Money conspiracy to corn
Take two cups of unrefined wheat (in town so you can buy wheat on the market or in pet shops: it is sold as food for birds). In each glass to insert the ogarochku church candles, brought to the mass. Crisscross both cups. Light the candle and, while they burn, be baptized and read the prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me!". When the candle otgoryat, otsypte in his right hand a little from each cup, hold the corn in a fist, hold a fist to the very lips, and read the plot:
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. I will, God's servant, in the open field, in the broad expanse on seventy-seven paths to seventy-eight dolinok. Going paths, meet me prelate Mitrofan. "Where are you going, father of a saint?" .- "I went to the house of a rich, where men plowed, gold corn harvested. At seventy-seven vozochkah gold exported from the field, in gold pour bins, shovels rowing gold. I was going to consecrate a corn. Who corn is consecrated to the full year profit will be. " Hierarch Father Mitrofanov, imperishable relics of your honest and many blagodeyanmi, wonderfully done and sodevaemymi thee with faith to you affluent, uverivshesya, Thou Imashev show great grace of the Lord our God, all ye vsesmirenno pripadaet and pray thee: Pray for us Christ our God, yes nisposlet everyone thought upon thy holy memory and hard for you resorted richest mercy Own: stablish in His Holy Orthodox Church, the living spirit of true faith and piety, the spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy of the Holy Spirit, yea, all ye that the members thereof, are clean from worldly temptations and lusts of the flesh zlago of evil spirits, spirit and truth worship Him and diligently care about keeping the commandments of His salvation of their souls. Prelate Mitrofan! Holier than thou all the corn, and sanctify my corn, which lies in the purse. Let it come, even though it is not translated! Amen.

Now pour the corn out of his fist in a linen bag. If some grain stuck to his hand, no need to shake, let it remain on the palm. Now again otsypte in the palm of each cup, then hold a fist and read the plot. This is repeated until such time until the end of the corn. Remaining stuck to the palm of grain to eat. Corn in the linen bag in the spring taken to the plowed field and pour into the ground. Until that time, it should be kept at home, in the headboard or under the icons.