Moon 1 house solar horoscope
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Moon B1 house solar horoscope
To implement the events of the year significantly increases the role of personal activity of man. He becomes extremely sensitive to anything that concerns him personally. Increases intuition, impressionability and reflexivity, the desire for change. But often it is these qualities enable a person to achieve popularity, surpassed many of its influence on the masses. Social circle is expanding, there is a desire to work in contact with many people. Negative aspects of the Moon usually give strong irritation. In this case, a person interferes with anxiety, nervousness, bad feeling. May indicate a serious health disorder. The important things are at home, family, inheritance, property and everything associated with a person with home, familiar surroundings. Thirst for change of residence. For women often indicates the year of conception or birth. For men may indicate a hit "on the heel, the great influence of women for a happy meeting with the next chosen one.
Moon in the 2 home solar horoscope
The financial side is unstable. Income is not regular and not significant. With extremely positive aspectation Moon and confirmation by other methods forecast the provision could mean a radical change in a favorable revenue budget. In the case of enrichment of the important role belongs to the family of man, his relatives, parents and the general public. That is probably due to the enrichment of public life, social status, as well as through joint activities with business partners. Family concerns are related to material well-being. Negative aspectation Moon facing serious losses, damages, if appropriate aspectation theft. Reinforces the tendency to waste, extravagance, excessive requirements for wages. Fluctuations in the financial sector in this case are negative. A person inclined to commit rash acts, make unwanted communications. May cause dissatisfaction of the public, subject to the negative influence from their partners and spouses. Very difficult to solve financial problems in the family. They are usually serious misgiving character. In addition, the person experiences periods of laziness, apathy, depression, decreased activity.
The Moon in 3 home solar horoscope
Changes in the terms of communication, a change in the destiny of the people closely associated with man. All this is under the influence of one sphere of life, which is described by the house diesel fuel, controlled by the Moon. A man gets into a new environment. Way of human thinking for this year, too, will change dramatically, he begins to understand things in a new light. Multiple small displacement travel. Anxiety on the road, nervousness, vulnerability random circumstances. People in general largely live by the will of the circumstances, innocent people, every day the situation. A man greatly increases women's influence and the woman gets into an all-female team. Serious reference to the problems of the past, the events, thinking about his life. Correspondence, negotiations, mediation, paperwork, all this man cares more than usual. Favorable intellectual contacts with the public. Trouble because of the signing of papers. Negatively aspected Moon inclines to pain, isolation from others, gossip, controversy, controversy.
Moon in 4 home solar horoscope
Usually indicates a change of residence, temporary or discrete accommodation in another house. Thrust to moving. Internal anxiety motivates people to seek solace in the update of the situation, to break with the familiar atmosphere. Generally, this position is associated with certain emotions because of the property, consumer issues, family matters, relationships with parents and other relatives. Dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the family. Man is occupied by problems of acquiring property, conflicts over ownership and inheritance. The mystery of origin, details of the pedigree, the discussion of family traditions, these things also do not pass by a man this year. For the woman's position could mean a change in the position of the father, as well as the importance of his interference in her personal affairs. In general, the family may be big changes and also for men. Negative aspects of the Moon lead to depression, family discord, parental illness. Severe defeat of the Moon, confirmed by other indicators, may point to death in the family.
Moon in 5 home solar horoscope
Increases the need for sensual relationships, sensuality, but also people looking for reliability, security, custody of the loved one. Negative aspects of the Moon may indicate changed after one relationship and establishing a new, more promising connections. Positively aspected Moon points to the success of the opposite sex, popularity, by entering into high society, secular entertainment, especially entertainment trips. If the Moon is associated with dispositional 3-m or 9 m houses of diesel fuel, are coming pleasant trip. It is also well positioned for speculation, gambling, to win the lottery. For women, the position favored by fertile. Upon confirmation of other indicators may signify the year of birth. Changes in the situation of children, anxiety associated with their deeds. Negatively aspected by the Moon, depending on their ties to other factors in the horoscope may indicate an unhealthy carnal desires, rowdiness, perverse connection, quarrels with children and their troubles, confusion about their status in society and their feelings.
Moon in 6 home solar horoscope
Most often associated with a change in official position, change of place of work or the nature of work. The reason for these changes can be explained when considering dispositor Moon in the solarium. Which areas of life affect these changes, will the house that the Moon governs the solarium. If aspectation Moon minor, a person feels swings performance. Working with the public, the masses, or social activities. Work in the mind. Even with the positive aspectation lunar year is not favorable for trade, spa business, medical practice, working in the service sector catering. This position also pays attention to human health, in connection with which he feels the fears, doubts, sickness, the actual deterioration. Even with the positive aspectation this situation is not conducive to recovery. Aggravated gastric diseases. This is particularly harmful to women. For men can mean illness of a close woman.
Moon in 7 home solar horoscope
Major changes in life due to the influence of a spouse or partner of various other kinds, including those in the business. Because of this, will change the social significance of man, his popularity. This is especially true for women. Year rise in popularity and significance, if Radix provides such an opportunity. Contact with the audience noticeably increasing. Public life in this year is far more important than personal issues. When negative aspectation could indicate the crisis in relations, separations, divorces. Those or other changes in family life. Upon confirmation of other indicators in women may indicate a conception and pregnancy. For men, often points to a happy future meeting with the chosen one, to marry, as well as the conclusion of important agreements, contracts, agreements. A female patron or ally can provide important support for the man.
Moon in 8 home solar horoscope
Auspicious year in the financial sense, but generally not for the man himself, and for his spouse or business partners. Also indicates a change in the situation with the payment of taxes, duties, with debt to give the inheritance of women and profits in connection with the activities of other people, especially women. Changes in the sexual sphere. A man tries to fill his sex sensuality, emotions, needs a partner a sense of security and reliability. Unfavorable aspectation Moon entails disease wife or mother for men. In general, death walks beside the man. The woman upon confirmation by the 5 th house might stillbirth. Overall tenderness, dangerous situations, anxiety, suspicion, depression, hypochondria. Developments with regard to the mystical processes and occult practices.
Moon in the 9 house solar horoscope
Changes in response to something foreign. More details on this position will tell dispositor Moon in a house solarium. Pull everything foreign, to change places. Good understanding of foreign cultures, religions and philosophies, the penetration into the intricacies of these topics. Position favorable for travel and can give a new medium of communication. Speeches overseas tour, communicating with foreign audiences. Family Travel. In the men's horoscope may indicate familiarity with the foreigner, which subsequently will be for him a great value. Dreaminess, building plans, changes in life perspectives. People like to try on themselves their own future. Increases inspiration, intuitive side of thinking, the ability to academic learning, the perception of complex material. Negative aspects of the Moon in this position are not very harmful, but a better person to move their trip and not to engage in communications with foreigners and foreign business, not to invest abroad and do not purchase real estate there.
Moon in 10 house solar horoscope
Most often indicates a change in career, occupation, about finding a more self-sustaining, independent status, the high activity and a desire for change. Change the authorities that are relevant for human people. Often, finding a patron in the person of a woman in a man's horoscope. When the positive aspects of favors contact with the public, brings popular and reliable patron. Good position for politicians, artists, everyone whose work is related to the public, the broad masses. Man begins to feel more confident in his behavior manifested power notes, on the face of the haughty and independent expression. The woman in confirming other indicators may point to a long-awaited entry into marriage or marriage, whereby it will acquire a higher position and secured. Changes in family relations and affairs, in matters of property and assets. When negative aspectation career crisis, stagnation in the affairs and quarrels with his superiors, the collapse of plans for professional affairs, the deteriorating health of the mother or wife for a man. For women, marriage may be postponed or be unhappy.
Moon in 11 house solar horoscope
Changes in the friendly environment, relationships with friends and the status of their cases, if it affects humans. New friends and associates. Often the most circle are women. Plans man may also undergo significant changes. Which areas are related to these plans show the house, run by the moon in the solarium, and cause changes in the house, which is located dispositor moon in the solar horoscope. People tend to pay more attention to public life and to communicate with friends, gaining popularity and sympathy, to participate in interesting cases than family life. This year, people are very easy to perceive social, political innovation, tends to change its ideological platform. For men this situation promises successful with women, happy event. If you can give a negative aspectation rowdiness, betrayal, disappointment in his friends, politics, public affairs, a particular worldview flow. The collapse of the plans and hopes. Quarrel with her girlfriends, avoiding women, or vice versa, a tendency to betray them to his wife. A woman in trouble with friends.
Moon in 12 house solar horoscope
Year full of experiences, unpleasant and confusing anxieties, disappointments. May indicate a concern and disappointment because of women, especially for men. The reason may be adultery. For women, she feels a tendency to treason, threatens in consequence of their detection and rupture of relations. Perhaps one or another clash with the criminal elements. Will be the rights of victims or perpetrators, or an assistant justice, be clarified by considering aspects of the Moon. Usually, if the Moon makes aspects of the 8 th, 1 st and 4 th house, the person becomes a victim of the assassination, if the 7 th or 10 th becomes the object of prosecution, if the 9 th will be an accomplice to the rule of law. Should also consider the possibility of detention, incarceration. Especially at this point to the negative aspects with Saturn. But of course, this should be confirmed in the Radix. This year, people are vulnerable to enemies. It is surrounded by hostility. This provision indicates the general health disorder, intrigue around the man, the conflicts in the family. Year is not good for travel, trade, advertising campaign. When positive aspectation Moon is favorable for the year of hard work, undercover investigations, spiritual practices.