Finance can not be separated from the person and be seen as an independent system that lives by its laws. But the finance team come up to the contrary, considering the man as a system resource. This is the first fundamental error. The system should exist for man, not man for the system! All for a man, all-around person. He is the center of life, its creator and owner. But in contemporary culture a person is made dependent on money and financial relations. According to the dominant worldview, man is secondary and is operated by the system. Today, this approach to finance and man is unacceptable. If we change the dominant paradigm, it will emerge from the crisis quickly and in future avoid the recurrence of such disasters. Otherwise, we will continue to walk around, stepping on the same rake ...
Violations of the property. What comes first - people or money ?
Why does money have been over the people and began to manage their lives? Of course, that's not the money, and in man. Without him the money - just useless paper. But people have put on first place in his life tangible issues, and is the result. Disrupted life values, in which the financial well-being ranks first, and a job that allows you to get it, became the most important and indispensable part of life. And this misconception is so deeply entered into the consciousness that most people can not imagine my life without a job! This is yet another greatest mistake of mankind.
To avoid financial crises in the future, we must eliminate the causes underlying the fundamental principle under consideration process. We have just pointed out the root cause - it is rooted in the broken system of values, resulting in a money rule over men, forcing them to work "in the sweat of their brow." When such people hear that a person should not work, and do, and if something and do something just for its development and helping others, they will take these words as the ravings of a madman. They did not convince the words of the Bible where God says to man, they say look at the birds, they do not sow and do not plow, and have food every day and beautiful clothes ... But all this is so! If even the birds are all that is necessary for life, the king of nature, man, even more so. On the ground, all designed for a long, creative, happy and joyful life!
To get rid of the financial crises that accompany a man for almost the entire history of the banking system, to identify other underlying issues. Consider the actual process of man's relationship with money. One of the causes of crises began long before the banks ... This is usury, when money is given to the growth, or, in modern terms, at interest.
Global crisis began in 2008 in the U.S., a country whose population lives in polls loan. In the mortgage system as a recipient of long-term loans involved the largest number of people forced to pay an annual interest a lot of money. Here and the first bell sounded, signaling the approach of the global crisis. At the very beginning of the crisis became clear that the banks own interest rates drove the people and the entire state in complex credit relationships, the output of which was made possible only through the global crisis. And now, many minds are preoccupied with operational matters crisis. But we must remember that the actual crisis - is so bad. The question is, what will the world at the exit from the crisis. If we are aware of its underlying causes, and extract proper lessons, then get rid of the large-scale financial crises. Otherwise, the next, more severe crisis erupt very soon - time is now moving faster and faster, while increasing the responsibility of humanity for their actions.
Should refuse to sell for money
Consider the very essence of the second reason - interest. Pursuit of interest and led to the global credit system in the form of banks and other lending institutions, so-called sellers money. Today, the credit system is bursting at the seams. Means that something is wrong in its very essence. In search of rescue experts argue about the amount of credit interest rates, looking for other ways, but few said that it's time to opt out of interest. Yes, so should pose the question. To remove from the life of the financial crises, we must abandon the sale money.
Say - is absurd? It undermines the entire banking activity? That the author broke away from reality? No! Life without real interest, since it is the very essence of nature and of man's evolution and its interaction with the world. Knowing the Old Testament can refer to the holy book and the quote that lend money - it good and godly. Like, it's so straight and say. Do not hurry. According to the Old Testament, if you want to control people and nations, and then to lend money, and his brother did not come on. Why do Christians who call themselves brothers and sisters in Christ, give each other loans, and even at high interest rates? The Christian world enmeshed in ties of mutual credit obligations and, therefore, floundering in a general crisis, as all connected by one rope - per cent.
In the world there are examples of a wiser and more humane disposal of the money when the banks do not sell them, and act as investment companies. One of the reasons for the rapid economic expansion in postwar Japan was that banks were investors and the government limited the fees 0,1-0,2 percent. That is only charged for the provision of technical banking services. And only in some, the most difficult cases, the value per cent could be increased to 0.5! No interest charges worked and Arab banks. And only now are beginning to penetrate rust interest, lust for easy dressing.
Attitude to money in the new era
Let us, dear reader, think about what should be money in the new era. Let us recall the axiom: "As we think, the way we live." And if we think collectively, and our thoughts will be in line with the main stream of evolution, the world will act exactly these principles. I propose to think about the money in accordance with the evolutionary paradigm.
First. The money goes to development rights.
The money helps a person to develop their health, to grow mentally and spiritually, to provide a decent material life.
Second. The money goes to the creation of good.
Money is a tool for good works, contributing to the development of man and society. All attempts to use them for evil creatures in any kind of unnatural essence of money.
Third. Money is equivalent to the impact of love.
Very important principle. Please note: not the equivalent of labor, and the equivalent impact of love! It's time to rebuild the lives of individuals and society in accordance with this principle. Everything that is done with love, attract money. And with more love than a man shares with the world, the more money comes to him.
Fourth. Money is replenished to a harmonious person who takes a proactive stance. Harmony of man most wisely by any amount of money. He will not use this powerful tool to harm people, societies and the Earth.
Fifth. Open, transparent and honest space money.
Today the biggest challenge - a lie. Lie policy makers at all levels, economists. Often tell each other lies in the family. And a lot of lies about money. The principle of openness of transparency and honesty is able to clear space for money and the money itself from the lies. Due to the fact that money is the universal tool and honesty will help remove the false and out of our lives.