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Doctors take an oath of Hippocrates. And yet this does not prevent them from time to time to act is not in our interests. A year ago I attended a course of driving. By the end of my training, I suddenly noticed that I was uncomfortable to walk. Stop your left foot as if swollen, and in the heel as if rolled metal ball. At first I was not paying attention to it, but when the bad leg is no longer to get into his boots, has sounded the alarm and went to a surgeon in a respectable private clinics. Barely looked my foot, he confidently declared:

-No doubt! This cyst Achilles tendon! Arose from the overload. There's nothing you can do.

-What do you mean? "- I asked .- You all are going to treat me? How about physical treatments, elastic bandages, to ...

-What other operation? Unable to remove the tendon. But do not worry, men on a do not pay attention.

Yes, where do men! - I blew up .- You understand that it prevents me! I can not walk! I am not one of my shoes do not nalezayut!

Kist can not decrease or disappear - shrugged doctor - it can only grow. Well ... try to come up to you effective prevention.

And he ponavypisyval me some crazy expensive orthopedic golf (which, as it turned out later, were intended for patients with varicose veins and that can be ordered through the company, which cooperated with the same surgeon) and a bunch of really not cheap Labuda. Fortunately, while I was not too much money, and I decided that wait a while slightly with treatment. And what would you think? A month later I found out that all unpleasant sensations have passed and I went absolutely fine. Can not be, I thought, because the doctor said that it is not treated at all, how can the cyst could go by itself? I have not regretted the money and went to another doctor:

-You must have put the wrong diagnosis. It was bursitis. These things usually go away.

After that I was particularly pleased to pay a third visit, this time to the first doctor: "Doc, you bet I diagnosed a cyst and said it was incurable" .- "Yes, I remember you" .- "Very well, then Look again at my foot and have a good think about where to go could inoperable cyst? Now imagine zasun'te his diploma and his orthopedic socks ... "However, to be rude, I did not too pleased that my health is excellent. The conclusions from this story are simple.

1.Chem serious diagnosis, the greater should be the argument. The results of the tests, ultrasound, x-rays, etc. If a doctor puts you diagnosed simply by looking at you, is to doubt the veracity of his words, it is probably erroneous diagnosis.

2.Odna head is good, two is better. Try to collect as many professional opinions before agreeing to expensive treatment.

3.Ne panic ahead of time.

And remember that the doctors - just people and they also have the right to make mistakes. In your best interest not to save money or time on their health, but approach it with common sense, but not absurd alarmism.
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