Vibroplatformy - a new generation of simulators, and although in appearance they resemble the usual treadmills, the principle of them is quite different. Is an area that is not moving backwards, and vibrates, positively affecting the muscles, tendons, blood vessels, bones, and exercising great general and local vibratory stimulation of tissues throughout the body. Involved in the training of 40 and 100% of muscle fibers: depending on the posture adopted by the platform, working in intensified regime - shoulders, legs, stomach and waist, if you sit with your legs crossed, the whole body, if you stand straight, feet, waist , stomach, if you stand hunched over, the upper half of the torso, shoulders and arms, if you stand on your knees.

One vibrotrenazher allows you to create more than 150 variants of loads on different muscle groups, because it is believed that one lesson on it lasting 15-40 minutes is equal to the efficiency of 1-2 hours at the gym. Before class on vibroplatforme definitely need a good warm up. A new species of the fitness burden will quickly increase the force to increase the reaction rate and muscle endurance at lower loads on the heart and joints, accelerate metabolism, increase blood circulation throughout the body, thereby strengthening the whole body, making the body lean, and skin supple. Before you start training, consult a doctor because of this miracle training technologies have contraindications to use.
Kinesis - another trainer of the new generation, he created based on the principles of the same name of science, has been studying the movements of the body. On any site devoted kinesotherapy, you read that one trainer Kinesis can replace a gym. And it's true: a large sports bar, behind which are hidden complex mechanisms, allows for about 250 different exercises, the technique of each of which is demonstrated in the movie mode. Feature of the Kinesis is that when performing exercises can move and tilt in any direction, that is, both involve almost all groups of muscles. Particularly shown on the simulator Kinesis sessions when recovering from severe injuries, treatment of the spine and joints, but it is suitable for shaping classes, pilates, strength training and stretching.

Gliding - fitness fun, made available thanks to the emergence of a new machine. This functional-strength training using special discs that look like saucers. The idea of a simulator - a combination of different muscles of the body with the need to maintain balance while moving. All exercises are performed slipping: it helps to more efficiently load the muscles, because they will work with the increased workload. You can just go down the hall, as ice skating, and you can perform a set of special exercises - the effect will in any case.