, transfers and waiting.
Leaving the service, you should not richly dressed. Choose a something simpler. Because things are yours, despite assurances from officers and warrant officers, going back home would be found.

Should not be taken with a solid electric shaver or a full set of toiletries, writing materials, limit simple machine with a pack of razor blades, a piece of soap, tube of toothpaste with a brush, comb, a pen with a notebook and a pair of envelopes (parents and friends in their letters to you will be to expel the envelope).

Still need to be spoon and a few needles and thread - it is in many parts of a deficit.

Arriving in part, try to find more friends. Seek out fellow countryman of the men older call - this will get you what, after all, the protection and patronage. You should not boast of its achievements and talents. If you know that you are in civilian life was a good sprinter or a guitarist, you will be forced to beat records, or all night recklessly humor rumor "grandfathers".

Write a letter directly to the families and friends. Write more, but do not report anything bad mother - both for them and for you it will not be the best option.

If you really become intolerable, we should not rush into extremes, or to escape and "knock" officers. This will be the most, maybe a big mistake in your life and you will only exacerbate the situation, which is already for you not the best.

The army has never touched a man who has dignity, not stain his honor.

If you choose to send to the store, do not be offended - after it passes all the young soldiers, but not all, deal with it. This is - a sign that you trust.

You should not die when you decided to check - made from the floor and do push-ups, etc. Stojko suffered a stroke (to be honest, in most cases they do not differ in force) or quietly wring as much as you to do. If you are unable to, press as you can.

Control yourself in all things, make sure everything was in place - because of some alienated buttons you'll have trouble.

Noticing that something was wrong from a friend, tell him about it.

Sitting behind the study of statutes, does not suffer and do not worry about what is left in the civilian world - try to thoroughly examine all of these books, and you have already cut the number of problems with tedious questions at briefings and divorces. Yes, and learned the statute - it is your legal protection.

It is not necessary to show that you are as hungry as a wolf, do not have to tearfully beg supplements and say that in your stomach you walk a breeze - it's in the army do not like. You'll have to learn the art of rapid absorption of food.

Try as quickly as possible to learn the names, titles, positions, and the nature of the officers and warrant officers. Knowing the character of an officer, you can easily manipulate his feelings, play on them.

No need to argue with the officers and ensigns, as they are known to be always right.

Prayer Ward St. Sergius of Radonezh

This prayer amulet must be sewn to the amulet that the soldiers (or officer) always wore it with the crucifix.

O sacred head, and God-bearing ppepodobne Sepgie Our Father, thy prayer, and vepoyu and love, which is shed for Bogy, and purity sepdtsa, even on land to the monastery Ppesvyatyya Tpoitsy dyshy your ystpoivy and Angelskago communication and Ppesvyatyya Bogopoditsy visit spodobivyysya and dap chydodeystvenny Grace receptions, for your departure is from the earth rather to Bogy ppiblizhivyysya and heavenly forces ppiobschivyysya, but from our love of my dyhom not otstypivy and chestnyya thy might, Thou sosyd full of grace and ppeizlivayuschiysya us ostavivy! Velie having depznovenie to Vsemilostivomy Vladytse, pray to save his servants, syschey in you his grace and vepyyuschiya to you with love ppibegayuschiya. Ispposi velikodapovitago us from our God every dap, and all koemyzhdo blagopotpeben, vepy nepopochny compliance, deg y our tvepzhdenie, mipa ymipenie, from smooth and pagyby deliverance from the onslaught of strange sohpanenie, skopbyaschim yteshenie, nedygyyuschim healing fallen vozstavlenie, zablyzhdayuschimsya on pyt Truth and rescue vozvpaschenie, that ye strive y kpeplenie, blagodelayuschim affaires ppeyspeyanie good and blessing babies upbringing, youthful instruction nevedyschim vpazymlenie, sipotam and widows zastyplenie, retreating from this vpemennago lives to vechnomy good ygotovanie and napytstvie ypokoenie departed bliss, and all thy Ny spospeshestvyyuschimi vouchsafe prayers a day stpashnago syda shyiya of deliverance, desnyya same stpany obshchnika byti, and blessed shalt voice of the Lord Hpista yslyshati: Ppiidite, blessed of my Father, nasledyyte ygotovannoe you Tsap interaction by adding mipa. Amen.

Prayer Charm for the battle of St. George

This amulet will save a soldier in combat. Was to keep to yourself with the documents.

Jako svoboditel prisoners and beggars zaschititel, nemoschstvuyuschih doctor kings poborniche, pobedonosche velikomucheniche George, pray to Christ our God, save our souls. Cultivated by God, thou piety seemed doer honest, virtues handle collecting himself: seyav more in tears, reap with gladness: stradalchestvovav same blood, Thou hast taken to Christ: and the prayers of the saints, thy whole podaeshi sins forgiven. We magnify thee, O holy strastoterpche velikomucheniche and pobedonosche George, and honor the suffering of yours, which is shed for Christ endured Thou. Holy, glorious and vsehvalny velikomucheniche George! Meeting at the temple before the icon and your thy holy worshiper ye people, we beseech Thee, our desires known to the applicant, pray with us and about us umolyaemago from his blagoutrobiya God, yes milostivno hear us, asking for his goodness, and leave all our salvation and Life of nuzhdnaya petitions, and grant victory to our country soprotivnyya; ipak, pripadayusche, we beseech Thee, O holy pobedonosche: strengthen dannoyu to you by the grace of braneh Orthodox army, destructive forces Vostan enemies, let them be ashamed and confounded, and the audacity to let be destroyed, and so notice, Thou we have divine help, and all in sorrow and hardships existence, waking her mnogomoschnoe Power leveling. Pray for the Lord God, Creator of all creatures, may deliver us from the torment vechnago, glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and confess your predstatelstvo now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer on the Charm ratnyh guns to St. Nikita Novgorod

This amulet soldier must constantly keep in the left shoe (boot).

On the bishop of God, to St. Nikita! Hear us sinners, in this day sacred temple stekshihsya and honest image of your worshipers, and to thy holy ratse cling, and tenderly blatant: as He sat upon the throne of Great svyatitelstva Novegrade things, and a single nalezhaschu dearth, Thou hast brought rain prayer, and these things again in hail of fire flames obderzhimu, prayer, deliver submitted Thou, tacos, and now we beseech Thee, O Christ to St. Nikita: molisya to the Lord, hedgehog may deliver the reigning castles, great Novegrad this and all the castles and country Christian from a coward, flood, smooth, light, castle, sword, and from all enemies visible and invisible, for they so generously for the sake of your prayers spasaemi, praise the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and your milostivnoe predstatelstvo, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
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