Modern prejudices and superstitions
Do you believe in people's signs? At least once in your life come true kind of omen? I think that even the most inveterate skeptics will not deny that at least a few times in my life signs coming true. You can write it off to coincidence, but you must admit, when important things fall through and the deal is on Mondays, involuntarily start to think about that, probably not for nothing that our ancestors did not advise venturing important cases on Monday. Certainly, there are quite banal signs, which are generally meaningless, but still, let's try to figure out on what signs you should pay attention.
Do not kill the spider - the money will not be!
That's really someone who, as a spider that just has to call the most, that neither eat unpleasant emotions, even if only because of its appearance, but somehow it does not. Since ancient times, the spider was carrying a positive energy, and it was thought that by killing the spider, bring upon themselves a failure. If we turn to religion, it is a spider save Jesus Christ, when his family fled.
The spider spun a web at the entrance to the cave, so the pursuers were not in it to go, because web was intact, and they decided that no one in the cave. In general, the spider in the house - a very good sign, it symbolizes good luck and happiness. If a spider falls on man on top, it is believed that soon the man gets the money. In England, the little red spider called "dengopryadom" and carry it in my pocket, so there's always had money.
Unlucky number
Everybody knows the most ominous number, which many people considered to be the devil. This baker's dozen. In English and French villages still have to work hard to find a house or apartment number 13. This figure is trying once again to not use it. In Europe, so do not like and are afraid of this number that, even inviting a guest house are clearly watching their number, it is believed that if the table will bring together 13 guests one of them will go to the "other world" in the near future. Or someone from the host family will suffer serious illness. You wonder why in many countries, lunch is from 13 to 14? Why do people choose this period? It was during this time reduced productivity, people make more mistakes, become irritable, the observations do not have anything good to work at this time.
General notoriety baker's dozen is associated with the Last Supper, everyone remembers that the number of Trapeznikov with Jesus was 13. For Jesus, this meal was the last. Also on the negative attitude among the 13 affected by the myth of the feast in Valhalla. At 12 he had invited the gods. Next, the holiday came thirteenth Locke - the god of chaos and discord. After his arrival, all guests quarreled and killed Balder his favorite. In the East also has a number that is trying to avoid, because it is the number of writing and sounding similar to the symbol of death.
Koreans and Chinese are trying to protect themselves and their loved ones from the number 4. In homes where there is a fourth floor, instead of this figure is the letter "F". To the east are convinced that the man born on 4 numbers will not be happy. By the way, if we turn to numerology, 13 in total of this most unfortunate number 4. But any other odd numbers all over the world are happy, especially the numbers 7 and 3. People who have a birth date of several sevens is usually the whole person, they know what they want from life and through his intellect and imagination of many seeking. If the number of births is a multiple of three, and even better if the birth date is a triple - it indicates a person with great creative potential in life is not just the circumstances will be formed so that it can extract from them a huge advantage.
Once upon a black cat around the corner ...
In contrast, the number 13, which in most countries do not favor, these animals are all pretty unique. In Egypt, worshiped, and a cat in this country was considered a sacred animal in the East simply exterminate cats, particularly in Korea, because the cat represents, in their opinion, the devil. But the Europeans believe the tri-color cat symbol of happiness and good luck. It is true that black cats are afraid of many countries do not favor black cats because they fear the negative energy that this cat is alleged. In part, this is so because the very black color associated with sadness, anxiety, death. And from time immemorial, witches and wizards everywhere appeared in the society as black as pitch pussy. But the British vice versa bind a meeting with a black cat with big success.
There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
How not to miss out on your luck?
So lucky you are not turned away to observe one simple rule - leaving home, do not look back, and going beyond the threshold, do not come back, even if something is forgotten. This sign is valid in many nations. Not worth a long look after departing, painful and tearful farewell does not bode well. Also, many countries believe that you should not bride, the groom takes you from home to look back, otherwise very soon she will part with her beloved, and again returns to the house.
There are signs that warn, but there are those who, conversely, indicate the well-being and good fortune. For example, if the keys fall to the floor - will be in the house of prosperity. But the keys on the table on the contrary it is better not to keep. It is not necessary to greet and talk over the threshold - it is a quarrel. To fulfill the desire - his need to think of a time when the sky will be falling star. Admire the starry sky can be, but you should not assume that the star, the star of many nations are the souls of the dead ... so that day went well, get out of bed on the right foot, then the trouble will bypass you on this day party.
Believe all of these signs or not - a personal decision, but do not forget that folk omens and superstitions have arisen out of nowhere - they were collected and tested by our ancestors over the years ... of course, is not worth of cycles on people's superstitions and all over to see some kind of intent but ... will take this folk wisdom, part of the culture of any people, so even if you do not believe in them at least know about them never hurts!