Money conspiracy to beer
Zagovarivat necessarily be a woman. In the old days such a conspiracy started talking home-made beer in barrels. In these days you can pick and purchase beer. Beer of the three bottles pour into a wooden or metal utensils - a basin or tub. Throw in three spoons, three forks and three knives. Fit the new apron and cover it with the edge of a container of beer. Now read the plot:

I walked in the wide world, came all the mountains, valleys, and saw a wonderful miracle, marvelous wonder: there are three towers in the field, during these three towers have three cellars in the third of these three cellars are three barrels full, and three others are incomplete. Saint Anthony's father walks Siya to cellars full of barrels raspolnivaet, incomplete barrel dopolnivaet. And who saw the miracle, who Anthony pray for that barrel is full. I saw a miracle, I am Anthony I pray: the most admirable and a great chudotvorche ugodniche God, saints, Father Antonio! Moli milostivago God otvratiti from us just with his anger, driven by righteousness upon us, and not sohraniti tochiyu our abode, but all of castles and villages, and the whole country and Christian people living in them from hail and iron, from a coward and a flood from fire and sword, from the invasion of strange and mezhdousobnyya battle from smertonosnyya ulcers and every desolation and all evil, darovati are we all to life blagopotrebnaya temporal and the eternal salvation useful. Pomozov us svyatche God izbezhati harmful networks devil prepobediti temptations of the world and our umertviti udi, suschiya on earth, our eyes turn away from vain and charming things of the earth, sending the same minds and thoughts to our vision of divine beauty, prenebesnyh and incorruptible, the heart of our affliction sinful passions, heal, but not prilpnut sweets privremennym and bezmestnym. Amen. Amen. Amen.
After you remove the plot from beer spoons, forks and knives, and dry them. Washing can not! These devices over the next dinner to enjoy the three most senior member of the family. Beer is necessary to drink the whole family. Give children a teaspoon.