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Model of genius

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Model of genius

Whom we consider generally recognized as geniuses? People who in their professional activities have reached insane, unattainable by other heights. Nobody writes in "The Lives of Outstanding People" about a brilliant mother, who raised a happy baker, no one is studying "creative" genius mistress plumbing Doe. We serve the geniuses of intellectual labor ... Robert Dilts in the analysis of strategies such geniuses as Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, Aristotle, Einstein, Freud, Disney, and Sherlock Holmes reveals common properties of productive intellectual activity of those people. Thus, we consider another NLPerskuyu model. Thus, the model is genius:

1.Good developed the ability to visualize.

Vision was the main "navigation" tool of genius. "The thinking is thinking in the form of images," - Aristotle said.

2.Establishing and the use of multiple links between the senses (synesthesia).

Genius tend to use all the senses and form a synesthetic relationship between sensations. This ability brings us back to the roots of holistic perception, peculiar to children, to the origins of concept formation.

3.Using multiplicity of perspectives.
Einstein's relativity theory - in essence a description of the interaction of different perspectives. Searching for details that do not fit into the usual picture of the world and finding a new perspective - the overall strategy of geniuses.

4.Vysokorazvitaya ability to constantly switch from one perceptual position to another.

Geniuses have the ability to identify with the different positions of perception: the first (myself, my point of view, my feelings), second (another object of research, his views and feelings) and third (the position of a detached observer of the interaction of our "I" and object) .

5.Sposobnost easily move from one level of thinking to another, and to use "information chunks" of varying sizes.

Geniuses know how to work with small things. "Trifles create perfection, and perfection - no small thing" - was fond of saying Michelangelo. In this case, the geniuses at the same time not drowning in details, could see the whole picture, without losing sight of its smallest components, has a unique ability to find a balance between large and small.

6.Podderzhanie feedback between abstract and concrete.

Geniuses resistant form and dynamic feedback loop between abstract images and real terms, allowing to constantly adjust and improve something, and more. According to Einstein, the only justification for the theory is "a measure of reviews of the experience gained from our senses, which we can achieve with it."

7.Balans cognitive functions: Dreamer, Realist, Critic.

Geniuses not only have well-developed ability to dream, but the abilities and skills to translate their dreams into concrete forms and critical of their ideas and their implementation. Tesla claimed that the ability to be "careful" dreamer facilitate implementation of ideas and inventions.

8.Postanovka fundamental issues.

Geniuses tend to attach greater importance questions than answers. A key feature of all geniuses is their indomitable curiosity and enthusiasm. Genius is more than ask a direct question, what looks "right" answers. Failure - a springboard for a successful solution.

9.Upotreblenie metaphors and analogies.

Geniuses are always resort to metaphors and lateral, or nonlinear, thinking strategies. Metaphor or analogy is at the heart of every brilliant action. Einstein made extensive use of metaphorical structures: the flat world of two-dimensional creatures, beetle, crawling on the ball, etc.

10.Prednaznachenie addition to the self (the mission).

All geniuses have in common is that they perceive their work serving something greater than themselves. In the introduction to his anatomy by Leonardo boldly said: "I want to do miracles, even if I have less rest in life than other people, and I will have for a long time to live in extreme poverty." The reasons for his studies of physics, Einstein wrote: "I want to know God's thoughts, everything else - the details."
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